
单词 年级
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Asperger's syndrome〕A psychiatric disorder, most often noted during the early school years, characterized by impairments in social interaction and repetitive behavior patterns.亚斯普杰氏症候群:常发生在小学低年级学生中的精神紊乱,症状为社交能力差和重复性的行为模式美国传统〔CLASS〕According to the test, 40% of fourth-graders are not reading at the basic level. 根据这项测试,四年级的学生有40%未达到基本阅读水平。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕Chris remembers his freshman year at UCLA as if it were yesterday. 克里斯记得他上加州大学洛杉矶分校一年级的日子,仿佛就在昨天。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕I'm in the third form. 我读中学三年级朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕She's by far the brightest pupil in the form. 她是这个年级里最聪明的,远远超越其他学生。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕There are 130 children in the second year. 二年级有130个学生。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕This class is mainly for freshmen and sophomores. 这个班主要是为一、二年级学生开设的。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕We were only freshmen, so the older kids liked to pick on us. 我们才一年级,因此高年级的家伙喜欢欺负我们。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕Our friendship goes back to our freshman year in college. 我们的友谊要追溯到上大学一年级的时候。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕I've always associated the smell of paint and my first grade art class. 我总是把颜料的气味和我一年级时候上的美术课联系在一起。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕It's fairly unusual for high school seniors to befriend freshmen. 高中的毕业班学生与一年级学生交上朋友是很不寻常的事。朗文写作活用〔MOTHER〕Miss Gilbert was motherly but firm, an excellent teacher for the lower forms. 吉尔伯特小姐像慈母一般但又很严格,是教低年级的好教师。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕All first year music students are required to take a class in harmony. 所有学习音乐的一年级学生都要上和声课。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕Forty-four per cent of fifth formers now choose to stay on at school. 五年级的学生中,有44%的人现在都选择继续上学。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕Teaching literature to the fifth grade is no joke! 教五年级的文学课可不是闹着玩的!朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕The court found that the sex-education brochures were inappropriate for eighth-grade students. 法庭认为性教育手册不适合八年级学生。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Tutoring younger students can add variety to older students’ days, and make them feel important. 辅导低年级的学生可以给高年级学生的生活增加点趣味,让他们感觉到自己的重要性。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Tim, a third-grader, had difficulty with his schoolwork, and also found it hard to make friends. 蒂姆是一名三年级学生,学习上有困难,而且交朋友也有问题。朗文写作活用〔apply〕This rule applies to freshmen only.此项规定仅适用于(大学)一年级学生。英汉大词典〔assembly〕By 9, the juniors are in the hall for assembly.到9点时,三年级学生都在大厅里等待参加晨会。柯林斯高阶〔assembly〕By nine, the juniors are in the hall for assembly.到9点钟, 低年级同学已经来到大厅等待集合。外研社新世纪〔average〕The school's eighth-graders are above average in science.该校八年级学生的自然科学水平高于平均水平。朗文当代〔campus〕Most first-year students live on campus.大部分一年级学生都住在校园里。朗文当代〔classroom〕She makes literacy come alive in her third-grade classroom.她把三年级的识字课上得趣味盎然。外研社新世纪〔cohort〕Tests were carried out by teachers on the entire cohort of eight to nine year-olds in their third year at primary school.测试是由老师在小学三年级所有8岁到9岁的学生中进行的。外研社新世纪〔cohort〕Tests were carried out by teachers on the entire cohort of eight to nine year-olds in their third year at primary school.测试是由老师在小学三年级所有八岁到九岁的学生中进行的。柯林斯高阶〔corral〕He corralled his fellow freshmen for a meeting.他召集他的一年级新同学开了个会。英汉大词典〔dibs〕Freshmen have first dibs on dormitory rooms.大学一年级学生有使用宿舍的优先权。朗文当代〔drop〕In Year 10 you can drop geography or history.在10年级你可以不再选修地理或历史。麦克米伦高阶〔drop〕Students are allowed to drop history in Year 9.9 年级的学生可以不学历史。朗文当代〔end〕Her education ended with the eighth grade. 她读到八年级辍学了。英汉大词典〔fag〕A student at a British public school who is required to perform menial tasks for a student in a higher class.受高年级使唤的低年级学生:在英国公立学校为高年级同学做跑腿活儿的学生美国传统〔fag〕I fagged for a diminutive 17-year-old prefect.我为一个17岁的小个子年级级长做杂务。外研社新世纪〔fall〕She fell under the influence of (= began to be influenced by) an older student.她开始受到一名高年级学生的影响。剑桥高阶〔former〕He's a sixth former.他是六年级学生。文馨英汉〔form〕He is in the first form.他读一年级英汉大词典〔form〕She's now in the sixth form.她现在上6年级麦克米伦高阶〔freshman〕A student in the first-year class of a high school, college, or university.新生:高中、学院或大学的一年级学生美国传统〔freshman〕Greg and Jody met in their freshman year at college and married soon after they graduated.格雷格和乔迪在大学一年级时相识,毕业后不久就结婚了。剑桥高阶〔frosh〕A freshman, as in college.(美国)大学里的一年级学生美国传统〔grader〕The play is open to all seventh and eighth graders.所有七、八年级的学生均可观看此剧。牛津高阶〔grade〕Jackie is in the sixth grade.杰基上六年级剑桥高阶〔grade〕Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia.怀特先生在佐治亚州南部教一年级外研社新世纪〔grade〕My son will be starting third grade this fall.我儿子今年秋天该上三年级了。牛津搭配〔grammar school〕He is in the third year at Leeds Grammar School.他在利兹文法学校念3年级柯林斯高阶〔homeroom〕He was late for homeroom.他到年级教室时迟到了。韦氏高阶〔homeroom〕They were assigned to different homerooms.他们被分到了不同的年级教室。韦氏高阶〔jump〕There's a big jump from Grade Two to Grade Four.从二年级到四年级有一个很大的跨越。麦克米伦高阶〔junior〕It was the summer before his junior year in high school.那是他升高中三年级之前的夏天。外研社新世纪〔junior〕Their youngest daughter Amy's a junior at Evansville High.他们最小的女儿埃米是埃文斯维尔中学三年级学生。外研社新世纪〔keep〕The boy was kept back in the fourth grade.男孩在四年级时留级。英汉大词典〔key〕The classes are keyed to the needs of advanced students.这些课是针对高年级学生的需要开设的。牛津高阶〔kindergarten〕My daughter is in kindergarten now; next fall she'll enter the first grade.我女儿现在上幼儿园;来年秋天她就读一年级了。韦氏高阶〔live in〕The university guarantees accommodation in halls of residence for every first year who wants to live in.大学为想住校的一年级学生保证提供学生宿舍。剑桥高阶〔live〕He decided to live in during his freshman year at college.他决定在读大学一年级期间住校。英汉大词典〔make〕He made the basketball team as a freshman.他大学一年级时就加入篮球队了。英汉大词典〔mark〕I spent the evening marking first-year essays.我花了一晚上的时间改一年级的作文。麦克米伦高阶〔mark〕She barely earned passing marks in her first year of college.她在大学一年级时学习成绩勉强及格。韦氏高阶〔middle school〕A school at a level between elementary and high school, typically including grades five through eight.中学,初中:小学和高中水平之间的学校,特别是包括从五年级到八年级的学校美国传统〔minor〕Chiefly British Relating to or being the junior or younger of two pupils with the same surname.【多用于英国】 较年少的:指同姓的两个学生中年级较低或年龄较小的或与之有关的美国传统〔moon〕The year 12 co-ordinator encouraged students to reach for the moon.12年级的课程协调员鼓励学生追求难以实现的目标。外研社新世纪〔normal school〕A school that trains teachers, chiefly for the elementary grades.师范学校:训练教师的学校,主要为低年级美国传统〔obedience〕What a sweet, obedient little girl she was in the sixth grade.她上六年级的时候是个多么可爱温顺的小女孩啊!柯林斯高阶〔past〕Unlike my sisters, I never got past the sixth grade at school.和我的姐妹们不一样的是,我上学都不曾上完6年级麦克米伦高阶〔penmanship〕My third grade teacher thought it was important for us to learn penmanship.我的三年级老师认为学习书法对我们很重要。韦氏高阶〔plebe〕A first-year student at the U.S. Military Academy or the U.S. Naval Academy.一年级新生:美国陆军或海军军官学校的一年级学生美国传统〔primary school〕A school usually including the first three or four grades of elementary school and sometimes kindergarten.小学,初等学校:包括初等小学的前三个或四个年级并且有时甚至包括幼稚园的学校美国传统〔probation〕He was admitted to the sixth grade on probation.他被接纳在六年级试读。英汉大词典〔proseminar〕A course of study for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in a college or university, conducted in the manner of a seminar.大学研究生班:大学里为研究生和高年级的本科生设的以研讨方式进行的研究班美国传统〔repeat〕She's been absent so much that she is going to have to repeat her sophomore year.她缺课太多,不得不在大学二年级留级一年。韦氏高阶〔roommate〕Jean was my roommate during our first year at college.琼和我大学一年级时是室友。剑桥高阶〔set〕There are four science sets in Year Eight.八年级有四个科学组。外研社新世纪〔sixth form〕The couple met at a sixth form college in Solihull.这对夫妇在索利哈尔的一所六年级学院相遇。柯林斯高阶〔sixth form〕The sixth-form students are preparing to take their A levels.中学六年级的学生正准备参加他们的高等程度考试。剑桥高阶〔skip〕John skipped the fourth grade.约翰(从三年级)跳到了五年级英汉大词典〔skip〕She will skip a grade and go right from the fourth to the sixth grade next September.明年九月,她将跳一级,直接从四年级跳到六年级韦氏高阶〔snitch〕She felt like a fifth-grader who had snitched on a classmate.她觉得自己就像一个告发了同班同学的五年级学生。柯林斯高阶〔socialize〕I spent most of my first year at college socializing.我大学一年级大部分时间都花在同人交往上。麦克米伦高阶〔stream〕We start to stream the children in the third form.我们从三年级开始把孩子们按能力分班。剑桥高阶〔tease〕She tolerated the teasing, until the fourth grade.她忍受着别人的嘲笑,一直忍到四年级柯林斯高阶〔track〕Students who do well in their 8th grade classes will qualify for the honors track in high school.在八年级成绩比较好的学生可以在高中加入荣誉学位班。剑桥高阶〔track〕We start to track the children in the third form.我们从三年级开始把孩子们按能力分班。剑桥高阶〔truanting〕In his fourth year he was truanting regularly.上四年级时,他频频旷课。柯林斯高阶〔upperclassman〕Only upperclassmen can go off-campus for lunch.只有高年级学生能到校外午餐。韦氏高阶〔year〕He is in his second (final) year at Fudan now.他现在在复旦读二年级(毕业班)。英汉大词典〔year〕He was in my year at college.他在大学里跟我同年级英汉大词典〔year〕The first years and second years got a choice of French, German and Spanish.一年级和二年级学生可以在法语、德语和西班牙语中选一门。柯林斯高阶〔year〕The first years and second years got a choice of French, German and Spanish.一年级和二年级学生可以在法语、德语和西班牙语中选修一门。外研社新世纪〔year〕The twins didn't have to repeat their second year at school.这对双胞胎不需要重读二年级柯林斯高阶All students take Business Studies in their first year.所有学生在一年级都要学习商业管理课程。牛津商务Greg and Jody met in their freshman year at college and married soon after they graduated.格雷戈和乔迪在大学一年级时相遇,他们毕业后不久就结了婚。剑桥国际He is in his sophomore year. 他在读二年级译典通In some rural schools there is still only one teacher to handle kindergarten through sixth grade.在一些乡村学校从幼儿园到六年级仍然只有一名老师负责。剑桥国际Jackie is in the sixth grade.杰基在六年级剑桥国际She fell under the influence of (= began to be influenced by) an older student.她受到了一个高年级学生的影响。剑桥国际She's in her third year of economics at York University.她在约克大学读经济学三年级剑桥国际The boy is in the fourth form. 这男孩上四年级译典通The juniors are performing a play at the end of the semester.期末三年级生在演戏。剑桥国际The naughty boy had to repeat the fifth grade. 这个顽皮的男孩不得不重读五年级译典通The sixth grade saw an educational film yesterday. 六年级学生昨天看了一部教育片。译典通

