
单词 对分
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anti〕A person who is opposed to something, such as a group, policy, proposal, or practice.反对者,反对分子:对某东西,如集团、政策、建议或措施持反对意见的人美国传统〔classified〕The regional newspaper group depends heavily on classified advertising.地方报业集团对分类广告的业务依赖度很高。外研社新世纪〔cross-multiply〕To multiply the numerator of one of a pair of fractions by the denominator of the other.交叉相承:一对分式之一的分子与另一分式分母相乘美国传统〔dichotomize〕To be or become divided into parts or branches; fork.对分:被分成两个部分或分交;分叉美国传统〔estranged〕The estranged couple are now attempting a reconciliation.这对分居的夫妻正在试图重归于好。外研社新世纪〔purge〕The leadership voted to purge the party of 'hostile elements'.领导层一致同意把“敌对分子”清除出党。外研社新世纪〔purist〕Although purists may object to split infinitives, like "to boldly go", the fact is, they are commonly used.尽管讲究语言规范的人会反对分离不定式,比如 to boldly go,可事实是这种用法很普遍。剑桥高阶〔reunionist〕One who advocates reunion, as of divided parties or sects, especially an advocate of the reunion of the Anglican Church with the Roman Catholic Church.重新联合论者:提倡重新联合的人,如对分裂的党派或教派,尤其主张英国国教与 罗马天主教重新联合美国传统〔sagittal〕Zoology Of or relating to the sagittal plane.【动物学】 垂直对分的:矢形面的,与矢形面有关的美国传统〔well rounded〕The article is well rounded and is fair to both sides of the dispute.这是一篇分析很全面的文章,对分歧的双方都很公平。剑桥高阶The separated couple was irreconcilable. 那对分居的夫妻不可能和解。译典通

