
单词 在训练
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HURT/INJURE〕Lewis damaged his knee in training and will not appear in the game. 刘易斯在训练中膝盖受伤,无法在比赛中出场。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕The team captain got a knee injury during training. 该队队长在训练时伤了膝盖。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕When I'm in training I spend at least four hours a day at the swimming pool. 我在训练期间,每天在游泳池里至少游上四小时。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕The game's on Friday, so we're starting to gear ourselves up during training. 比赛在星期五,因此我们在训练时开始让自己进入状态。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕When you're training a team sometimes it's good to push them until they're knackered. 在训练一支球队时,有时敦促他们练到筋疲力尽是有好处的。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕As a dedicated sportsman, Steven trained every day of the week. 史蒂文是个敬业的运动员,一周七天都在训练朗文写作活用〔ammunition〕How much ammunition did they shoot in training? 他们在训练中打了多少弹药?英汉大词典〔assist〕The officer will assist in training and information dissemination.军官将在训练和情报传播方面提供帮助。外研社新世纪〔bow〕So, take a bow, Lindsey Smith, for a training feat of distinction.好啊, 林赛·史密斯, 祝贺你在训练中取得优异成绩。外研社新世纪〔break ... in〕The manager is breaking in a new assistant.经理正在训练一名新助手。21世纪英汉〔clash〕He has clashed repeatedly with the team coach over training schedules.在训练时间安排上,他与球队教练冲突不断。牛津搭配〔determine〕How hard the swimmers work now will determine how they perform in the Olympics.游泳运动员现在训练的努力程度将决定他们在奥运会上的表现。朗文当代〔dislocate〕He had dislocated his shoulder in training.他在训练中肩膀脱了臼。麦克米伦高阶〔drill〕The players are doing their drills.运动员正在训练韦氏高阶〔fracture〕He fractured his right leg during training.他在训练时摔断了右腿。朗文当代〔hated〕He hates to be interrupted during training.他不喜欢在训练过程中被人打扰。柯林斯高阶〔light〕He was on the training field for some light work yesterday.他昨天在训练场上做了一些轻度训练。外研社新世纪〔lock〕He had the operation after his knee locked on the training ground.他的膝盖在训练场上变得僵直, 因此做了这个手术。外研社新世纪〔lollygag〕He was kicked off the team for lollygagging during practice.他因在训练时吊儿郎当而被开除出队。韦氏高阶〔practice〕The team is practicing for their big game on Friday.球队正在训练,备战星期五的重大比赛。牛津高阶〔pugil stick〕A long pole with padded ends used in the armed forces to simulate bayonet fighting.击棒:部队在训练刺刀格斗时使用的一种端部有衬垫的长棒美国传统〔punching bag〕A stuffed or inflated leather bag that is usually suspended so that it can be punched with the fists for exercise.吊袋,吊球:一种经常被悬挂起来用以在训练时用拳头击打的装满东西或充满气的袋子美国传统〔ready〕Our troops keep training all the time to remain ready.我们的部队一直在训练以便随时参战。牛津搭配〔scrimmage〕They played a scrimmage for fans at the practice field.他们在训练场上为球迷们打了一场分组比赛。剑桥高阶〔session〕The 21-year-old runner twisted his ankle in a training session last Friday.这位21岁的赛跑运动员上周五在训练时扭伤了脚踝。剑桥高阶〔sit〕We're trying to train our dog to sit.我们正在训练我们的狗学蹲坐。剑桥高阶〔sound off〕The troops were sounding off during their exercises.军队在训练时高喊齐步口令。韦氏高阶〔spread〕Thanks to the spread of modern technology, trained workers are now more vital than ever.由于现代技术的普及, 现在训练有素的工人所发挥的作用比以往任何时候都更为重要。外研社新世纪〔step〕He's been running and stepping at top pace at training.在训练中他一直以最快的速度奔跑和行走。外研社新世纪〔store sth up〕We believe that he has been training an army and storing up arms.我们确信他一直在训练军队,储备武器。剑桥高阶〔teach〕He’s training the British Olympic swimming team.他在训练英国的奥运游泳队。牛津高阶〔training〕Redman broke a toe in training.雷德曼在训练中折断了一根脚趾。柯林斯高阶〔train〕United are currently training for next week's World Club Championship.联队目前正在训练,准备迎接下周的世界俱乐部冠军赛。麦克米伦高阶〔trap〕In training, we get players to practise trapping the ball from awkward angles.在训练中,我们让球员练习用脚停住各种角度刁钻的球。剑桥高阶Boxers often shadow-box when they are training.拳击手在训练时常会做一些空拳练习。剑桥国际On this exercise you will be firing live shells.在训练中你们将进行实弹射击。剑桥国际The 21-year-old runner twisted his ankle in a training session last Friday.上星期五,21岁的跑步运动员在训练时把脚踝给扭了。剑桥国际The school football team has been practicing new offensive plays all week.整个星期学校足球队都在训练新的进攻打法。剑桥国际

