
单词 天气不好
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕If the weather's bad, we could go to the museum instead. 假如天气不好,我们可以改去博物馆。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕Our vacation was a complete nightmare. The weather was awful and our hotel was worse. 我们的度假简直是一场噩梦。天气不好,住的旅馆更糟。朗文写作活用〔IF〕Unless the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game. 如果天气不好转,那我们将不得不取消比赛。朗文写作活用〔LATE〕The harvest was late this year because of the bad weather. 今年由于天气不好,庄稼收得晚。朗文写作活用〔LIST〕Because of bad weather, our programme of events has had to be changed slightly. 由于天气不好,我们的活动安排不得不略作变动。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕We're planning for rain because the forecast isn't good. 我们在为下雨作准备,因为天气预报说天气不好朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Because of bad weather we made no progress on the house for the next three days. 由于天气不好,往后的三天里我们的房屋修建工程没有取得一点进展。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕A lot of people get depressed in the winter, when the weather's bad and there's very little sunlight. 冬天天气不好,日光又少,许多人会因此而感到抑郁。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕We had pretty good attendance despite the bad weather. 尽管天气不好,我们的观众人数仍相当可观。朗文写作活用〔UNFORTUNATELY〕It's a pity about the weather - it was so nice yesterday. 天气不好真是可惜—昨天还好好的。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The game was cancelled because of bad weather. 由于天气不好,比赛取消。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕The game had to be abandoned due to bad weather.由于天气不好,比赛不得不中止。朗文当代〔account〕The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.天气不好可能是人来得少的原因。牛津高阶〔account〕We couldn't go out on account of the bad weather.由于天气不好, 我们不能出去。外研社新世纪〔account〕Weather conditions were poor, but he did not delay his departure on that account.天气不好,但他并没有因此延期启程。牛津高阶〔bad〕The plane was delayed for several hours by bad weather.天气不好,飞机延误了好几个小时。朗文当代〔blame〕The weather was partly to blame for crop failure.天气不好是庄稼歉收的部分原因。英汉大词典〔call〕To stop or postpone (a game) because of bad weather, darkness, or other adverse conditions.停止或延期比赛:由于天气不好、天黑或其它不利条件而停止或推迟(一场比赛)美国传统〔cancellation〕Bad weather led to the cancellation of the game.天气不好导致比赛取消了。朗文当代〔compound〕The bad weather compounded our difficulties.天气不好,我们的困难更大了。牛津同义词〔debit side〕On the debit side there is the bad weather.从不利方面看, 天气不好外研社新世纪〔delay〕I have delayed my return home because of the weather.由于天气不好我已推迟回家。麦克米伦高阶〔departure〕Our departure was delayed because of bad weather.由于天气不好,我们的出发时间推迟了。剑桥高阶〔depress〕The weather depressed us.天气不好使我们沮丧。牛津同义词〔despite〕I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.尽管天气不好,这一周我过得还是很愉快的。剑桥高阶〔disaster〕Because of the weather, the parade was a total disaster.由于天气不好,游行活动彻底搞砸了。朗文当代〔excuse〕He excused his delay as due to the weather.他解释说因天气不好所以耽搁了。英汉大词典〔extenuating〕The company claims that its failure to deliver the materials on time is due to bad weather and other extenuating circumstances.这家公司声称,他们未能按时递送材料是因为天气不好和其他情有可原的情况。韦氏高阶〔flight〕All flights to New York today are delayed because of bad weather.因天气不好,今天飞往纽约的所有航班都延误了。剑桥高阶〔go ahead〕Despite the bad weather, they decided to go ahead with the party.尽管天气不好,他们还是决定照常举办晚会。韦氏高阶〔go ahead〕Despite the weather, the party went ahead as planned.尽管天气不好,聚会依然按计划举行。韦氏高阶〔good〕If the weather's no good then I won't take any pictures.如果天气不好,我就不拍照了。柯林斯高阶〔grizzle〕He always grizzles that the weather is bad.他总是抱怨天气不好韦氏高阶〔hamper〕Bad weather hampered the work.天气不好,工作受到阻碍。牛津同义词〔hinder〕Bad weather hindered travel.天气不好使旅行受到阻碍。英汉大词典〔keep ... in〕She keeps in during the bad weather.天气不好时她总呆在家里。21世纪英汉〔keep〕The weather kept us indoors that day.那天天气不好,我们只好呆在屋里。英汉大词典〔lay〕Bad weather can upset even the best-laid plans.天气不好,再好的计划也会打乱。牛津高阶〔lay〕Bad weather can upset even the best-laid travel plans.如果天气不好,旅行计划安排得再好也会被打乱。朗文当代〔matter〕It didn't matter that the weather was bad.天气不好并没什么影响。牛津高阶〔moor〕Don't walk over the moors in bad weather.天气不好的时候不要徒步过沼泽。牛津搭配〔no-show〕The bad weather meant there were a lot of no-shows at the game.天气不好使得有很多人没有如期来观看比赛。朗文当代〔off〕Tonight's game has been called off because of bad weather.因为天气不好,今晚的比赛已取消。麦克米伦高阶〔partly〕The poor weather was partly responsible for the crash.天气不好是造成坠机事故的部分原因。朗文当代〔passable〕Many of these roads are not passable in bad weather.天气不好时很多路都无法通行。外研社新世纪〔pity〕The place was great, but it was a pity about the weather.那个地方很美,遗憾的是天气不好牛津搭配〔point〕Living in Scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them.在苏格兰生活有其优点,但天气不好牛津高阶〔postponable〕The match was postponed to the next day because of bad weather.比赛因天气不好而延期到第二天进行。21世纪英汉〔ran〕The cross-country race will be run in spite of the bad weather.尽管天气不好, 越野赛跑仍旧举行。21世纪英汉〔shut in〕The door enables us to shut the birds in the shelter in bad weather.有了这扇门,天气不好时我们就可以将鸟关进鸟屋。柯林斯高阶〔spoil〕Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。牛津高阶〔standby〕Board games are a good standby to keep the children amused if the weather is bad.天气不好时,棋类游戏是个不错的哄孩子们开心的备用选择。剑桥高阶〔stick〕I was stuck there for a week by bad weather.由于天气不好我只得在那里呆了一个星期。英汉大词典〔tie to〕The weather tied her to the house.天气不好使她无法外出。21世纪英汉〔tie〕The weather tied us to the house.天气不好使我们无法外出。21世纪英汉〔time〕Bad weather could add another hour to your journey time.天气不好可能会使旅行时间延长一个小时。麦克米伦高阶〔tough〕It was a tough call (=a difficult decision), but we had to cancel the game because of the weather.那是一个艰难的决定,但是天气不好我们只好取消比赛。朗文当代〔unfeasible〕The weather made it unfeasible to be outdoors.天气不好, 不能到户外去。外研社新世纪〔weather-bound〕Delayed, halted, or kept indoors by bad weather.因天气不好而延期、停航或留在屋内的美国传统All flights (=journeys by aircraft) to New York today are delayed because of bad weather.因为天气不好,今天所有飞往纽约的航班都延误了。剑桥国际Board games are a good standby to keep the children amused if the weather is bad.在天气不好时,棋类游戏是使孩子快乐的好的备用方法。剑桥国际Due to adverse weather conditions the train service has been slowed down considerably.由于天气不好,火车运行慢了许多。剑桥国际Many of those roads are not passable in bad weather. 那些路中有许多在天气不好时不能通行。译典通Our ETA is 5.45, but you should allow an extra hour for bad weather conditions.我们估计5:45到达,但考虑到天气不好,可酌加一小时。剑桥国际The garden party was put off because of the contrary weather. 由于天气不好,园游会延期了。译典通The walkers were good-humoured despite the bad weather.虽然天气不好,行路者还是愉快的。剑桥国际

