
单词 藏匿处
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔crack〕He cracked during questioning and told us where to find the stolen goods.他经受不住盘问,向我们供出了赃物藏匿处剑桥高阶〔drop〕A predetermined location for the deposit and subsequent removal of secret communications or illicit goods, such as drugs.藏匿处:预先确定的放置或取走秘密情报或非法物品,如毒品的地点美国传统〔hoarder〕Most hoarders have favorite hiding places.大多数贮藏者都有喜欢的藏匿处外研社新世纪〔move in〕The police moved in on the criminal's hideout.警方向罪犯藏匿处逼近。韦氏高阶〔seal〕The seal on the box broke when it fell from its hiding-place.盒子从藏匿处掉下来时, 封口裂开了。外研社新世纪〔smoke〕The police are determined to smoke out the leaders of the gang.警方决心查出犯罪团伙头目的藏匿处牛津高阶〔substitute〕Police investigators substituted Palmer's bag for a similar one, then followed him to his hideout.警方调查人员用一个相似的包调换了帕尔默的包,然后尾随其到了藏匿处麦克米伦高阶The authorities discovered our safe house and captured two of our agents there.当局发现了我们的藏匿处,抓走了我们两个特工人员。剑桥国际The gangster was flushed out from his hideout. 匪徒从藏匿处被驱赶出来。译典通The old war criminal was at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad. 这个老战犯终于被人从他在国外的藏匿处查获。译典通

