
单词 seed
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brazil nut〕The seed of this tree.巴西坚果美国传统〔DISTANCE〕The seeds should be planted a few inches apart. 应该相隔数英寸播下种子。朗文写作活用〔EARLY〕If you plant the seeds too early they won't grow. 种子如果播得太早就不会生长。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Before you plant the seeds, prepare the soil carefully. 在播种之前,要仔细翻整好土壤。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds. 把水果切成两半,取出果核。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕The wind spreads the seeds so that the plants can reproduce. 风吹散种子,使植物可以繁衍。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕Discard all the chilli seeds, unless you want an extremely fiery soup. 把所有的辣椒籽都去掉,除非你想做很辣的汤。朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕South American growers use the best US seed varieties. 南美种植者使用美国最好的种子品种。朗文写作活用〔Valencia orange〕A sweet orange having few seeds and a thin skin.瓦伦西亚橙:无籽薄皮的甜橘美国传统〔WEATHER〕The seeds must be planted in time for the rainy season. 必须及时播种赶上雨季。朗文写作活用〔WET〕You can plant the seeds anytime, as long as the soil is not frozen or waterlogged. 只要泥土不冻硬、不浸透水,可以在任何时候把种子种下去。朗文写作活用〔abrin〕A poisonous protein found in the seeds of the rosary pea.毒蛋白质:在相思豆种子里发现的一种有毒蛋白质美国传统〔adzuki bean〕A seed of this plant.赤小豆:这种植物的种子美国传统〔after-ripening〕A period during which certain changes must occur in some dormant but fully developed seeds before germination.后熟,后熟作用:处于休眠期但已完全发育的种子在发芽前产生一定变化的阶段美国传统〔agamospermy〕The asexual formation of embryos and seeds without the occurrence of fertilization.不完全无配生殖:胚胎和种子在未经过授精情况下而进行的无性生殖美国传统〔aleurone〕A granular protein found in the endosperm of many seeds or forming the outermost layer in cereal grains.蛋白质微粒:许多种子胚乳中存在的颗粒状蛋白质或构成谷类最外层的颗粒状蛋白质美国传统〔allseed〕Any of several plants, such as knotgrass, producing numerous seeds.多子植物:一种植物,如两耳草,可产生许多种子美国传统〔anise〕Anise seed.大茴香籽美国传统〔arabica〕The beanlike seed of this plant.阿拉伯咖啡豆:阿拉伯咖啡的豆荚状种子美国传统〔arabica〕The coffee brewed from the seed of this plant.阿拉伯咖啡:用阿拉伯咖啡豆煮的咖啡美国传统〔assorted〕These flower seeds are assorted.这些花籽是几种混杂在一起的。英汉大词典〔beak〕A usually firm, tapering tip on certain plant structures, such as some seeds and fruits.坚果:某些植物组织上通常硬而坚的顶端,如一些种子和果实美国传统〔bean〕Any of several related plants or their seeds or pods, such as the adzuki bean, broad bean, or soybean.豆类:一种相关植物或其种子或豆荚,如赤豆、蚕豆或黄豆美国传统〔bhang〕A preparation from the leaves and seed capsules of the cannabis plant, smoked, chewed, eaten, or infused and drunk to obtain mild euphoria.印度大麻:从大麻植物的树叶和种囊中提取的一种制剂,通过吸烟、嚼咀、吞食或注射以得到适度精神快感美国传统〔bird feed〕Food given to birds, especially dried food of mixed seeds.鸟食:喂鸟的食物,尤指与种子混合的干食物美国传统〔breadnut〕The seed of this tree.这种树的种子美国传统〔cashew nut〕The edible seed of the cashew tree.贾如树坚果:贾如树可食用的种子美国传统〔chocolate〕Fermented, roasted, shelled, and ground cacao seeds, often combined with a sweetener or flavoring agent.巧克力:经发酵、烘焙、去壳、碾碎并且常加入甜味剂或调味剂的可可豆美国传统〔clock〕Botany The downy flower head of a dandelion that has gone to seed.【植物学】 蒲公英的绒毛花:蒲公英的长茸的花头,吹散后可以播种美国传统〔coconut〕The fruit of the coconut palm, consisting of a fibrous husk surrounding a large seed.椰子:椰子树的果实,由纤维状外壳围绕一个大种子组成美国传统〔compartment〕The seeds are in the compartments within the pod.籽儿生在荚的节格里。英汉大词典〔container〕Keep the seeds in an airtight container.把种子保存在不透气的容器里。牛津搭配〔corn〕A seed or fruit of various other plants, such as a peppercorn.各种其他作物如干胡椒的种子或果实美国传统〔cotton gin〕A machine that separates the seeds, seed hulls, and other small objects from the fibers of cotton.轧棉机,轧花机:用来把种子、种子壳和其他小东西和绵纤维分开的机器美国传统〔cottonseed〕The seed of the cotton plant, the source of cottonseed oil.棉籽:棉花作物的种子,用来制造棉籽油美国传统〔cube〕Remove the seeds and stones and cube the flesh.把籽和果核弄掉,将果肉切成小方块。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕Cut open the chillies and remove the seeds.切开辣椒,把籽挖掉。朗文当代〔dandelion〕The children took turns blowing the dandelion clock (= the mass of white threads to which the seeds are attached).孩子们轮流吹蒲公英的绒毛头。剑桥高阶〔date〕The sweet, edible, oblong or oval fruit of the date palm, containing a narrow, hard seed.海枣:甜的、可食用的长方形或椭圆形的海枣树的果实,含有狭长坚硬的籽美国传统〔dehisce〕Botany To open at definite places, discharging seeds, pollen, or other contents, as the ripe capsules or pods of some plants.【植物学】 裂果:在一定的地方裂开,放出种子、花粉或其它内含物,如一些植物的成熟了的蒴果荚或豆荚美国传统〔destruction〕The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction(= creates the forces that destroy it).主要论点是资本主义播下了自我毁灭的种子。牛津高阶〔disperse〕Birds disperse a large proportion of the seeds.鸟传播大部分的种子。麦克米伦高阶〔disperse〕The seeds are dispersed by the wind.这些种子由风传播。牛津高阶〔dissilient〕Bursting apart, as some seed pods when ripe.爆裂的,如一些荚果成熟时美国传统〔distribute〕Distribute the seeds evenly.平均散布种子。牛津同义词〔doff〕The seed cotton is doffed from the open saw cylinder into an overhead basket.籽棉从敞开的锯齿式滚筒中落到高处的篮子里。外研社新世纪〔draw〕There are only two seeded players left in the top half of the draw.在抽签系列比赛的上半区就只剩下两名种子选手了。牛津高阶〔drill〕A shallow trench or furrow in which seeds are planted.条播沟:撒种的浅沟或犁沟美国传统〔early〕It's a little early to be sowing carrot seeds, isn't it? 现在种胡萝卜还太早,不是吗?剑桥高阶〔eat up〕Some seed fell along the footpath, and the birds came and ate it up.有些种子散落在小路上,鸟儿飞来把它们吃光了。柯林斯高阶〔eustele〕The central cylinder in which the primary vascular tissue is arranged around a pith, as in most seed plants.真中柱:一种管状中柱,其中初生脉管组织排列在髓孔周围,存在于大多数种子植物中美国传统〔fertile〕Botany Bearing functional reproductive structures such as seeds or fruit or material such as spores or pollen.【植物学】 具有生殖结构的:如种子、果实或类似孢子或胚种等有结果或再生功能结构的美国传统〔five-spice powder〕A seasoning used especially in Chinese cooking, consisting of ground cinnamon, cloves, star anise, fennel seed, and Szechuan peppercorns.五香粉:中国菜的特别调味料,由肉桂,丁香,八角,茴香籽与花椒制成美国传统〔flat〕A shallow frame or box for seeds or seedlings.浅箱,浅苗床:培植种子或秧苗用的浅框架或浅箱美国传统〔flaxseed〕The seed of flax, the source of linseed oil and emollient medicinal preparations.亚麻籽:用于制亚麻油和配制药用润滑膏的亚麻种子美国传统〔fluff〕Light down or fuzz, as on a young bird or on a dandelion or milkweed seed.绒毛,软毛:如长在小鸟身上、蒲公英或马利筋属植物种子上的轻软绒毛美国传统〔funiculus〕Botany A stalk connecting an ovule or a seed with the placenta.【植物学】 珠柄:与胚珠或含胎座的种子相接的叶柄美国传统〔generative cell〕A cell of the male gametophyte or pollen grain in seed plants that divides to give rise directly or indirectly to sperm.生殖细胞:雄性配子体的一个细胞或种子植物中的花粉颗粒,分裂后直接或间接地产生精子美国传统〔germinate〕Seeds germinate in the right conditions.种子在适当的环境能发芽。牛津同义词〔germination〕The poor germination of your seed could be because the soil was too cold.你的种子出芽不好, 可能是因为土壤温度太低。外研社新世纪〔germ〕The earliest form of an organism; a seed, bud, or spore.生殖细胞,胚种细胞:有机体的最初形式;种子、萌芽或胚种美国传统〔globular〕The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.球状蒴果内包着许多小种子。外研社新世纪〔globular〕The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.这种球形种子荚里含有大量的小种子。柯林斯高阶〔go to seed〕The flowers will go to seed and spread.这些花儿将要结籽,传播种子。韦氏高阶〔gorp〕A mixture of high-energy foods, such as dried fruit, nuts, and seeds, eaten especially as a snack.高能量的一种混合食品,如干果,坚果和种子,特别是作为零食吃美国传统〔gram〕The seeds of such a plant.绿豆种子:这种植物的种子美国传统〔grow〕I've grown these geraniums from seed.我用种子栽培出了这些天竺葵。麦克米伦高阶〔grow〕Plants grow from seeds.植物由种子长出。文馨英汉〔halvah〕A confection consisting of crushed sesame seeds in a binder of honey.哈尔瓦芝麻糖:一种由碎芝麻和蜜糖等混合而成的糖果美国传统〔haricot〕The edible pod or seed of any of several beans, especially the kidney bean.扁豆:尤指菜豆等可食性豆荚或子美国传统〔hilum〕The scar on a seed, such as a bean, indicating the point of attachment to the funiculus.种脐:种子(如豆)上的疤痕,系胚珠于胚珠柄的痕迹美国传统〔horse chestnut〕The seed of any of these plants.七叶树种子:此类植物的种子美国传统〔hybridize〕Some people will take the seeds and hybridize the resulting plants with others of their own.一些人会将种子带回去播种, 然后让长出的植物与本地植物杂交。外研社新世纪〔hybridize〕Some people will take the seeds and hybridize the resulting plants with others of their own.有些人会拿取种子,然后将培育出来的植株和自己的其他植株进行杂交。柯林斯高阶〔hypogeal〕Botany Of or relating to seed germination in which the cotyledons remain below the surface of the ground.【植物学】 地下生的,地下产生子叶的:种子萌芽的,或与之有关的,在这种萌芽里胚胎保留在地表面以下美国传统〔immerse〕The seeds need to be completely immersed in water.种子需要完全浸没在水中。牛津搭配〔inseminate〕To sow seed in.播种美国传统〔isolate〕Researchers have isolated a new protein from the seeds of poppies.研究人员从罂粟籽中分离出了一种新的蛋白质。外研社新世纪〔ivory nut〕The seed of the ivory palm, having bony endosperm that is used as a substitute for true ivory.象牙椰子:象牙椰子树的种子,具有似骨的内胚乳,它可被用作真象牙的替代品美国传统〔kernel〕The inner, usually edible seed of a nut or fruit stone.核,仁:坚果或水果仁内的通常可食的种子美国传统〔kidney bean〕The pod or seed of this plant.四季豆,菜豆:这种植物的豆荚或种子美国传统〔kolacky〕A square, sweet bun with a fruit or poppy seed filling.东欧水果面包:一种有水果或罂粟籽馅的甜味方形小面包美国传统〔legume〕Such a pod or seed used as food.豆荚,荚果:这种荚果或用作食物的种子美国传统〔lengthwise〕Split the fruit lengthwise and discard the seeds.把水果竖着切开,然后把籽去掉。韦氏高阶〔lotus〕The edible seed, leaf, or rhizome of this plant.莲子,莲藕:这种植物的可食性种子、叶子或根茎美国传统〔monospermous〕Having a single seed.具有单种子的美国传统〔mung bean〕The seeds or pods of this plant.绿豆:这种植物的种子或豆荚美国传统〔nucleus〕The central kernel of a nut or seed.籽仁:坚果或种子中心的仁美国传统〔nutmeg〕The hard, aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice when grated or ground.肉豆蔻种子:这种树硬而带香味的种子,磨碎或碾碎后作香料用美国传统〔nut〕Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E.坚果和种子富含维生素E。外研社新世纪〔peach〕The soft, juicy fruit of this tree, having yellow flesh, downy, red-tinted yellow skin, and a deeply sculptured stone containing a single seed.桃子:这种树上产的软而多汁的果实,果肉黄色,带绒毛,黄里泛红的皮,深刻纹的内核,内有一颗籽美国传统〔peck〕Chickens pecked at the seeds which covered the ground.小鸡们啄食着撒在地上的种子。剑桥高阶〔pedlar〕The pedlar had wicker baskets of roast chickpeas and seeds and nuts.货郎拿着柳条筐, 里面装着烤鹰嘴豆、瓜果籽和干果。外研社新世纪〔perilla〕The oil from the seeds of this plant, widely used in the manufacture of paint, varnish, and artificial leather and as a substitute for linseed oil.紫苏油:从此种植物种子里炼出的油,广泛用于制造油漆、光亮漆和人造革,并可做蓖麻油的代用品美国传统〔perisperm〕The nutritive tissue that is derived from the nucleus and surrounds the embryo of the seed.外胚乳:包在种子胚芽外,产生于细胞核的营养性组织美国传统〔pine nut〕The edible seed of certain pines, such as the piñon.松子,松果:某种松树的可食种子,如矮松美国传统〔plant〕He planted the seeds.他播下了种子。韦氏高阶〔pollen sac〕The microsporangium of a seed plant in which pollen is produced.花粉囊:种子植物中产生花粉的小芽胞囊美国传统〔pomace〕Pulpy material remaining after the extraction of oil from nuts, seeds, or fish.酱状物:从坚果、种子或鱼中提炼油后所剩的酱状物美国传统〔pomegranate〕The fruit of this tree, having a tough reddish rind, and containing many seeds, each enclosed in a juicy, mildly acidic, red pulp.石榴:这种树的果实,有坚韧的浅红色果皮,并含有许多种子,每粒种子都包在多汁、微酸的红色果浆中美国传统〔pound〕The seeds were pounded to a fine powder.籽粒被捣成了细粉。牛津高阶〔produce〕These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.然后, 这些植物就被授粉, 从而成熟结籽。外研社新世纪〔produce〕These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.然后,这些植物就被授粉,从而成熟结籽。柯林斯高阶〔propagate〕The plant can be propagated from seed.这种植物可由种子繁殖。牛津高阶〔puff away〕The wind puffed away the seeds of the dandelion.风吹散了蒲公英的种子。21世纪英汉〔pulse〕The edible seeds of certain pod-bearing plants, such as peas and beans.如豌豆和豆类等某些结荚植物的可食性种子美国传统〔pumpkinseed〕The seed of a pumpkin.南瓜籽:南瓜的籽美国传统〔pumpkin〕Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds.将南瓜切成4份,去掉籽。柯林斯高阶〔pumpkin〕The large pulpy round fruit of this plant, having a thick, orange-yellow rind and numerous seeds.南瓜果实:这种植物的有厚桔黄色果肉且多籽的大圆形果实美国传统〔rake〕Rake the soil, press the seed into it, then cover it lightly.将土耙松,把种子种在土里,然后轻轻地盖上土。柯林斯高阶〔result〕Growing plants from seed can produce disappointing results .用种子培育成植株有时会产生令人失望的结果。朗文当代〔robusta coffee〕The seed of this plant.中果咖啡豆:该植物的种子美国传统〔sabadilla〕The seeds of this plant used in insecticides and formerly in medicine.赛藜芦籽:以前做药用的植物的种子,现用作杀虫剂美国传统〔safely〕The number two seed is safely through to the second round of the tournament.二号种子顺利地进入了锦标赛第二轮。柯林斯高阶〔saturate〕After planting these seeds, saturate the earth round them.撒下这些种子以后,给周围的土浇透水。英汉大词典〔scatter〕Scatter the grass seed over the lawn.把草籽撒到草坪上。牛津高阶〔scatter〕Scatter the lawn with grass seed.在草坪上撒上草籽。牛津高阶〔scoop out〕Cut a marrow in half and scoop out the seeds.把西葫芦切成两半, 用勺子把籽挖掉。外研社新世纪〔scoop sth out〕Cut the tomato in half and scoop out the seeds.把西红柿切成两半,挖出里面的籽。剑桥高阶〔seed corn〕Young people are the seed corn management of the future.年轻人是未来的管理人员。朗文当代〔seed itself〕This plant spreads quickly because it seeds itself.因为是自我繁殖,这种植物传播很快。韦氏高阶〔seeder〕A machine or an implement used for planting seeds.播种机,播种器:用于播种的机器或工具美国传统〔seeder〕A machine or implement used to remove the seeds from fruit.去核机,去核器:用于除去水果果核的机器或工具美国传统〔seeder〕One that seeds clouds.人工造雨者美国传统〔seedy〕Having many seeds.多籽的:有很多籽的美国传统〔seed〕After his divorce, he let himself go to seed.离婚后,他自暴自弃。牛津高阶〔seed〕Bob was seeded number two.鲍勃被定为第2号种子选手。英汉大词典〔seed〕Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds.把葡萄切成两半, 去籽。外研社新世纪〔seed〕He argued that capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction. () 他指出资本主义自身蕴藏着自我毁灭的种子。牛津搭配〔seed〕He may be sowing the seeds of his own destruction in the long term by using violence against his own people.对人民使用暴力,他也许正在为自己最终的毁灭埋下种子。剑桥高阶〔seed〕He raised questions meant to plant seeds of doubts in the minds of jurors.他提出几个问题意欲引起陪审员的疑心。柯林斯高阶〔seed〕He was a big man in his forties; once he had a lot of muscle but now he was running to seed.他 40 多岁时很魁梧,曾经肌肉发达,但如今身体逐渐衰弱了。柯林斯高阶〔seed〕He was not yet fifty, but he was already going to seed.他还不到50岁,但已经开始显老。麦克米伦高阶〔seed〕If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring.如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽。柯林斯高阶〔seed〕In hot weather lettuces can suddenly run to seed.在炎热的天气下,莴苣会在很短的时间内开花结籽。剑桥高阶〔seed〕Jones, seeded second, has won her last ten matches.2号种子选手琼斯在过去的10场比赛中保持全胜。剑桥高阶〔seed〕Peel the peppers and remove the seeds.给甜椒剥皮去籽。牛津搭配〔seed〕Pete Sampras, Wimbledon's top seed and the world No.1.皮特·桑普拉斯,温布尔登网球锦标赛的头号种子,世界排名第一柯林斯高阶〔seed〕Something Lucy said began to sow seeds of doubt in his mind.露西说的一些话在他心里播下了怀疑的种子。朗文当代〔seed〕The seeds of change in Eastern Europe were beginning to emerge.东欧巨变的种子开始萌芽。朗文当代〔seed〕The jungle trails were seeded with mines and traps.丛林小道上布下了地雷和陷阱。英汉大词典〔seed〕The old neighborhood has gone to seed.老邻居们都去了活力美国传统〔seed〕The plant will set seed in June.这种植物在 6 月结籽。牛津搭配〔seed〕This tree produces very hard seeds.这种树结一种硬粒种子。牛津搭配〔seed〕This variety will seed itself.这个品种能自播。外研社新世纪〔seed〕This watermelon is full of seed.这种西瓜全是籽。英汉大词典〔seed〕To go to seed.结籽美国传统〔seed〕To plant seeds in (land, for example); sow.播种:播种于(如土地)中;播种美国传统〔seed〕You can grow sunflowers from seed.你可以用种子种出向日葵。外研社新世纪〔seminal〕Of, relating to, containing, or conveying semen or seed.精液的,种子的:属于,关于,包含,或输送精液的或种的美国传统〔seminiferous〕Bearing seed.种子的美国传统〔septicidal〕Dehiscing by splitting along or through the septa. Used of a seed capsule.室间开裂的:通过沿着中隔或通过中隔劈开而裂开的,用于种皮美国传统〔septifragal〕Dehiscing by the breaking away of the valves from its partitions. Used of a seed capsule.室间开裂的:通过裂片与它的其它部分脱离的开裂。用于果皮美国传统〔shea butter〕A whitish or yellowish fat obtained from the seeds of the shea tree, used as food and for making soap and candles.牛油果油:一种从牛油果树的种子中提取的浅白或浅黄色脂肪,用作食物、制皂和蜡烛美国传统〔shell bean〕Any of various beans cultivated for their edible seeds rather than their pods.壳豆:任一种结可食用种籽而并非由其荚培育的大豆美国传统〔soak〕After planting the seeds, soak the soil.播种之后,用水将土壤浇透。韦氏高阶〔sow〕Sow the seeds in pots.把这些种子种在花盆里。剑桥高阶〔soybean〕The seed of this plant.该植物的种子美国传统〔space〕You can grow seeds in the spaces between the plants.你可以在植物的空隙间播种。麦克米伦高阶〔spire〕Sow the seeds before they are spiring.在种子发芽前播种。21世纪英汉〔spit〕They bought watermelons and ate them as they walked, spitting out the seeds.他们买了西瓜,边走边吃,一路吐着瓜子。剑桥高阶〔spit〕You'd better to spit out the seeds in your palm, and then put them on the plate.你应该把子吐在手上,然后再放到盘子里。21世纪英汉〔spreader〕A farm or garden implement for scattering fertilizer or seed.撒布机:农场、花园用来施肥、撒种的机器美国传统〔spread〕Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind.种子和花粉是随风传播的。牛津高阶〔sprout〕It takes about three days for the seeds to sprout.这些种子大概要3天时间才会发芽。剑桥高阶〔sterile〕Not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit spores, or other reproductive structures. Used of plants or their parts.不结果的:不产生或不能产生种子、果实孢子或其它繁殖结构的。用于植物或其部分美国传统〔stickweed〕Any of various plants having clinging seeds or fruit, especially ragweed.各种产生粘着种子或果实的植物,尤指豚草美国传统〔strew〕They strewed the garden with seeds.他们把种子播在园子里。英汉大词典〔take〕Have the seeds taken? 种子发芽了吗? 英汉大词典〔temperature〕The seeds should be stored at low temperatures .这些种子要在低温下保存。朗文当代〔testa〕The often thick or hard outer coat of a seed.外种皮:一粒种子的通常厚或坚硬的外壳美国传统〔thresh〕To use a machine or flail to separate grain or seeds from straw.打谷:用机器或连枷从稻草中脱谷粒或种子美国传统〔tin〕Store the seeds in an airtight tin.把种子储存在密封罐。牛津搭配〔trade〕He built up a trade in seeds, corn and manure.他逐步发展了经营种子、谷物和肥料的业务。牛津搭配〔transplantation〕Farmers will be able to seed it directly, rather than having to transplant seedlings.农民将能够直接播种,而不用移种秧苗。柯林斯高阶〔tread〕She planted the seeds and trod the earth down.她埋下种子,把土踩实。牛津搭配〔vegetarianism〕The practice of subsisting on a diet composed primarily or wholly of vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds, with or without eggs and dairy products.素食主义:靠食用主要或全部由蔬菜、谷物、水果、干果和种子构成的(包括或不包括蛋类和乳制品)日常食物,维持生存的做法美国传统〔vindaloo〕A blend of red chilis, tamarind, and other spices, such as ginger, cumin, and mustard seeds.综合调味香料:混合红辣椒、罗望子及如姜、小茴香和芥末子等其它香料的调料美国传统〔volunteer〕Botany A cultivated plant growing from self-sown or accidentally dropped seed.【植物学】 自生植物:一种由自落的或偶而落下的种子而生长出的植物美国传统〔wanting〕Seed plants are totally wanting there.那儿完全没有种子植物。英汉大词典〔wash away〕Heavy rain washed away the grass seed.大雨把草籽都冲走了。韦氏高阶〔whole〕The seeds can be eaten whole or ground in a coffee grinder.这些豆子可以整个吃,也可以用咖啡机磨成粉。剑桥高阶〔wing〕A thin or membranous extension, such as of the fruit of the elm, maple, or ash or of the seed of the pine.翼膜:榆树、枫树或白蜡树的果实或松树的种子的薄的或膜状附加部分美国传统Seed cake sometimes contains caraway seeds.撒有芳香种子的糕饼有时带有葛缕子。剑桥国际Garnish with peeled, seeded (= with the seeds removed) and diced tomatoes.用去皮的、除籽的并且切成丁的番茄来装饰菜肴。剑桥国际He was angered to be seeded 11th in the nationals, two below his world ranking of No. 9.他对自己全国第十一的排名很生气,比他世界第九的排名还差两位。剑桥国际He was cursed for sowing seeds of discord among his friends. 他因在朋友中挑拨离间而被人咒骂。译典通He's sown the seeds of (= done something which is very likely to lead to) his own downfall.他为自己的堕落撒下了种子。剑桥国际I was disappointed not to be seeded this year.今年我被淘汰出局很是伤心。剑桥国际I've seeded the company with my own money.我用自己的钱为公司的初创提供了资金。牛津商务In the hot weather the lettuces suddenly ran to seed.炎热的天气下,莴苣突然开始花谢结子。剑桥国际Keeping a vanilla (Br) pod/(Am and Aus) bean (= seed container) in your sugar jar will add a delicate flavour.在你的糖罐里放一颗香子兰荚,可以增添一股醇美的香味。剑桥国际Sow the seeds in pots or in/on the open ground.把种子播种在花盆里/疏松的土地里。剑桥国际The seed has a hard exterior covering. 这种子外壳很硬。译典通The seeds are quickening in the soil. 种子在土壤里发芽生长。译典通The 5th-seeded Browne crushed the defending champion, who was seeded second.五号种子选手布朗击败了名列二号种子选手的卫冕者。剑桥国际The chemical will stop all seeds from sprouting for the rest of the year.在一年中的其他时间,那些化学药品可使所有的种子避免发芽。剑桥国际The project was seeded with money from the company, which has been very generous over the years.公司许多年慷慨地捐资使计划得以启动实施。剑桥国际They bought watermelons and ate them as they walked, spitting out the seeds.他们买了西瓜吃,边走边吐瓜子。剑桥国际We studied the evolution of flowers from seeds and buds. 我们研究从种籽和花蕾到花的成长过程。译典通

