
词组 dress

■ dress

1) 作为不及物动词,既可以指总的穿着状况(延续体,表示状态,第一类动词),也可以指穿衣动作(瞬时体,表示动作,第四类动词;或是延续体但有终点,第三类动词)。前者

  • She always dresses in green.她总是穿绿衣服(第一类)。
  • He dressed in flashy bad taste.他的穿着浮华俗气(第一类)。
  • She dressed and looked as if she graduated from high school the week before.她的穿着和样子,活像刚刚上星期才中学毕业似的(第一类)。


  • Get up and dress quickly!快点起来穿上衣服!(第四类)
  • When he had shaved and dressed, he went downstairs.他刮了脸,穿上了衣服,就下楼(第四类)。
  • While she showered and dressed, he waited in the living room.她淋浴和穿衣时,他在客厅等着(第三类)。

2) 如果强调“穿好”、“穿整齐”的完成意义,就由普通的不及物动词 to dress 改为及物被动的 to get dressed(反义是 to get undressed)。

  • Get dressed and come downstairs at once!赶紧穿好衣服下楼来!

如果具体说明穿的是什么衣服,“穿”的动作就更多用 to put on + 名词或 to put + 代词 + on(反义是 to take off + 名词或 to take + 代词 + off)。

  • I put on a sweater, but it was so warm that I had to take it off again.我穿上了绒衣,但是太热,我只好又把它脱下来。

表示“穿着”的延续状态,可以用 to be dressed in, to wear/to be wearing 或者(美国英语)to have on 三种动词成分。

  • He was dressed in a loose, embroidered shirt.他穿着一件宽松的绣花衬衣。
  • He was wearing/had on blue pyjamas.他穿着蓝色的睡衣。

3) 作为不可数名词,dress(不带任何冠词)指笼统的“衣着”,但通常带有定语标明是哪一类的衣着。

  • national dress民族服装
  • evening dress晚礼服。

如果作为可数名词,a dress 指的是一套女上衣或儿童上衣。

  • She was wearing a dress.她穿着一件上衣。

