
单词 电导
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕The power failure caused the whole computer system to shut down. 停电导致整个电脑系统停止运转。朗文写作活用〔Hertzian wave〕An electromagnetic wave, usually of radio frequency, produced by the oscillation of electricity in a conductor.赫兹波:一种电磁波,通常为无线电频率,由电在电导体内振荡而产生美国传统〔ablaze〕Lightning set the building ablaze.闪电导致那栋建筑着火了。韦氏高阶〔electrode〕A solid electric conductor through which an electric current enters or leaves an electrolytic cell or other medium.电极:一个固体电导体,电流通过它进入或离开电解电池或其它媒质美国传统〔electrolyte〕A chemical compound that ionizes when dissolved or molten to produce an electrically conductive medium.电解质:一种化合物,当被溶解或融化以产生电导媒质时发生电离美国传统〔immittance〕Electrical impedance or admittance.导抗:电阻抗或电导美国传统〔induction〕The charging of an isolated conducting object by momentarily grounding it while a charged body is nearby.感应:通过短暂地磨擦,使一个充电导体附近的独立导体产生电流美国传统〔photoconductivity〕Electrical conductivity affected by exposure to light.光电导性,光电导率:受光暴露影响的电传导美国传统〔selenium cell〕A photoconductive cell consisting of an insulated selenium strip between two suitable electrodes.硒光电池,硒光电管:由两个适当电极和其间的绝缘硒带组成的光电导元件美国传统〔siemens〕A unit of electrical conductance in the International System, equal to one ampere per volt.西门子:国际体制中的电导单位,相当于每伏特一安培美国传统〔vidicon〕A small television camera tube that forms a charge-density image on a photoconductive surface for subsequent electron-beam scanning.光导摄像管:在光电导表面形成电荷聚集图像的一种微小的电视摄像管,用于以后的电子光束扫描美国传统

