
单词 螺形的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔spiral〕Coiling around an axis in a constantly changing series of planes; helical.绕线轴的:围绕一轴不断盘旋上升的;螺形的美国传统〔turbinal〕Having the shape of a cone resting on its apex.陀螺形的:形状象陀螺或倒置的圆锥的美国传统〔turbinate〕Shaped like a top.陀螺形的:形状象陀螺的美国传统〔turbinate〕Zoology Spiral and decreasing sharply in diameter from base to apex. Used especially of shells.【动物学】 陀螺形的:螺旋形的螺纹从基部到顶端逐步递减的,尤其用于贝壳美国传统〔varicellate〕Having small varices, as certain gastropod shells.具有小螺层隆起的:有细小的螺形的,如一定的腹足纲软体动物的贝壳美国传统

