
词组 from...to...to

■ from... to... to...

一头一尾,如果只列举两件事物,当然就是 from X to Y。但是往往列举的不只两件,此时可以用一个 from 但多个 to。

  • Ask 13-year-olds what they want for their birthday, and the answers range from puppy to a laptop to getting their belly button pierced to "my girlfriend's virginity." (Times, Aug. 8, 2005, p.42)如果问十三岁的少年,过生日想要什么,那么他们的回答,可以从要一只小狗,到要一部手提电脑,到肚脐眼穿洞洞,到要“我女朋友的童贞”。
  • From those leaves in the park to textbooks to highway bridge maintenance to food safety inspections, money is dwindling because so much has been diverted to the already rich through giveaways, tax breaks and a host of subsidies that range from the explicit to the deeply hidden. (David Cay Johnston, Free Lunch)从公园里的落叶,到教科书,到公路桥梁维修,到食品安全检查,经费都越来越缩小,原因是太多的钱被挪用,通过赠送、减税和种种从明目张胆到深藏不露的津贴,转移到了那些本来已经富有的人们那里去。

但是也可以不用 from A to B to C to D... to N 的结构而用 from A, B, C, D, ... , and N-1 to N。

  • Hess's workbook is a must for the incoming administration. He touches on everything from decorating the Oval Office, dodging cabinet nomination fights, and penning a memorable inaugural address to firing bumbling aides. (US News & World Report, May 19, 2008, p.10)赫斯的办事指南,对于即将上任的一届政府来说,是一本必读书。他涉及的事项包罗万象,从如何布置椭圆形办公室,如何避免内阁人事任命的争夺,如何起草一份留诸史册的就职演说起,到如何把蹩脚的助手解职止。

