
单词 几艘
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAPPEAR〕Several aircraft and ships have vanished without trace in the notorious Bermuda Triangle. 几架飞机和几艘轮船在恶名远扬的百慕大三角消失得无影无踪。朗文写作活用〔adrift〕Several of the lifeboats were still afloat a month after being cast adrift .放漂一个月后,有几艘救生艇还在漂流。朗文当代〔anchor〕The boats anchored along the shore at dawn.好几艘船拂晓时沿岸抛锚。21世纪英汉〔anchor〕The boats anchored off Shanghai.那几艘船在上海港外海面下锚停泊。英汉大词典〔cruise〕Several warships are cruising around the Mediterranean Sea.几艘军舰正在地中海上游弋。21世纪英汉〔mooring〕During the storm several of our boats were torn from their moorings.暴风雨中,我们的几艘船从系泊处脱锚了。牛津搭配〔mothball〕With the end of the Cold War, several warships were put into mothballs.随着冷战的结束,有几艘军舰被闲置了起来。朗文当代〔operate〕The Lewis family operated a number of boats on the canal.刘易斯一家在运河上经营着几艘船。朗文当代〔raid〕Several boats were raided by US customs officials.美国海关官员对几艘小船进行了突击搜查。麦克米伦高阶〔smash〕Several boats were smashed against the rocks during the storm.暴风雨期间,几艘小船撞上了礁石。剑桥高阶〔stand〕Several ships are standing idle in the port as the dock strike continues.因为码头罢工仍在继续,几艘船闲置在港口。麦克米伦高阶〔tack〕The ships tacked up the river.这几艘船只抢风溯江而上。英汉大词典Several boats were smashed against the rocks during the storm.在风暴中,几艘船撞上了礁石。剑桥国际Several destroyers are on station off the coast of Norway 几艘驱逐舰在挪威近海保持战位。剑桥国际Several ships were waiting to unload.好几艘船正等着卸货。牛津商务Several tankers were moored in the estuary/off the coast.几艘油轮停泊在河口/停靠在海岸边。剑桥国际The boats anchored off Boston. 那几艘船在波士顿港外海面下锚停泊。译典通The convoy of merchant ships was escorted by several frigates.商船的护航是由几艘护卫舰来完成的。剑桥国际

