
单词 完成时
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Camembert〕A creamy, mold-ripened cheese that softens on the inside as it matures.卡门贝干酪:一种奶油的、发霉催熟的奶酪,完成时其内部是软的美国传统〔future perfect〕The future perfect in English is formed with “will have” and “shall have,” as in “They will have left by the time we arrive.” 英语中的将来完成时由will have和shall have构成,如They will have left by the time we arrive。韦氏高阶〔imperfect〕In ‘while I was washing my hair’, the verb is in the imperfect.*while I was washing my hair 中的动词是过去未完成时牛津高阶〔intend〕I didn't intend her to see the painting until it was finished.我不打算在画还没有完成时就让她看。朗文当代〔intend〕We finished later than we had intended.我们完成时已超出原定时间。牛津高阶〔perfect〕A verb or verb form in the perfect tense.动词的完成式:完成时态的动词或动词形式美国传统〔perfect〕Grammar The perfect tense.【语法】 完成式:完成时美国传统〔perfect〕In English, the perfect is formed with "have" and the past participle of the verb.在英语中,完成时是由 have 加动词的过去分词构成的。剑桥高阶〔pluperfect〕A verb or form in the pluperfect tense.过去分词:过去完成时态下的动词或形式美国传统〔pluperfect〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being a verb tense used to express action completed before a specified or implied past time.【语法】 过去完成时的:属于、关于或成为一个被用来表示在一特定或暗示的过去时间之前完成动作的动词的美国传统〔present perfect〕A verb in the present perfect tense.现在完成时态的动词形式美国传统〔the future perfect〕In the sentence "By that time I will have finished" the verb phrase "will have finished" is in the future perfect.在句子 By that time I will have finished 中,动词短语 will have finished 用的是将来完成时剑桥高阶〔the present perfect〕The sentences "She has talked to her doctor about the problem" and "I have never been to Australia" are all in the present perfect.句子 She has broken her leg 和 I have never been to Australia 用的都是现在完成时剑桥高阶〔time frame〕Have you set a time frame for completing the job? 你给这项工作定完成时限了吗?剑桥高阶〔unit〕The present perfect is covered in Unit 8.现在完成时在第 8 单元讲解。牛津高阶A 10% deposit is required, with the balance payable on completion of the work.要求缴付 10% 的订金,尾数待工程完成时支付。牛津商务Everyone thought he was joking when he said the project had to be finished by June, but in fact he was completely serious.他说这个项目必须在六月前完成时,大家都认为他在开玩笑,可实际上他很认真。剑桥国际

