
单词 低效
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barter〕Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions.总的来说, 物物交换是一种十分低效的交易方式。外研社新世纪〔bungle〕To work or act ineptly or inefficiently.拙劣地工作:做事拙劣或低效美国传统〔corruption〕Distribution of food throughout the country is being hampered by inefficiency and corruption.低效和腐败行为阻碍了食品在全国的分发。柯林斯高阶〔cumbersome〕The proposed regulations are ill-defined and cumbersome and could be unnecessarily costly.提议的规章制度阐述不清、复杂低效,而且可能会带来不必要的过高花费。柯林斯高阶〔fallback〕Computer Science A mechanism for carrying forth programmed instructions despite malfunction or failure of the primary device.【计算机科学】 低效运行,撤退:即使主要设备失灵或产生故障也能继续按编定的指令工作的机械美国传统〔hamstring〕The company was hamstrung by traditional but inefficient ways of conducting business.这家公司被其传统但低效的经营方式所束缚。剑桥高阶〔head〕Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations.管理者们终于意识到自己不能再安于低效率的运营了。柯林斯高阶〔head〕Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations.经理们终于使他们醒悟, 他们再也承受不起低效的运营了。外研社新世纪〔huff〕Inefficiency always huffs the boss.低效率老叫老板气鼓鼓的。英汉大词典〔in this day and age〕You can't afford to run businesses inefficiently in this day and age.如今低效经营企业是行不通的。剑桥高阶〔inefficiency〕She claims that money can be saved by reducing inefficiencies.她声称减少低效现象能够节约金钱。韦氏高阶〔inefficiency〕The inefficiency of the distribution system has led to the loss of millions of tons of food.分销系统的低效已经造成数百万吨食品的损失。外研社新世纪〔inefficiency〕We need to eliminate inefficiencies in the production process.我们需要消除生产过程中的低效率现象。牛津搭配〔inefficient〕The delivery system was very inefficient.这一传送系统十分低效韦氏高阶〔mark〕To function in an apathetic or ineffective manner.消极怠工:以一种缺乏兴趣或低效率的方式运作美国传统〔misgovern〕To govern inefficiently or badly.管理国家不当:低效率地或拙劣地统治美国传统〔opera glass〕A pair of small, low-powered binoculars for use especially at a theatrical performance. Often used in the plural.观剧镜:特指在戏院看演出时用的低效能的小型望远镜。常用作复数美国传统〔pull〕The organization pulled in (its expenses), but it did not thereby reduce its efficiency.这个组织缩减了开支,却并不因此而降低效率。英汉大词典〔retire〕The company retired fourteen old, inefficient blast furnaces in the last five years.过去5年中公司报废了14座陈旧低效的高炉。英汉大词典〔same〕Whether someone made a mistake or whether there's a fault in the system, it all comes to the same thing – sheer inefficiency.或是某人犯了错误,或是系统出了问题,结果都是一样——绝对低效率。麦克米伦高阶〔subpotency〕Reduction in potency, as of a drug.低效:(如药物)效力降低美国传统〔terminate〕Plans are being made to terminate unproductive employees.解雇低效员工的计划正在制订之中。韦氏高阶〔termination〕Are there plans for the termination of unproductive employees? 是否有解雇低效员工的计划?韦氏高阶〔work to rule〕A job action in which employees do no more than the minimum required by the rules of a workplace in order to cause a slowdown.照规定工作,严守规定式怠工:一种工作行为,员工只做工作地方所规定的最低限度的工作量,而造成低效美国传统Daryl accused the government of being ineffective and reactionary.达里尔指责政府低效保守。剑桥国际He complained that the inefficiency of the department was leading to poor sales.他抱怨说那个部门的低效能导致销量很差。剑桥国际Inefficiency has intruded into every area of the company's activities.低效率已侵入了公司活动的各个领域。剑桥国际It is an outdated and inefficient system.这是一个过时、低效的系统。牛津商务Ms Campbell has been appointed to root out inefficiency (= remove it completely) in this company.坎贝尔女士已被任命去彻底根除这家公司中的低效率。剑桥国际The company is hamstrung by its traditional but inefficient ways of conducting business.这家公司由于其传统的低效率经营方法而陷于瘫痪。剑桥国际The grave problems of public hygiene are connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city. 公共卫生方面的严重问题与该城低效率的污水处理系统有关。译典通The new procedures are being seen as a reversion to old, inefficient ways of working.新方法被视为是低效的旧工作方法的复归。剑桥国际This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency. 这是一个官僚主义低效率的典型例子。译典通This is not a shakeout of inefficient organizations, but a case of good companies being unable to survive any longer in a harsh economic climate.这不是组织机构因低效率被淘汰,而是一些优秀的公司在严酷的经济环境中无法生存的例子。剑桥国际You can't afford to run businesses inefficiently in this day and age (= at the present time).如今做生意不能低效率。剑桥国际

