
单词 是椭圆形
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ROUND〕Some of the tables are oval in shape and some are round. 有些桌子是椭圆形的,有些是圆形的。朗文写作活用〔cartouche〕A structure or figure, often in the shape of an oval shield or oblong scroll, used as an architectural or graphic ornament or to bear a design or inscription.漩涡花饰:一种通常是椭圆形的盾状徽章或是长方形的漩涡装饰的结构或造型,用作建筑或雕刻的装饰物或带有一种设计图案或题字美国传统〔cylindroid〕A cylindrical surface or solid all of whose sections perpendicular to the elements are elliptical.椭圆柱:与组成要素垂直的所有圆柱形表面或柱体的部分是椭圆形的柱体美国传统〔oval〕The handle is oval in shape.把手是椭圆形的。牛津搭配〔racetrack〕A usually oval, specially surfaced course on which races are held.跑道:一种通常是椭圆形、铺有特殊的路面的跑道,在其上进行赛跑美国传统〔shape〕Our table is oval in shape.我们的饭桌是椭圆形的。剑桥高阶〔type〕It's a sort of oval shape.它差不多是椭圆形的样子。朗文当代Our table is oval in shape.我们的桌子是椭圆形的。剑桥国际

