
单词 真菌的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HELP〕Damp conditions encourage the growth of the fungus. 潮湿的环境会促进真菌的生长。朗文写作活用〔antifungal〕Destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungi.抗真菌的,杀真菌的:破坏或抑制真菌生长的美国传统〔fruiting body〕A specialized spore-producing structure, especially of a fungus.子实体:尤指真菌的特殊产芽孢结构美国传统〔fungal〕Of, relating to, resembling, or characteristic of a fungus.真菌的真菌的、似真菌的或有真菌特点的美国传统〔fungivorous〕Feeding on fungi.食真菌的美国传统〔fungoid〕Of, relating to, resembling, or being a fungus.真菌的真菌的、与真菌有关的、似真菌的或菌类的美国传统〔heterocyst〕A large, thick-walled, transparent cell that occurs at intervals along the filaments of certain cyanobacteria.异型细胞:间歇地沿某些藻真菌的花丝出现的大型、细胞壁厚的透明细胞美国传统〔hymenium〕The spore-bearing layer of the fruiting body of certain fungi, containing asci or basidia.子实属:某些真菌的果实的带有孢子的层面,含有子囊或者孢子室美国传统〔mold〕The growth of such fungi.真菌生长:这样的真菌的生长美国传统〔myc.〕Mycological.真菌的美国传统〔mycelium〕The vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of a mass of branching, threadlike hyphae.菌丝体:真菌的营养体生殖部分,由大量枝杈和菌丝组成美国传统〔mycophagous〕Fungivorous.吃真菌的美国传统〔mycorrhiza〕The symbiotic association of the mycelium of a fungus with the roots of certain plants, such as conifers, beeches, or orchids.菌根:真菌的菌丝体和某些植物,如松柏类、山毛榉或者石兰的共同体美国传统〔peridium〕The covering of the spore-bearing organ in many fungi.包被:很多真菌的产芽孢器官的外裹套美国传统〔rhizoid〕A rootlike extension of the thallus of a fungus.假根:真菌的工菌体的似根的延伸物美国传统〔spermagonium〕A cup-shaped cavity or receptacle in which the spermatia of certain lichens and fungi are produced.(锈菌)性孢子器:某些地衣或真菌的性孢子在其中产生杯状的空腔或容器美国传统〔sterigma〕A slender projection of the basidium of some fungi that bears a basidiospore.担子柄:生有担孢子的某些真菌的担子的细长突出美国传统My roses were suffering from fungus. 我的玫瑰受到真菌的侵害。译典通

