
单词 有柱子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amphistylar〕Having columns at both front and back or on each side.前后有柱的,两侧有柱的:建筑物前后或两侧有柱子美国传统〔megaron〕The main hall or central room of a palace or house, especially of Mycenaean Greece, having a pillared porch and a more or less central hearth.中央大厅:宫殿或房屋的主厅或中心房间,尤指古希腊美锡尼式的,附有柱子的门廊和一个基本上位置靠中间的壁炉美国传统〔stoa〕An ancient Greek covered walk or colonnade, usually having columns on one side and a wall on the other.古希腊柱廊:一种古希腊的带顶棚的人行道或长廓,通常一侧有柱子,另一侧是墙美国传统〔tambour〕The wall of a circular building surrounded with columns.四周有柱子环绕的一幢圆形建筑物的墙壁美国传统

