
单词 的呼喊声
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔QUIET〕We heard muffled shouts and screams from the bar below. 我们听到下面酒吧里传来隐隐约约的呼喊声和尖叫声。朗文写作活用〔chant〕The band left the stage to chants of 'We want more! We want more!' 乐队在不断的“再来一个!再来一个!”的呼喊声中离开了舞台。牛津搭配〔chant〕The crowd broke into chants of ‘Out! Out!’ 人群爆发出一阵阵“下台!下台!”的呼喊声牛津高阶〔chant〕You could hear the football chants a long way from the stadium.离体育场很远就能听见为足球队加油的呼喊声牛津搭配〔cry〕I could hear voices crying for help.我听到求救的呼喊声朗文当代〔cry〕Passers-by heard his cries for help.路过的人听到了他求救的呼喊声外研社新世纪〔protest〕There were cries/howls of protest when the verdict was announced.裁决宣布时出现了一阵反对的呼喊声韦氏高阶〔resound〕A roar of approval resounded through the parliament.赞同的呼喊声在议会回响。外研社新世纪〔resound〕By now, the whole room was resounding to the sound of the team's chants.到现在整个房间里还回响着球队的呼喊声朗文当代〔unheard〕My shouts were unheard.我的呼喊声没有人听见。英汉大词典〔yay〕Used as an exclamation of pleasure, approval, elation, or victory.耶:用作表示高兴、赞同、兴奋或胜利的呼喊声美国传统

