
单词 淡而无味
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕There is a world of difference between home-made bread and the tasteless substance that many people buy today. 家里自制的面包与许多人今天买的淡而无味的东西之间有着天壤之别。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕Most job descriptions are bland, boring and totally lacking in colour. 大多数工作职责说明都写得淡而无味,毫不生动有趣。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕The most disappointing dish was the chicken-filled tortellini with a pesto sauce that had almost no taste. 最让人失望的菜就是那道意式鸡肉饺子,上面的香蒜酱淡而无味朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕Why is airplane food always so tasteless? 为什么飞机上的食物总是那么淡而无味朗文写作活用〔anaemic〕They insist on tastier chocolate than the anaemic British stuff.他们坚持要比淡而无味的英国货味道更好的巧克力。柯林斯高阶〔blandness〕It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.这吃起来淡而无味,像加热过的纸板。柯林斯高阶〔bland〕It has a bland taste.这淡而无味外研社新世纪〔bland〕It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.这吃起来淡而无味, 像加热过的纸板。外研社新世纪〔boot〕The vegetables were overcooked and tasteless, and cold to boot.蔬菜煮过头了,淡而无味,而且还是凉的。麦克米伦高阶〔characterless〕Their food is bland and characterless.他们的食物淡而无味,毫无特色。韦氏高阶〔chewy〕The meat was tasteless and chewy.这肉淡而无味而且嚼不烂。剑桥高阶〔flat〕It is just me or does this stuff taste flat to everyone?就我自己还是大家都觉得这东西淡而无味呢?外研社新世纪〔flavour〕This beer has no flavour.这种啤酒淡而无味麦克米伦高阶〔insipid〕It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.这东西吃起来淡而无味, 难以形容, 有点像加热过的纸板。外研社新世纪〔insipid〕It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.这东西尝起来淡而无味至极,像加热过的纸板一样。柯林斯高阶〔insipid〕The soup was rather insipid.这汤淡而无味韦氏高阶〔like dishwater〕This soup/tea tastes like dishwater.这汤/茶像洗碗水一样淡而无味剑桥高阶〔mawkish〕Sickening or insipid in taste.(味道上)令人作呕的,淡而无味美国传统〔off〕The wine's off at this joint.这馆子里的酒淡而无味英汉大词典〔perk up〕To make the bland taste more interesting, the locals began perking it up with local produce.为了使这淡而无味的东西更有味道,当地人开始加些土特产调味。柯林斯高阶〔slipslop〕Archaic Unappetizing liquid or watery food; slops.【古语】 淡而无味的食物:不能引起人食欲的流食或稀汤的食物;稀薄乏味的液体食物美国传统〔stum〕To ferment (vapid wine) by adding stum.加葡萄汁使(淡而无味的酒)增进发酵美国传统〔tasteless〕The potatoes were tasteless without salt.这些土豆没有搁盐所以淡而无味英汉大词典〔thin〕The sauce was thin and tasteless.这酱汁淡而无味牛津高阶〔wash〕This tea is (a) mere wash.这茶淡而无味英汉大词典〔wateriness〕The soup is tasteless because of wateriness.这汤因为水太多淡而无味英汉大词典〔wish-wash〕A thin, watery drink.淡而无味的饮料美国传统〔wishy-washy〕Thin and watery, as tea or soup; insipid.淡而无味的:指茶或汤淡而无味的;乏味的美国传统The meat was tasteless and chewy.这肉既淡而无味又难嚼。剑桥国际

