
单词 在增长
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕The IT market is growing, thanks to the Internet boom. 由于互联网的迅速繁荣,信息技术市场在增长朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The market for magazines for computer buffs is growing all the time. 面向电脑迷的杂志市场一直在增长朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕In recent years, Botswana's manufacturing industry has grown and the country produces soap and dairy produce. 近年来博茨瓦纳的制造业在增长,该国生产肥皂和乳制品。朗文写作活用〔bare〕Sales are growing for premium wines, but at a bare 2 percent a year.高档酒的销量正在增长,但年增长率只有2%。柯林斯高阶〔battering〕Sterling took a battering yesterday as worries grew about the state of Britain's economy.由于对英国经济状况的担忧在增长, 英镑昨天遭受重创。外研社新世纪〔budget〕The defence budget was still growing.国防预算仍在增长朗文当代〔central city〕The central city is losing population, while the suburbs are expanding.城市中心区的人口在减少,而郊区人口则在增长韦氏高阶〔dweller〕The number of city dwellers is growing.城市居民人数正在增长外研社新世纪〔dweller〕The number of city dwellers is growing.城市居民的数量正在增长柯林斯高阶〔dwindle〕Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling.出口在缩减,贸易赤字在增长柯林斯高阶〔earnings〕Average earnings for skilled workers are rising.熟练工人的平均工资在增长剑桥高阶〔go through〕The bill might have gone through if the economy was growing.要是当时经济在增长的话,该法案或许也就获得通过了。柯林斯高阶〔go〕World population is going up.世界人口在增长英汉大词典〔indiscipline〕Indiscipline among students is growing.学生中的无纪律现象正在增长英汉大词典〔passenger〕Although the recovery is patchy, passenger numbers are growing.虽然经济尚未完全复苏, 但是乘客数量正在增长外研社新世纪〔progressively〕Most importantly, it tended to think progressively in terms of growth and development.更重要的是, 在增长和发展问题上, 它常常会从改革的角度进行思考。外研社新世纪〔rise〕Industrial demand for fuel is on the rise.工业对燃料的需求正在增长英汉大词典〔rise〕Serious crime is once again on the rise.在增加;在增长麦克米伦高阶〔strongly〕The local economy is strong and the population is growing.当地经济蓬勃发展,人口也在增长柯林斯高阶〔strong〕The local economy is strong and the population is growing.当地经济蓬勃发展, 人口也在增长外研社新世纪〔trend〕The growing trend is for single mothers to bring up children by themselves.单身母亲独自抚养孩子的趋势在增长朗文当代〔twice〕Wages are rising at twice the rate of inflation.工资正以通货膨胀率两倍的比率在增长麦克米伦高阶〔undeniable〕It is an undeniable fact that crime is increasing.犯罪在增长是无可争辩的事实。牛津高阶〔wealth〕His own wealth grew.他的个人财富在增长柯林斯高阶Average earnings for skilled workers are rising.熟练工人的平均工资在增长剑桥国际Bond interest is fixed, but earnings per share are growing.债券收益是固定的,但每股赢利正在增长牛津商务Fears are growing that a tax increase may stall economic recovery.认为增税可能会推迟经济复苏的忧虑正在增长剑桥国际It was spring, and the sap was rising in the trees.时值春天,树液正在增长剑桥国际Recurring revenues from services such as maintenance are growing.维修等服务的经常性收入正在增长牛津商务The number of refugees scattered throughout the world is growing.散落在世界各地的难民人数在增长剑桥国际We can't compete with the bigger stores in sales, but we can beat them in growth rates, customer service and other performance indicators.我们无法在销售方面与大商店竞争,但是我们可以在增长率、顾客服务和其他业绩指标方面胜过他们。牛津商务We're in a growth industry.我们所在的行业处在增长中。牛津商务

