
单词 玩乐
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕School children have to learn to strike a balance between work and play. 学生必须学会在学习和玩乐之间保持适当的平衡。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕My life was an endless round of photo shoots, interviews, and serious partying. 我的生活是拍照、接受采访和在聚会中尽情玩乐,如此循环不已。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕Partying and having a good time was all she seemed interested in. 赴宴和玩乐似乎是她所有的兴趣所在。朗文写作活用〔UNUSUAL〕Travel for pleasure was almost unheard of in the nineteenth century. 在19世纪,几乎没有听说过旅游玩乐这回事。朗文写作活用〔amused〕Playing with water can keep children amused for hours.嬉水可以使孩子们玩乐好几个小时。牛津高阶〔beer〕Life isn't all beer and skittles.生活可不全是吃喝玩乐英汉大词典〔bracket〕The group are bracketed with Coldplay, Travis, and Starsailor.这个乐队可与酷玩乐队、特拉维斯乐队和星际水手乐队相提并论。外研社新世纪〔bread〕On the direct orders of the new leaders, it was bread and circuses time this week.由新领导人直接下令,这个星期是老百姓享受吃喝玩乐的日子。英汉大词典〔cake〕Life is not all cakes and ale.人生并不就是吃喝玩乐英汉大词典〔discretion〕Larsson sometimes joined in the fun, but with more discretion.拉森有时会和大家一起玩乐,但是显得更加矜持。柯林斯高阶〔dissipation〕Dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure; intemperance.放荡;胡闹的玩乐:在性快感上放纵沉迷;放纵情欲美国传统〔fine〕In fine, while others are intent on pleasure, he is concerned only with business.总而言之, 其他人一门心思玩乐, 他却一心扑在业务上。外研社新世纪〔fling〕He had a last fling before going to the monastery.他在去修道院以前纵情地玩乐了一番。英汉大词典〔fling〕He was determined to have one last fling before retiring.他决心在退休前最后来一次痛痛快快的玩乐牛津高阶〔fling〕They had time for one last fling before going back to school.回到学校前,他们最后尽情地玩乐了一番。韦氏高阶〔fun〕There are lots of fun things for young people to do here.这里有许多供年轻人玩乐的东西。牛津高阶〔gang〕I went out with the usual gang from college on Friday night.星期五晚上我和大学的一帮老朋友一起到外面玩乐去了。剑桥高阶〔hair〕The party gave us all a chance to really let our hair down.聚会给了我们一个痛快玩乐的机会。朗文当代〔harmless〕Their wrestling was just harmless fun.他们的摔跤扭打只是一种无伤大体的玩乐麦克米伦高阶〔harmless〕We're just having a bit of harmless fun.我们只是善意地玩乐韦氏高阶〔high life〕Most large cities are good for business and high life, but not for families on holiday.多数大城市是做生意和吃喝玩乐的好去处, 但不适合家庭度假。外研社新世纪〔high life〕Most large cities are good for business and high life, but not for families on holiday.多数大城市是做生意和吃喝玩乐的好地方,但并不适合举家去度假。柯林斯高阶〔hit the town〕We're planning to hit the town tomorrow.我们打算明天去城里吃喝玩乐韦氏高阶〔kick〕To cast off one's inhibitions and have a good time.离开居住地外出玩乐美国传统〔large〕We were larging it at a club last night.昨晚我们在俱乐部纵情玩乐了一番。剑桥高阶〔live it up〕He's alive and well and living it up in the Bahamas.他活蹦乱跳的,正在巴哈马群岛吃喝玩乐呢。剑桥高阶〔live〕They usually went to town on Saturdays to live it up.他们一般都在星期六进城玩乐一番。英汉大词典〔merrymaking〕The eating, drinking, and merrymaking went on late into the night.吃喝玩乐一直持续到深夜。剑桥高阶〔merry〕Christmas is a time to eat, drink and make merry.圣诞节是一个吃喝玩乐的时候。朗文当代〔miss out〕You really missed out on a good time.你确实错过了一次开心玩乐的机会。韦氏高阶〔motto〕Her motto is "Work hard, play hard".她的座右铭是“努力工作,痛快玩乐”。剑桥高阶〔oats〕Most fellows of your age want to sow their oats.大多数你这个年龄的人想要纵情玩乐外研社新世纪〔on the tiles〕She came back late after a night on the tiles.她整夜纵情玩乐,很晚才回来。韦氏高阶〔pamper〕Cosseted and pampered from earliest childhood, he believed the world had been invented for his entertainment.由于幼儿时期的宠爱和娇纵,他以为整个世界都是为了他的玩乐而创造的。美国传统〔party spirit〕Sparkling wine can also put you in the party spirit.汽酒还可以提高玩乐的兴致。柯林斯高阶〔partying〕His parents told him to stop his partying and start studying more.他父母告诫他不要再聚会玩乐了,应当开始努力学习。韦氏高阶〔party〕I'm not in a party mood.我没心思玩乐韦氏高阶〔party〕We partied all night.我们通宵聚会玩乐韦氏高阶〔play〕She only plays the lottery when there's a large jackpot.她只在有大笔累积奖金的时候才玩乐透奖。韦氏高阶〔plunge〕She plunged 100 feet from a theme park ride.她从主题公园中一个100英尺高的玩乐车上突然坠落下来。外研社新世纪〔rare〕We had rare fun [a rare time].我们尽情玩乐文馨英汉〔ride〕A device, such as one at an amusement park, that one rides for pleasure or excitement.乘坐装置:供人乘骑玩乐的一种装置,如游乐场的美国传统〔rumpus room〕A room for play and parties.娱乐室:用于玩乐和聚会的屋子美国传统〔share〕He had done his share of partying in college.他在大学期间尽情吃喝玩乐牛津搭配〔skylark〕To play actively and boisterously; frolic.闲荡:活跃地或喧闹地玩乐;嬉戏美国传统〔slave〕I've been slaving away all day while you've been out enjoying yourself.我一整天都在拼命地干活,而你却在外面痛快玩乐麦克米伦高阶〔steal〕Time steals away from you when you are having fun.当你在嬉戏玩乐时,时光就从你身边悄悄溜走。英汉大词典〔town〕Last Saturday, I was out on the town with my mate… 上个星期六我和老友晚上去闹市玩乐了。柯林斯高阶〔town〕My idea of luxury used to be going out on the town and coming back in the early hours of the morning.我过去对奢侈的概念是夜晚在闹市通宵玩乐到清晨才回来。柯林斯高阶〔vitiate〕His spirit was vitiated by pleasure seeking.他的志气因追求吃喝玩乐而消磨殆尽。21世纪英汉〔way〕Best not to let business get in the way of pleasure.最好别让工作妨碍了玩乐外研社新世纪〔way〕You can't have it both ways. If you can afford to go out all the time, you can afford to pay off some of your debts.你不可能做到两全其美。如果你有钱整天外出玩乐,就能还掉一部份债。牛津高阶〔wholesome〕It was clean wholesome fun.这是健康有益的玩乐牛津高阶He is wallowing in pleasure. 他纵情玩乐译典通She just lives for (= Her main or only interest in life is) parties and having a good time.她活着就是为了参加聚会,尽情玩乐剑桥国际Ted had a fling during the summer vacation. 泰德在暑假里纵情玩乐了一番。译典通The eating, drinking and merry-making went on late into the night.吃喝玩乐持续到深夜。剑桥国际When she was in her twenties she lived --I mean really lived -- but now she's settled down.她二十多岁的时候活得很快活,我的意思是尽情玩乐,但现在她是循规蹈矩地过日子。剑桥国际

