
单词 男子或男孩
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔feller〕A man or boy; a fellow.男子或男孩;小伙子美国传统〔he〕Used to refer to the man or boy previously mentioned or implied.他:用来指代前面提到或暗示到的男子或男孩美国传统〔lederhosen〕Leather shorts, often with suspenders, worn by men and boys, especially in Bavaria.吊带花饰皮裤:皮制短裤,常带有吊带,适于男子或男孩穿用,尤盛行于巴伐利亚地区美国传统〔pansy〕Used as a disparaging term for a man or boy who is considered effeminate.女性化的男子:对被认为有女子气的男子或男孩的贬称美国传统〔yarmulke〕A skullcap worn by Jewish men and boys, especially those adhering to Orthodox or Conservative Judaism.亚莫克便帽:犹太男子或男孩戴的一种无边便帽,尤指那些信奉东正教或保守犹太教的人美国传统

