
词组 liable

■ liable


1) 如果主语是人,后面是 for something,是“对某负面的事(如债务或犯罪)负有责任”或“对某件事负有义务”。

  • He was held liable for his wife's debts.他被认为应该对他妻子的债务负责任。
  • You'll be liable for damages.你将要负赔偿之责。
  • Offenders are liable to a fine.违反者将罚款。
  • You're not liable for military service.你没有服兵役的义务。

如果主语是事物,后面是 for /to something,则是“属于应该(或可以)…的范围”的意思。

  • Any income is liable for tax.任何收入都应该缴税。
  • This document is liable to alteration without notice.本文件可以更改,不须事先通知。

2) 与 likely 相近,表示“很可能如何”。但是 likely 可以指很可能发生的正面和负面的事。liable 则偏向于负面。

  • A boy is liable to get run over if he darts out from between parked cars.男孩子如果从停着的车子之间冲出去,就很可能被汽车压了。
  • If you don't remind him, he's liable to forget.你不提醒他,他多半会忘掉。
  • He's liable to be prosecuted.他很可能被起诉。
  • Cars are liable to skid on wet roads.汽车在湿路面上容易打滑。
  • It's liable that some of you will say I'm a fool.你们有些人大概会说我是个傻瓜。

3) 主语是人,表语 liable 后面有 to + 某种疾病,表示某人容易犯这种病。

  • He is liable to headaches.他爱犯头痛。


  • He is liable to fits of temper.他爱发脾气。
  • Everybody is liable to error.人人都会犯错误。


  • The earlier model is liable to overheat.以前的那个型号容易过热。

