
单词 synthesized
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔activin〕A polypeptide growth factor that is synthesized in the pituitary gland and the gonads and stimulates the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone.活化素,促进抑制素:一种多肽生长因子,在垂体和性腺中合成并刺激促卵泡激素的分泌美国传统〔anabolism〕The phase of metabolism in which simple substances are synthesized into the complex materials of living tissue.合成代谢:简单的物质被合成为复杂的活组织物质的代谢过程美国传统〔burn〕Water can be synthesized by burning hydrogen in air.水可以通过在空气中燃烧氢气合成。外研社新世纪〔complementary DNA〕Single-stranded DNA synthesized in the laboratory using messenger RNA as a template and the enzyme reverse transcriptase.互辅DNA,互补脱氧核糖核酸:将信使核糖核酸用作模板和反转录酶从而在实验室中合成的单链脱氧核糖核酸美国传统〔essential〕Biochemistry Being a substance that is required for normal functioning but cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be included in the diet.【生物化学】 元素:人体某一功能所必需,又不能由身体合成的物质,必须由食物含这种物质美国传统〔new wave〕Music An emotionally detached style of rock music marked by the use of synthesized sound and a repetitive beat.【音乐】 新浪潮摇滚:一种激烈的摇滚乐形式,以运用合声和不断重要的打击乐为标志美国传统〔nucleosynthesis〕The process by which heavier chemical elements are synthesized from hydrogen nuclei in the interiors of stars.核合成:较重的化学元素从星球内部的氢核合成的过程美国传统〔synthesization〕Then he synthesized his statement before winding it up.结束陈述前,他综述了一下他的观点。21世纪英汉〔synthesized〕If the vehicle is going too fast, a synthesized voice tells the driver to slow down.如果车速过快, 合成声音会告诉驾驶员减速。外研社新世纪〔synthesized〕Relating to or being compositions or a composition performed on synthesizers or synthesized instruments.合成乐的:与在合成器或合成音响乐器上演奏的乐章有关的或属于之的美国传统〔synthesized〕The drumbeat is synthesized.那种鼓声是合成的。韦氏高阶〔synthesize〕A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body.维生素是一种人体无法合成的化合物。外研社新世纪〔synthesize〕A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body.维生素是一种人体无法合成的化合物。柯林斯高阶〔synthesize〕Amino acid is synthesized in the body.氨基酸在体内合成。韦氏高阶〔synthesize〕DDT is a pesticide that was first synthesized in 1874.滴滴涕是最初合成于 1874 年的杀虫剂。朗文当代〔synthesize〕He synthesized old and new ideas to form his theory.他把新旧思想结合起来,形成了自己的理论。韦氏高阶〔synthesize〕She synthesized the treatment from traditional and modern philosophies of medicine.她结合传统医学和现代医学思想体系,创造了这种疗法。韦氏高阶〔synthesize〕The movement synthesized elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism.这场运动将之前未被整合的现代艺术元素,如立体主义和超现实主义,融合到了一起。外研社新世纪The results of all the research are synthesized in this document.这份文件综合了所有的研究成果。牛津商务

