“unequal to”例句

单词 unequal to
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔unequally〕He felt unequal to the job and wished there were someone he could go to for advice.他感觉难以胜任这项工作,希望有人能给点建议。柯林斯高阶〔unequally〕Her critics say she has proved unequal to the task.批评她的人说事实证明她并不具备完成这项工作的能力。柯林斯高阶〔unequal〕A mere politician will prove unequal to the position.纯粹的政治家将证明自己难以担当这个职务。英汉大词典〔unequal〕He felt unequal to the job.他觉得无法胜任这份工作。外研社新世纪〔unequal〕He tried to cheer her up but found himself unequal to the task.他想让她高兴起来,但发现他根本无法做到。剑桥高阶〔unequal〕I felt quite unequal to the challenge.我觉得完全无力应对这一挑战。外研社新世纪〔unequal〕It became clear that he was unequal to the demands of the job.很明显,他不能胜任这项工作的要求。麦克米伦高阶〔unequal〕She felt unequal to the task she had set herself.她觉得难以完成给自己定下的任务。牛津高阶〔unequal〕She was unequal to the task.她不具备完成这项任务的能力。外研社新世纪He tried to cheer her up but found himself unequal to the task.他想使她振奋起来, 但发现不能胜任这个任务。剑桥国际He was unequal to the job. 他不胜任这项工作。译典通

