
单词 有所作为
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROUD〕His arrogance and unwillingness to learn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team. 他的傲慢及不愿意向别人学习的态度使他成不了球队中有所作为的一员。朗文写作活用〔amount〕With her intelligence,she should amount to something when she grows up.凭她的智力,她长大后必定有所作为21世纪英汉〔difference〕Like most of my colleagues, I came into politics because I wanted to make a difference.和大多数同事一样, 我从政是因为想要有所作为外研社新世纪〔example〕She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve.她为残疾人有所作为树立了光辉的榜样。牛津高阶〔get〕Your degree should get you somewhere in the chemical industry.你的学位可以使你在化工行业有所作为英汉大词典〔grown-up〕I have grown-up children who're doing well.我的几个孩子已经长大成人并有所作为外研社新世纪〔handcuff〕The amendments handcuffed the committee and prevented further action.修正案限制了委员会的作用并使其不能再有所作为21世纪英汉〔impression〕Most people want to make an impression.大多数人都想有所作为外研社新世纪〔make〕She has the ambition and talent to make something of herself.她志高才清,必定有所作为朗文当代〔one's〕The end of one's useful professional life is hard to accept.一个人有所作为的职业生涯一旦结束, 是很难以接受的。外研社新世纪〔push〕Her teachers pushed her to succeed.老师们敦促她有所作为韦氏高阶〔somebody〕She was the first teacher who'd made Paul feel like he was somebody.她是第一位让保罗觉得自己还有所作为的老师。朗文当代〔straighten ... up〕He has straightened up and make something of himself.他已改过自新,并决心成为一个有所作为的人。21世纪英汉〔succeed〕You will have to work hard if you are to succeed.要想有所作为,你必须苦干。牛津高阶〔wholesale〕This company will not be successful until there are wholesale changes.如不作出重大变革,这家公司不会有所作为朗文当代

