
单词 潜水艇
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FOLLOW〕The ship was being pursued by enemy submarines. 这艘船正被敌人的潜水艇紧追不舍。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕The ship had been rammed by a submarine. 那船被一艘潜水艇撞击。朗文写作活用〔Q-ship〕A decoy ship, especially an armed ship disguised as a merchant ship to entice submarines to surface so that they may be attacked with gunfire.伪装猎潜船:一种诱捕船,尤指假扮商船的武装舰艇,引诱潜水艇浮出水面后实施炮火攻击美国传统〔SLBM〕Submarine-launched ballistic missile.潜水艇发射的弹道导弹美国传统〔SLCM〕Submarine-launched cruise missile.潜水艇发射的巡航导弹美国传统〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕The submarine was moving through the water at an astonishing speed. 潜水艇以惊人的速度在水中行进。朗文写作活用〔WEAPON〕In the first weeks of the war, dozens of defenceless ships were sunk by submarines. 战争开始的几周内,许多没有自卫能力的船只被潜水艇击沉。朗文写作活用〔airlock〕Airlocks are commonly found on submarines and manned spacecraft.潜水艇和载人航天器上一般都有压差隔离室。剑桥高阶〔blast〕An enemy submarine blasted a huge hole in the side of the ship.敌人的潜水艇在轮船的一侧炸出了个大洞。麦克米伦高阶〔branch〕He had a fascination for submarines and joined this branch of the service.他对潜水艇很痴迷, 所以加入了这个兵种。外研社新世纪〔button up〕Within a short time, everything on the submarine was buttoned up.在很短时间内,潜水艇上一切都封闭好了。21世纪英汉〔clearance〕All employees at the submarine base require security cleara nce.所有潜水艇基地的雇员必须得到安全部门的审查许可方可录用。牛津高阶〔conning tower〕A raised, enclosed observation post in a submarine, often used as a means of entrance and exit.了望塔:潜水艇上高高突出的、封闭的观察点,常被作为出入通道美国传统〔convoy〕A convoy of ships escorted the submarine out of harbour.一支护航船队护送潜水艇出了港口。英汉大词典〔crash dive〕A rapid dive made by a submarine, especially in an emergency.急速潜没:潜水艇遇到紧急情况时的紧急潜没美国传统〔crash-dive〕To undergo a crash dive.急速潜没:潜水艇急速潜没美国传统〔descend〕The submarine was descending.潜水艇在下降。韦氏高阶〔dive〕The act or an instance of submerging, as of a submarine or a skin diver.潜水:潜水的动作或例子,如潜水艇或裸潜者美国传统〔dive〕The submarine began to dive.潜水艇开始下潜。朗文当代〔dive〕To submerge under power. Used of a submarine.以动力潜水:在力的作用下潜水。用于潜水艇美国传统〔exercise〕The sub was on a classified exercise.潜水艇正在进行一次秘密演习。英汉大词典〔feather〕The wake made by a submarine's periscope.微波:潜水艇的浅望镜在水中造成的波浪美国传统〔fix〕Can you get a fix on the submarine? 你能给潜水艇定位吗?英汉大词典〔hydroplane〕A horizontal rudder on a submarine.(潜艇之)水平舵:潜水艇上的水平舵美国传统〔nose〕Something, such as the forward end of an aircraft, a rocket, or a submarine, that resembles a nose in shape or position.鼻形物:某些在形状和位置上类似于鼻子东西,例如飞机、火箭或潜水艇的前端美国传统〔periscope〕Periscopes are used in submarines to allow you to look above the surface of the water.潜水艇上装有潜望镜,通过它可以观察水面以上的情况。剑桥高阶〔pick〕We picked up two submarines on sonar.我们用声波定位仪观察到两条潜水艇美国传统〔pigboat〕A submarine.潜水艇美国传统〔platform〕A vessel, such as a submarine or an aircraft carrier, from which weapons can be deployed.平台:能部署武器的船只,如潜水艇或航空母舰美国传统〔plot〕We were trying to plot the course of the submarine.我们正试图标绘潜水艇的航线图。外研社新世纪〔rate〕The submarine is rated to withstand tons of pressure.这艘潜水艇可承受数吨的压力。韦氏高阶〔refresh〕Galwey had filled the submarines' inflatable dinghies with oxygen, enabling the men to refresh their air supply and survive.高尔韦给潜水艇的充气小艇充满氧气, 使得船员能够补充空气、存活下来。外研社新世纪〔refresh〕The supply ship refreshed the submarines between battles.补给船利用战斗间隙给潜水艇以新的供应品。21世纪英汉〔resurface〕The submarine resurfaced.这艘潜水艇再次浮出水面。韦氏高阶〔sail〕The superstructure of a submarine.潜水艇的上部结构美国传统〔slide〕A submarine glided silently through the water.一艘潜水艇无声地在水中滑行。美国传统〔sonar〕An apparatus, as one in a submarine, using sonar.声波定位器:一种装置,使用声纳进行探测,如潜水艇中的装备美国传统〔submarine chaser〕A small, fast ship equipped to pursue and attack submarines.猎潜艇:追击潜水艇的小快艇美国传统〔submerge〕The submarine had had time to submerge before the warship could approach.潜水艇没等军舰靠近就及时潜入水下了。牛津高阶〔surface〕The captain brought the submarine to the surface.艇长使潜水艇升到水面上。牛津搭配〔surface〕The submarine surfaced.潜水艇浮出水面了。牛津同义词〔top〕The submarine came to the top.潜水艇浮出水面。英汉大词典〔torpedo tube〕A tube in the hull of a submarine or another naval vessel through which torpedoes are launched.鱼雷发射管:潜水艇或其它海上舰艇上装备的用来发射鱼雷的发射管美国传统A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.军舰修造所的发言人说,他们希望在两年内使第一艘潜水艇下水。剑桥国际After being torpedoed and badly damaged by (= hit and damaged by a torpedo fired from) a submarine, the ship made its way slowly into the nearest port.在被一艘潜水艇用鱼雷击中,船只受到严重损坏后,这艘船缓缓地驶向最近的港口。剑桥国际Airlocks are commonly found on submarines and manned spacecraft.潜水艇和载人宇宙飞船通常有压差隔离室。剑桥国际An American submarine snagged the boat's nets while it was fishing in the Irish Sea.当渔船正在爱尔兰海中捕鱼时,一艘美国潜水艇钩破了它的网。剑桥国际He works for a company that makes navy submarine parts 他为一家制造海军潜水艇零件的公司工作。剑桥国际Hundreds of workers in naval dockyards have received large doses of radiation while working on nuclear submarines.成百上千的海军船厂的工人们因为在核动力潜水艇上工作而受到大量核辐射。剑桥国际Its bow torpedo doors have had to be locked to keep the submarine watertight.它前部的鱼雷门不得不锁上,以使潜水艇不透水。剑桥国际The President has agreed to allocate further funds to develop the new submarine.总统同意再拨款以研制新的潜水艇剑桥国际The device is used to help spot lurking submarines.这台仪器是用来探测隐藏着的潜水艇的。剑桥国际The ship was stopped by a surfaced submarine. 那艘船被一浮出水面的潜水艇拦住了。译典通The submarine dived just in time to avoid the enemy attack.潜水艇及时潜入水中,避开了敌人的攻击。剑桥国际The submarine dived. 潜水艇下潜了。译典通The submarine rose sleekly above the waves.潜水艇平稳地上升到水面。剑桥国际The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap.潜水艇在冰盖下的深处航行。剑桥国际The submarine submerged when enemy planes were sighted.潜水艇发现敌机即潜入海中。剑桥国际The submarine surfaced (= came to the top of the sea) a few miles off the coast.潜水艇在离海岸几英里处浮出水面。剑桥国际

