
单词 性疾病
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIND OUT〕Much progress has been made in the diagnosis of genetic diseases. 对遗传性疾病的诊断有了很大的进展。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Heavy drinkers are generally more susceptible to infectious diseases. 喝酒多的人一般更容易感染传染性疾病朗文写作活用〔Waardenburg syndrome〕A hereditary syndrome characterized by varying degrees of deafness and facial bone defects and by variation in pigmentation of the skin, hair, or eyes.蓝眼症候群,瓦登伯格症候群:遗传性疾病症状,特征为程度不一的耳聋、脸部骨骼缺陷,以及肤色、发色以及眼球的着色不同美国传统〔acromegaly〕A chronic disease of adults marked by enlargement of the bones of the extremities, face, and jaw that is caused by overactivity of the pituitary gland.肢端肥大症:由于脑下垂体过于活跃而在成年人中引起的一种慢性疾病,常表现为四肢骨骼、脸和下巴的增大美国传统〔active immunity〕Immunity resulting from the development of antibodies in response to the presence of an antigen, as from vaccination or exposure to an infectious disease.自动免疫:由于接种疫苗或暴露于传染性疾病而产生的抗体对抗原的存在作出反应的免疫现象美国传统〔affect〕Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world.关节炎是一种会危害全人类健康的致残性疾病柯林斯高阶〔affect〕Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world.关节炎是一种致残性疾病, 危害全世界人民的健康。外研社新世纪〔atelectasis〕A congenital condition characterized by the incomplete expansion of the lungs at birth.肺膨胀不全:一种先天性疾病,特征为出生时肺部不完全膨胀美国传统〔communicable〕In this period, there were 974 outbreaks of communicable disease attributed to the consumption of raw milk.在此期间出现了974起由于饮用生牛奶而引起的传染性疾病病例。剑桥高阶〔crowded〕The risk of epidemics may be slightly higher in crowded urban areas.人口稠密的城区爆发流行性疾病的风险可能略高些。外研社新世纪〔dry rot〕A fungous disease that causes timber to become brittle and crumble into powder.干腐病:一种真菌性疾病,使木材变脆而逐渐碎成粉末美国传统〔equine infectious anemia〕A viral disease in horses marked by progressive anemia, a staggering gait, and fever.马传染性贫血:马会感染的一种病毒性疾病,症状为逐步性的贫血、步伐摇晃以及发烧美国传统〔exanthema〕A skin eruption accompanying certain infectious diseases.疹:伴有某种传染性疾病的皮肤疹美国传统〔herpes simplex〕A recurrent viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, type one, and marked by the eruption of fluid-containing vesicles on the mouth, lips, or face.单纯性疱疹一型:由单纯性疱疹病毒引起的一种复发性的病毒性疾病,一型的特征为嘴、嘴唇或脸上有含有水泡美国传统〔herpes simplex〕A recurrent viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, type two, and marked by the eruption of fluid-containing vesicles on the genitals.单纯性疱疹二型:由单纯性疱疹病毒引起的一种复发性的病毒性疾病,二型的特征为生殖器上有水泡美国传统〔herpes〕Any of several viral diseases causing the eruption of small blisterlike vesicles on the skin or mucous membranes, especially herpes simplex or herpes zoster.疱疹:几种病毒性疾病之一,引起皮肤表层水泡状小泡或粘膜发疹,尤指单纯性疱疹或带状疱疹美国传统〔idiopathic〕Of, relating to, or designating a disease having no known cause.突发性的,与突发性疾病有关的,代表突发疾病的美国传统〔idiopathy〕A primary disease arising spontaneously with no apparent external cause.突发性疾病:急速发生的没有明显外在症状的第一期疾病美国传统〔infection〕An infectious disease.传染病:传染性疾病美国传统〔insidious〕High blood pressure is an insidious condition which has few symptoms.高血压是一种鲜现症状的潜伏性疾病剑桥高阶〔insure〕Insuring yourself against a critical illness is very important.确保自己不患急性疾病是十分重要的。麦克米伦高阶〔intermediate care〕A level of care for chronically ill, disabled, or elderly individuals, as in an intermediate care facility.长期病患医疗照顾:在中度医疗机构为罹患慢性疾病、残障或是老年人所为的一种医疗照顾程度美国传统〔lazaretto〕A hospital treating contagious diseases.传染病医院:专门治疗传染性疾病的医院美国传统〔membranous〕Diphtheria is a membranous disease.白喉是一种假膜性疾病英汉大词典〔mosaic〕Botany A virus disease of plants, resulting in light and dark areas in the leaves, which often become shriveled and dwarfed.【植物学】 花叶病:植物的病毒性疾病,在叶子上形成轻度黑区,通常使叶子变得枯萎和发育不良美国传统〔myxomatosis〕A highly infectious, usually fatal disease of rabbits that is caused by a pox virus and is characterized by many skin tumors similar to myxomas.多发性粘液瘤;粘液瘤病:一种高度传染的、通常是兔子患的致命性疾病,由梅毒病毒引起,而且特征为许多类似于粘液瘤的皮肤瘤美国传统〔natural killer cell〕A killer cell that is activated by double-stranded RNA and fights off viral infections and tumors.自然杀手细胞:由双股核糖核酸激活的,击退传染性疾病和肿瘤的杀手细胞美国传统〔pandemic〕A pandemic disease.流行性疾病美国传统〔parental〕Many inherited diseases are passed only through one parental line.很多遗传性疾病只通过一个亲本品系遗传。外研社新世纪〔pit〕A small indented scar left in the skin by smallpox or other eruptive disease; a pockmark.(天花等留下的)痘凹:小坑似的疤,因得天花或其他暴发性疾病而留在皮肤上的;痘凹美国传统〔pockmark〕A pitlike scar left on the skin by smallpox or another eruptive disease.痘痕,麻子:由天花或其他发疹性疾病遗留在皮肤上的窝状疤痕美国传统〔pock〕A pustule caused by smallpox or a similar eruptive disease.痘疱:由天花或类似的发疹性疾病导致的脓疱美国传统〔polyposis〕A hereditary disease in which numerous polyps erupt in a part of the body, especially on the lining of the colon and rectum, and often become malignant.息肉病:一种遗传性疾病,症状是在身体的某一部位出现许多息肉,尤指在结肠和直肠的内壁上的,而且经常转变成恶性的美国传统〔prenatally〕The baby was tested prenatally for hereditary diseases.这个婴儿在出生前查出患有遗传性疾病韦氏高阶〔problem〕He has chronic health/medical problems.他有慢性疾病韦氏高阶〔rheumatoid arthritis〕A chronic disease marked by stiffness and inflammation of the joints, weakness, loss of mobility, and deformity.类风湿性关节炎:一种慢性疾病,症状为关节僵硬及发炎、脆弱、丧失可动性及畸形美国传统〔rifampin〕A semisynthetic antibiotic derived from a form of rifamycin that interferes with the synthesis of RNA and is used to treat bacterial and viral diseases.利福平:一种半合成抗生素,从参与核醣核酸合成的利福霉素的一种形态中提取,用于治疗细菌性和病毒性疾病美国传统〔rot〕Archaic Any disease causing the decay of flesh.【古语】 腐蚀病,消耗性疾病:任一种使肉体腐烂的疾病美国传统〔sanatorium〕An institution for the treatment of chronic diseases or for medically supervised recuperation.疗养院:治疗慢性疾病或供医疗康复的机构美国传统〔sex-linked〕Haemophilia is a sex-linked disease.血友病是一种伴性疾病剑桥高阶〔social disease〕A disease having its highest incidence among socioeconomic groups predisposed to it by a given set of adverse living or working conditions.社会性疾病:社会经济团体中最容易发生的疾病,因在给定的一系列不利的环境中生活或工作美国传统〔spital〕A hospital, especially one for patients with contagious diseases.医院:尤指医治传染性疾病的医院美国传统〔streak〕Botany Any of various viral diseases of plants characterized by the appearance of discolored stripes on the leaves or stems.【植物学】 条纹病:植物的一种病毒性疾病,特点为在其叶子或茎杆上有变色的条纹美国传统〔swamp fever〕A viral disease in horses marked by progressive anemia, a staggering gait, and fever.马传染性贫血:马的病毒性疾病,特征为渐重的贫血、蹒跚的步伐和发烧美国传统〔swinepox〕An acute infectious disease of domesticated swine caused by a virus and characterized by skin lesions.猪痘:由某种病毒引起的家猪的急性感染性疾病,特征是皮肤有损伤美国传统〔syringomyelia〕A chronic disease of the spinal cord characterized by the presence of fluid-filled cavities and leading to spasticity and sensory disturbances.脊髓空洞症:脊髓的一种慢性疾病,以出现充满液体的体腔为特征,会导致大脑性麻痹和感觉混乱美国传统〔tobacco mosaic virus〕A retrovirus that causes mosaic in tobacco and some other plants, widely used in the study of viruses and viral diseases.烟草花叶病毒:一种反转录病毒,在烟草和某些其它植物的叶子上形成马赛克式的花纹,该病毒在对病毒和病毒性疾病方面的研究中得到广泛的使用美国传统〔toxoplasmosis〕A congenital disease characterized by lesions of the central nervous system that can cause blindness and brain damage.弓形病:一种先天性疾病,特征为中央神经系统受损,可导致失明及脑部损伤美国传统〔vesicular exanthema〕An acute, highly infectious viral disease of swine characterized by formation of vesicles on the snout, the mucous membranes of the mouth, and the feet.猪水疱疹,口蹄疫:猪的一种急性传染的病毒性疾病,症状是在鼻子、嘴的粘膜和脚上形成水泡美国传统〔virology〕The study of viruses and viral diseases.病毒学:一种病毒和病毒性疾病的研究美国传统〔virus〕Bates is believed to be suffering from a virus.据信贝茨患了一种病毒性疾病外研社新世纪〔virus〕I think I have the virus that's going around this winter.我觉得自己患了今冬流行的病毒性疾病韦氏高阶〔virus〕There's a virus going around the office.办公室里流行着一种病毒性疾病牛津高阶Genetic engineering will eventually produce plants resistant both to pests and viral disease.基因工程将最终生产出既能抵抗害虫又能抵抗病毒性疾病的植物。剑桥国际Haemophilia is a sex-linked disease.血友病是一种伴性疾病剑桥国际Malaria is endemic in many of the hotter regions of the world.疟疾是世界上许多较热地区的地方性疾病剑桥国际She's suffering from a depressive disorder/illness.她患抑郁性疾病剑桥国际

