
单词 罚球
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-taker〕They've got some terrific penalty-takers.他们有几个技术一流的罚球手。柯林斯高阶〔LAST〕Whitney made both free throws in the final minute of the game. 惠特尼在比赛的最后一分钟里两个罚球都进了。朗文写作活用〔area〕He scored from the edge of the area.他从罚球区边缘进球得分。麦克米伦高阶〔bay〕The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty.裁判不理睬人们要求罚球的叫嚷声。外研社新世纪〔blood〕The home side drew first blood with a penalty from Murray Strang.主场球队依靠默里·斯特朗的罚球而旗开得胜。柯林斯高阶〔boxed in〕He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the box.在罚球区内被违规撞倒后,他罚点球破门得分。柯林斯高阶〔box〕He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the box.他在罚球区被绊倒之后, 从罚球点射门得分。外研社新世纪〔bring〕He was brought down in the penalty area.他在罚球区被撞倒。牛津高阶〔cannonball〕The striker drifted into the penalty box before unleashing a cannonball shot.前锋慢慢悠悠地走入罚球区, 然后射出势大力沉的一球。外研社新世纪〔concede〕Luton conceded a free kick on the edge of the penalty area.卢顿未能在罚球区的边缘截住对方的任意球。柯林斯高阶〔cost〕A late penalty cost United the game(= meant that they did not win the game).临近终场的罚球得分使得联队输掉那场比赛。牛津高阶〔field〕They shot well from the field but they missed too many free throws.他们场上常规投篮很好,但却有太多的罚球不中。韦氏高阶〔flick〕Bell's flick into the penalty area helped to create the goal.贝尔迅速插进罚球区助攻,制造了这次进球的机会。牛津高阶〔foul〕He was fouled inside the penalty area.在罚球区内对方队员对他犯规。牛津高阶〔gap〕A penalty closed the gap to within three points for the hosts.主队的一个罚球使比分差距缩小到了3分以内。外研社新世纪〔ghost〕He ghosted into the penalty area.他悄没声儿地走进罚球区。外研社新世纪〔golden〕He wasted a golden opportunity when he missed from the penalty spot.他罚球没有命中,错失了一个绝佳的机会。朗文当代〔keyhole〕Basketball The key.【篮球】 罚球美国传统〔make〕I missed the first foul shot but made the second one.我丢了第一个罚球,但第二个进了。韦氏高阶〔miskick〕He miskicked the ball twice at the edge of the penalty box.他在罚球区边缘两次将球踢飞。外研社新世纪〔penalty area〕An area marked on a soccer field in front of each goal within which a violation of the rules by a defending player results in a penalty kick.罚球区:足球场地球门前区域,因防守队球员犯规在此区域内判罚点球美国传统〔penalty kick〕In soccer, a free kick on the goal defended only by the goalkeeper, awarded when a defensive player has committed a foul in the penalty area.点球:足球比赛中防守队员在罚球区犯规时,判罚由守门员单独防守的任意球美国传统〔penalty〕Fox kicked a last-minute penalty to give the All-Blacks a sensational victory.(橄榄球运动中)踢出罚球麦克米伦高阶〔penalty〕Hysen handled the ball and conceded the penalty that gave Manchester United the lead.海森控球犯规,给了曼联队一次罚球机会,使他们取得了领先。剑桥高阶〔penalty〕Sports A punishment, handicap, or loss of advantage imposed on a team or competitor for infraction of a rule.【体育运动】 罚球,罚分,罚下场:体育比赛中对犯规的赛队或运动员所施加的惩罚、障碍或不利条件美国传统〔penalty〕The referee awarded (= gave) a penalty kick.裁判员给了一个罚球机会。剑桥高阶〔penalty〕The referee gave a penalty.裁判员处以罚球英汉大词典〔penalty〕They scored from a penalty awarded when Jenkins handled the ball.詹金斯手球犯规,结果他们罚球命中得分。麦克米伦高阶〔pot〕The full-back potted the penalty to put Scotland two points in front.后卫罚球得分, 使得苏格兰队领先两分。外研社新世纪〔power play〕A situation in ice hockey in which one team has a temporary numerical advantage because the other team has one or more players in the penalty box.合力强攻:冰球赛中一个队由于另一个队在罚球区中有一至多名球员而暂时拥有的人数上的优势美国传统〔reply〕Deryck Fox gave Featherstone the lead early in the first half with a penalty, but Saints were quick to reply.德里克·福克斯在上半场的罚球使费瑟斯通队领先,但是圣徒队很快进行了反击。柯林斯高阶〔rout〕Zidane completed the rout with a low shot from the edge of the penalty area.齐达内在罚球区边缘的一记低射将对手彻底击败。柯林斯高阶〔save〕Dearden saved a second-half penalty to earn Birmingham a 2–1 victory over Bolton.迪尔登扑救了一个后半区罚球从而使伯明翰队以2∶1战胜保顿队。麦克米伦高阶〔save〕He saved the penalty kick/shot.他拦截了点球/罚球韦氏高阶〔shot〕He scuffed a shot from the edge of the box.他在罚球区边缘区域起脚射门。牛津搭配〔strike〕He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.他走到罚球点,稳稳地把球踢入网内。牛津高阶〔tackle〕He was tackled just outside the penalty area.他就在罚球区外让对方把球抢断。牛津高阶Brilliantly avoiding a series of tackles he reached the box and scored a goal.巧妙地躲过一连串阻截后,他跑到罚球区并踢进一球。剑桥国际Bruce scored his 11th goal of the season from the penalty spot (= in football, the place marked with a white spot from which a penalty kick is taken).布鲁斯从罚球点射进了本赛季他的第11个球。剑桥国际He hit two free throws to wrap up the game for Seattle.他投中了两颗罚球,为西雅图赢得这场比赛。剑桥国际He kicked the ball fiercely into the penalty area, causing it to ricochet off the goalkeeper into the net.他将球猛力踢入了罚球区,使它从守门员身上反弹入网。剑桥国际He received the ball from the right near the penalty spot, then jabbed it wide of the goal.他从罚球点附近的右边得到球,大脚一开给踢飞了。剑桥国际Schmeichel managed to save the penalty.施迈希尔救出了罚球剑桥国际The goalkeeper raced from goal and beyond the penalty area/penalty box (= in football, the area marked with white lines in front of the goal) to clear the ball away.守门员飞快跑出球门,出了罚球区以便把球踢开。剑桥国际The match was won on penalty kicks.比赛是靠罚球赢得的。剑桥国际The referee gave a penalty. 裁判处以罚球译典通The referee penalized Dave for a bad tackle and the other team scored a penalty goal.裁判罚大卫铲球犯规,对方罚球得分。剑桥国际

