
单词 旧金山
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-an〕Mitch was a San Franciscan by birth.米奇出生于旧金山柯林斯高阶〔CONVENTIONAL/UNCONVENTIONAL〕San Francisco has a long history of accepting the city's many alternative lifestyles. 旧金山市接纳城市中许多另类生活方式有着悠久的历史。朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕San Francisco police have arrested a 39-year-old man on murder charges. 旧金山警方已逮捕了一名39岁男子,并控以谋杀罪。朗文写作活用〔Chinatown〕There is a Chinatown in San Francisco.旧金山有个唐人街。韦氏高阶〔EXPENSIVE〕We stayed in a fancy Victorian hotel in San Francisco. 我们住在旧金山市一家豪华的维多利亚风格的酒店里。朗文写作活用〔Silicon Valley〕A region of western California southeast of San Francisco known for its high-technology design and manufacturing industries.硅谷:美国加利福尼亚州西部一地区,位于旧金山东南部,以其高科技设计和生产工业闻名美国传统〔account〕By all accounts, San Francisco is a city that's easy to fall in love with.人人都说旧金山是个很容易令人倾心的城市。剑桥高阶〔action〕Most of the action takes place in San Francisco.大部分情节发生在旧金山朗文当代〔alternate〕She alternated between New York,Chicago and San Francisco.她经常在纽约、芝加哥和旧金山轮流居住。21世纪英汉〔assumed name〕The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge.这些发表在旧金山报纸上的文章都出自一个化名为多萝西·道奇的人之手。柯林斯高阶〔assumed name〕The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge.这些文章以化名多萝西•道奇在旧金山多家报纸上发表。外研社新世纪〔bay〕San Francisco Bay 圣弗朗西斯科湾(旧金山湾)剑桥高阶〔bay〕She lives in California near San Francisco Bay.她住在靠近旧金山湾的加利福尼亚州。韦氏高阶〔boss〕Company bosses are opening a new office in San Francisco.公司的头儿们在旧金山开了家新办事处。麦克米伦高阶〔branch〕One branch of Jane's family lives in San Francisco.简的家族的一支居住在旧金山麦克米伦高阶〔cable car〕Tourists packed the cable cars on the hilly streets of San Francisco.在旧金山起伏的街道上行驶的有轨电车里挤满了观光客。韦氏高阶〔clear〕I've got to clear on a boat that's going to Frisco.我得搭上一条开往旧金山的船溜之大吉。英汉大词典〔close off〕Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today's march.由于今天的示威游行, 警方封锁了旧金山一条主干道的约12个街区。外研社新世纪〔close off〕Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today's march.由于今天的示威游行,警方封锁了旧金山一条主干道上大约12个街区。柯林斯高阶〔craze〕It's the latest craze to hit San Francisco.那是将影响旧金山的最新流行时尚。牛津搭配〔dream〕Win a dream holiday for two in San Francisco! 来赢取旧金山两人梦幻假期大奖啦!朗文当代〔earthquake〕In 1906 an earthquake destroyed much of San Francisco.1906年的大地震给旧金山大部分市区带来毁灭性的灾难。剑桥高阶〔east〕I was born in the East, but now live in San Francisco.我出生在东部,但现住在旧金山牛津高阶〔exhibit〕The exhibit features unique photographs of San Francisco in the 1900s.这个展览以 20 世纪初旧金山独特的照片为特色。牛津搭配〔far〕How far is it to San Francisco?这儿离旧金山有多远?外研社新世纪〔favourite〕The Colts are 5.5-point favourites at San Francisco this week.本周小马队有望在旧金山以 5.5 分的优势获胜。牛津搭配〔for〕He got on the next plane for San Francisco.他上了前往旧金山的下一班飞机。麦克米伦高阶〔foundation〕The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.这笔钱将交给旧金山艾滋病基金会。牛津高阶〔have〕He arrived in New York, having left San Francisco on January 19th.他在1月19号离开旧金山, 现已抵达纽约。外研社新世纪〔have〕I have to go to San Francisco tomorrow on business.我明天得去旧金山出差。剑桥高阶〔heel〕The authorities wouldn't grant us permission to fly all the way down to San Francisco, so I had to kick my heels at Tunis Airport.当局不允许我们直飞旧金山, 所以我只好在突尼斯机场百无聊赖地等候。外研社新世纪〔heel〕The authorities wouldn't grant us permission to fly all the way down to San Francisco, so I had to kick my heels at Tunis Airport.当局不允许我们直飞旧金山,所以我只好在突尼斯机场不耐烦地等待。柯林斯高阶〔hold〕San Francisco held on to win 4-2.旧金山队顽强拼搏,以 4 比 2 赢得了比赛。朗文当代〔hound〕I hounded a criminal to San Francisco.我追踪一名罪犯,一直追到旧金山21世纪英汉〔inspector〕San Francisco police inspector Tony Camileri.旧金山警察局督察长托尼·卡米莱里柯林斯高阶〔kick〕The show kicks off this week at the Moscone Centre in San Francisco.演出于本周在旧金山的莫斯康中心开演。麦克米伦高阶〔kick〕We're gonna kick San Francisco's ass good tonight.今晚我们要好好教训一下旧金山队。朗文当代〔knowledge〕She still lives in San Francisco to the best of my knowledge.据我所知,她仍住在旧金山牛津搭配〔landmark〕The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous/familiar landmark in San Francisco.金门大桥是旧金山著名/为人所熟知的地标。韦氏高阶〔magnitude〕The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3.1906年旧金山地震的震级为8.3级。柯林斯高阶〔magnitude〕The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3.1906年在旧金山发生的地震的震级为8.3级。外研社新世纪〔main〕My main concern about moving to San Fransisco is the cost of housing.我对移居旧金山的主要担忧是房价。剑桥高阶〔maritime〕San Francisco has lost nearly all of its maritime industry.旧金山几乎失去了所有海运业。朗文当代〔near miss〕A Boeing 747 was involved in a near miss with a private aircraft just south of San Francisco.一架波音747客机就在旧金山以南险些与一架私人飞机相撞。剑桥高阶〔part〕This is one of the nicest parts of San Francisco.这是旧金山最好的地区之一。麦克米伦高阶〔plat〕San Francisco was platted as if it were a prairie town.把旧金山作为草原城市来规划。21世纪英汉〔police〕Every San Francisco police officer understands the realities of policing this city.旧金山每一名警察都明白在该市巡查治安的现实状况。外研社新世纪〔polish sth/sb off〕San Fransisco polished off the injury-riddled Los Angeles Lakers.旧金山队轻松战胜了伤员累累的洛杉矶湖人队。剑桥高阶〔rut〕Moving to San Francisco gave her the chance to get out of a rut.搬到旧金山让她得以摆脱一成不变的生活。牛津搭配〔sail〕They sail for/to San Francisco next week.他们下周起航前往旧金山韦氏高阶〔sail〕They set sail for/from San Francisco tomorrow.他们明天起航前往/离开旧金山韦氏高阶〔sight〕We enjoyed seeing the sights of San Francisco.我们兴致勃勃地参观旧金山的名胜。麦克米伦高阶〔steeply〕San Francisco is built on 40 hills and some are very steep.旧金山建在 40 座小山丘上,其中一些非常陡峭。柯林斯高阶〔steep〕San Francisco is built on 40 hills and some are very steep.旧金山建造在40座山丘上, 其中一些很陡峭。外研社新世纪〔stop-off〕He made a brief stop-off in Honolulu on the way to San Francisco.在前往旧金山的途中,他在檀香山稍作停留。文馨英汉〔tend〕He had a job tending bar in San Francisco.他在旧金山做酒吧服务员。牛津高阶〔tower〕He works in an office tower in downtown San Francisco.他在旧金山市中心的一座高层写字楼里工作。剑桥高阶〔town〕San Francisco is his favourite town.旧金山是他喜爱的城市。英汉大词典〔tramp〕We spent a week tramping the streets of San Francisco, looking for movie locations.我们花了一个星期时间在旧金山的街道上四处奔走,寻找拍摄电影的外景地。剑桥高阶〔transcontinental〕The transcontinental railway goes from New York to San Francisco.这条横贯大陆的铁路起点是纽约,终点为旧金山剑桥高阶〔twin〕San Francisco is twinned with Shanghai.旧金山与上海结成友好城市。英汉大词典〔visit with〕I visited with him in San Francisco.我到他在旧金山的家中作客。柯林斯高阶〔visit with〕I visited with him in San Francisco.我在旧金山拜访过他。外研社新世纪〔will〕Where will you stay when you get to San Francisco?你到旧金山以后想住在哪里?外研社新世纪〔year〕His early years were spent in San Francisco.他早年是在旧金山度过的。牛津搭配〔zone〕San Francisco and Tokyo are both located in earthquake zones.旧金山和东京都位于地震带。朗文当代By / From all accounts, (=People say that) San Francisco is a city it's easy to fall in love with.人人都说旧金山是一个很容易令人倾心的城市。剑桥国际He is a Moscow attorney who will intern for six months with a San Francisco firm.他是一名莫斯科律师,将在一家旧金山公司里实习6个月。剑桥国际He works in an office tower in downtown San Francisco.他在旧金山市中心的一座高层办公大楼里工作。剑桥国际I imagine (=think) (that) San Francisco must be a wonderful place to live. [+ (that) clause] 我想旧金山肯定是个居住的好地方。剑桥国际In 1906 an earthquake destroyed much of San Francisco. 1906 年,一场地震摧毁了旧金山的大部分地区。剑桥国际San Francisco has scored 31 points in all three of its games.旧金山队在它所有的三项比赛中得了31分。剑桥国际San Francisco is a hilly city. 旧金山是个多山丘的城市。译典通San Francisco is famed for its gluttony--more is spent per person there in restaurants than anywhere else in America.旧金山以贪吃而闻名----在餐馆的人均消费在全美名列第一。剑桥国际San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer. 夏天去旧金山旅游的人很多。译典通San Francisco is in an earthquake zone.旧金山在一个地震带上。剑桥国际Seattle lies on the route from Vancouver to San Francisco.西雅图位于从温哥华到旧金山的途中。剑桥国际She cabled her aunt in San Francisco. 她发电报给旧金山的姑妈。译典通Some of the streets in San Francisco are rather steep.旧金山有些街道相当陡。剑桥国际The San Francisco-based insurance agent was founded in 1994.总部位于旧金山市的保险代理公司成立于 1994 年。牛津商务The band is playing (= performing in) Los Angeles on the 29th and San Francisco on the 31st of the next month.乐队将于下月29日在洛杉矶演出,31日在旧金山演出。剑桥国际The goods will be shipped to San Francisco by boat. 这批货物将用船运往旧金山译典通The most extensive damage occurred in small towns near the quake's epicenter, 80 miles south of San Francisco.规模最大的破坏发生在距旧金山以南80公里的震中附近的小镇。剑桥国际The most famous quarterback in the world is probably Joe Montana, who played his best football with the San Francisco 49ers.世界上最有名的四分卫也许是乔· 蒙塔那,他在旧金山49人队时球打得最精彩。剑桥国际The transcontinental railway goes from New York in the east to San Francisco in the west.横穿大陆的铁路从东部的纽约起到西部的旧金山止。剑桥国际The tremor was centered just south of San Francisco and it was felt as far as 200 miles away.这次小震动的中心就在旧金山南部,200英里远的地方都能感受到。剑桥国际We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco. 我们访问了旧金山的华人社区。译典通When the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco was built, it was the world's longest suspension bridge.旧金山的金门大桥刚建时是世界上最长的悬索桥。剑桥国际

