“remain in”例句

单词 remain in
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕Under the Geneva agreement, a French force was supposed to remain in South Vietnam until July 1956. 根据日内瓦协议,法军要在越南留驻到1956年7月。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Those who remain in the city are in perpetual danger of being hit by bullets and shells. 留在城里的人一直处于被枪炮击中的险境。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕David pulled the blankets up so only the top of his head remained in view. 戴维把毯子拉上来,只把脑袋露在外面。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕He's decided to remain in his present job for the time being. 他决定暂时留下来继续做现在的工作。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕The survival of the president's plans to cut taxes remains in doubt. 总统的减税计划能否推行下去仍是个疑问。朗文写作活用〔THEN〕The accepted view at that time was that women should remain in the home and not go out to work. 那时候普遍接受的看法是女人应该留在家里,不可以出去工作。朗文写作活用〔UNCERTAIN〕The building's future remained in doubt until the government agreed to restore it. 这栋大楼的未来一直不确定,直到后来政府同意修缮。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕The suspect seemed to have proved his innocence, but a niggling doubt remained in my mind. 嫌疑犯似乎已经证明了他的清白,但我脑里仍有挥之不去的怀疑。朗文写作活用〔abeyance〕The threat is likely to remain in abeyance until next year's meeting in Reykjavik.这一威胁很可能会一直存在下去,直至明年的雷克雅未克会议。柯林斯高阶〔badly〕If the war goes badly, he is unlikely to remain in power.如果战事不利的话,他不大可能继续掌权。麦克米伦高阶〔coma〕He remained in a drug-induced coma.他仍处于药物引起的昏迷状态中。外研社新世纪〔copyright〕The songs remain in copyright.这些歌曲仍然受版权保护。牛津搭配〔credit〕The positive balance or amount remaining in a person's account.存款:在某人帐户上的正差额或数目美国传统〔death throes〕The dead tycoon's sons will remain in their plush offices overseeing the death throes of the family empire.大亨逝世后, 他的儿子们仍然守在奢华的办公室里, 俯瞰着家族帝国的最后挣扎。外研社新世纪〔figure〕The industry remains in the doldrums, according to official figures out today.根据今天公布的官方数字,这个行业仍不景气。牛津搭配〔force〕The ban on arms exports remains in force.武器出口禁令仍然有效。麦克米伦高阶〔full time〕Most children in the UK remain in full-time education until they are at least 16 years old.在英国,大多数孩子至少在16岁之前都要接受全日制教育。剑桥高阶〔hairline fracture〕A minor fracture in which the bone fragments remain in alignment, appearing on x-ray film as a fine line.毛细裂缝:骨骼断片仍保持一直线的细微骨折,在X光线照射片中出现者为极纤细的线美国传统〔handover〕The president will remain in office until the official handover in April.在 4 月份正式移交政权前总统仍然在位。朗文当代〔heeltap〕A small amount of liquor remaining in a container or drinking vessel.杯中残酒:残留在溶器或饮酒器皿之中的少量酒美国传统〔hold〕These assurances only hold good while he remains in office.只有在他的任期内这些保证才有效。麦克米伦高阶〔hot seat〕He is to remain in the hot seat as chief executive.他将继续留在公司总经理这个不好坐的位子上。柯林斯高阶〔ignorance〕It would have been better to have remained in ignorance.要是还是什么都不知道就好了。麦克米伦高阶〔indetectable〕There always remained in him something evasive and indetectable.在他身上总有着某种躲闪规避、令人难以捉摸的东西。英汉大词典〔instruct〕She instructed us to remain in our seats.她命令我们坐在原位不动。韦氏高阶〔intention〕It is my intention to remain in my position until a successor is elected.我的打算是继续呆在岗位上,直到选出继任者。柯林斯高阶〔interim〕He was to remain in jail in the interim.在此期间, 他要继续被关押外研社新世纪〔litany〕She remained in the doorway, listening to his litany of complaints against her client.她站在门口,听他喋喋不休地抱怨她的客户。柯林斯高阶〔office〕The government seemed likely to remain in office for the next five years.这届政府好像有可能在未来 5 年继续执政。牛津搭配〔position〕Make sure the container remains in an upright position.要确保那个容器保持直立。朗文当代〔position〕She remained in that position.她一直保持着那个姿势。外研社新世纪〔puff up〕The butter must remain in grated pieces for the pastry to puff up.黄油必须一直是碎粒状才能使油酥面皮鼓起。外研社新世纪〔remain〕He will have to remain in hospital for at least 10 days.他至少得在医院里呆10天。柯林斯高阶〔remain〕He will have to remain in hospital for at least 10 days.他至少还要在医院住10天。外研社新世纪〔remain〕She remained in Boston after she finished college.她读完大学后留在了波士顿。韦氏高阶〔remain〕They remained in Mexico until June.他们在墨西哥一直住到六月。牛津高阶〔saprolite〕Soft, partially decomposed rock rich in clay and remaining in its original place.腐泥土:柔软的、部分被分解的腐蚀之石,富含于粘土中并且停留在其原始位置美国传统〔state〕If a fat remains in a liquid state at room temperature it is unsaturated.如果某种脂肪在室温下保持液态, 该种脂肪便为不饱和脂肪。外研社新世纪〔they〕The young horses broke in a pack, and over the first furlong, they remained in a pack.几匹小马一起冲出,跑完头一弗隆后还没拉开距离。柯林斯高阶〔threat〕The priest remains in hiding after threats by former officials of the ousted dictatorship.受到被驱逐下台的独裁政府官员的威胁后,那个牧师一直藏匿不出。柯林斯高阶〔throes〕The country remains in the throes of a bitter conflict.该国仍处于激烈冲突的困境中。麦克米伦高阶〔trial〕He remains in prison awaiting trial on major fraud charges.由于被指控进行大额诈骗,他仍然在押候审。麦克米伦高阶〔vitally〕A sensible diet is vitally important if you want to remain in good health.如想保持健康,合理的饮食十分重要。朗文当代He told me a gruesome tale about the police finding human remains in the wood behind our house.他告诉我一个关于警察在我们房子后面的树林里找到尸体的可怕的故事。剑桥国际His last shot with only 2 seconds remaining in the game was the clincher of our victory. 他最后两秒钟的一击决定了我们的胜利。译典通Only the ambassador and five essential staff will remain in the embassy.只有大使和5位必要的工作人员将留在大使馆。剑桥国际The loan will help the company remain in business.这笔贷款将有助公司继续经营。牛津商务The story remains in the realms of fantasy but is presented as an adult dream.小说停留在幻想范围内,但作为一个成人之梦表现出来。剑桥国际The victim's family remained in seclusion yesterday and refused to talk to reporters.昨天受害人家属仍采取回避态度,拒绝与记者谈话。剑桥国际Theresa needed a police escort when she returned to salvage what remained in her vandalized house.特丽萨需要警察护卫,才能回到她那被肆意破坏的家中,抢救剩下的财产。剑桥国际

