“push up”例句

单词 push up
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEAD〕He talks about spending his parents’ money as if they were already pushing up daisies. 他讲起花父母钱的口气,好像他父母已经进棺材了似的。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕The distributors and the wholesalers all get their cut, and this is what pushes up the price. 经销商和批发商都要赚一份,这样价格就上涨了。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The country could exploit its position as a major oil producer to push up world oil prices. 该国能够利用其主要产油国的地位抬高全球油价。朗文写作活用〔aftereffect〕The aftereffects of record-breaking cold and snow will continue to push up prices.前所未有的严寒和大雪过去后,影响所及将使物价继续上涨。英汉大词典〔be pushing up (the) daisies〕I'll be pushing up the daisies long before it happens.没等这件事发生我早就一命呜呼了。剑桥高阶〔be pushing up daisies〕We'll all be pushing up daisies by the time the government balances the budget.等到政府实现收支平衡时,我们都已长眠地下了。韦氏高阶〔cost〕Inflation is pushing up the cost of living.通货膨胀推高了生活成本。牛津搭配〔daisy〕We were told not to grieve that our friend would soon be pushing up the daisies.人们告诉我们不要为朋友即将归西感到悲伤。外研社新世纪〔foul〕Tourists cry foul as euro pushes up cost of holidays.当欧元抬高了度假所需的费用时, 游客们抱怨连连。外研社新世纪〔garter〕An elasticized band worn around the arm to keep the sleeve pushed up.扣衬衫袖子的带子:一种有弹性的带子,绕胳膊而戴用来使袖子保持卷起美国传统〔knit〕She pushed up the sleeves of her grey knitted cardigan and got to work.她撸起身上灰色开襟毛衣的衣袖开始工作。柯林斯高阶〔material〕Higher raw material costs have pushed up the price of many manufactured goods.原材料成本的提高推高了很多制成品的价格。牛津搭配〔move〕The big multinationals moved in and started pushing up prices.那些大的跨国公司插手进来,开始抬高价格。朗文当代〔push ... up〕Shops are no longer allowed to push up their prices whenever they want.再不允许商店想什么时候提价就提价了。21世纪英汉〔push sth up/down〕The rise in interest rates has pushed up the value of my investments.利率上涨使我的投资升值。剑桥高阶〔push up〕Any labour shortage could push up costs.任何劳动力短缺都会推高成本。外研社新世纪〔push〕Any shortage could push up grain prices.任何一种短缺都会抬高粮食价格。柯林斯高阶〔push〕Being sturdy plants, the young peas have no trouble pushing up through the mulch.豌豆的幼苗非常壮实,顺利地穿过覆盖层破土而出。英汉大词典〔push〕Building costs keep pushing up.营造成本不断上涨。英汉大词典〔push〕The Bank of England had pushed up interest rates sharply to protect the pound from speculators.英格兰银行大幅抬升利率以保护英镑免受投机者操纵。麦克米伦高阶〔rent〕The large stores have pushed up the rents in the area.大商店抬高了这一地区的租金。牛津搭配〔underneath〕Someone was pushing up from underneath.有人正从下面向上推。英汉大词典〔wage〕Full employment pushed up wages.充分就业使工资水平上升了。牛津搭配〔wiry〕Her wiry hair was pushed up on top of her head in an untidy bun.她粗硬的头发向上梳起,在头顶乱糟糟地盘成了个发髻。柯林斯高阶〔wiry〕Her wiry hair was pushed up on top of her head in an untidy bun.她粗硬的头发被推到头顶, 盘成了一个乱糟糟的发髻。外研社新世纪Her dress was rucked up (= pushed up in folds) at the back.她的衣服在背部起皱了。剑桥国际Old John has been pushing up the daisies for years now. 老约翰埋在地下已经有年头了。译典通The rise in oil prices has pushed up the cost of raw materials.油价上涨提高了原材料的成本。牛津商务Two men have been given the job of pushing up the company's sales and profits.两个男人所要做的工作就是提高公司的销售额和利润。牛津商务

