
单词 放在眼里
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔deductive〕She didn't seem at all impressed by his deductive powers.她似乎根本没把他的推理能力放在眼里外研社新世纪〔doormat〕I'd been taking Flora for granted, using her for a doormat.我一直没把弗洛拉放在眼里,把她当个出气筒。英汉大词典〔ease〕She returned her opponent's serve with contemptuous ease.她不把对手放在眼里,轻而易举地回击了对手的发球。牛津搭配〔nose〕You shouldn't turn up your nose at good food — some people would be glad to have a meal like that.你不要把这好端端的食物不放在眼里——有的人能吃上这样一顿会庆幸不止呢。英汉大词典〔thumb〕The company just thumbs its nose at the legislation on pollution.这家公司完全不把污染立法放在眼里牛津高阶

