
单词 的称号
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-titled〕Gary Kasparov has retained his title as world chess champion.加雷·卡斯帕罗夫卫冕了他国际象棋世界冠军的称号柯林斯高阶〔COMPETE WITH〕Paris and Milan vie with each other for the title of world fashion capital. 巴黎和米兰争夺世界时装之都的称号朗文写作活用〔Nizam〕Used formerly as a title for rulers of Hyderabad, India.尼扎姆:以前用作印度海得拉巴统治者的称号美国传统〔appellation〕He earned the appellation 'rebel priest.' 他赢得了“反叛牧师”的称号柯林斯高阶〔appellation〕He earned the appellation 'rebel priest'.他赢得了“反叛牧师”的称号外研社新世纪〔chair〕They chaired her round the field when she won the world championship.当她获得世界冠军的称号时,他们把她高高抬起绕场一周。21世纪英汉〔courtesy title〕In Great Britain, the title that the heir of a high-ranking peer customarily uses, consisting of a secondary title accorded to the peer.爵号:大不列颠居高位的贵族的继承人习惯上用的称号,包括有与这个贵族一致的次称号美国传统〔crown〕A distinction or reward for achievement, especially a title signifying championship in a sport.荣誉:因有功绩而得到的荣誉或奖章,尤指在体育比赛中标志冠军的称号美国传统〔crown〕He was crowned heavy weight boxing champion.他被授予重量级拳击冠军的称号21世纪英汉〔degree〕A similar title conferred as an honorary distinction.荣誉学位:一种类似的作为一种荣誉而被授予的称号美国传统〔despoil〕Calling Native Americans 'primitives' and 'savages' made it OK to conquer and despoil them.给美洲原住民以“原始人”、“野蛮人”的称号, 这样对他们的征服和掠夺就顺理成章了。外研社新世纪〔devest〕To deprive of a title, right, or item of property.剥夺:剥夺某人的称号、权力或财产美国传统〔duchess〕Used as the title for such a noblewoman.用作这些贵妇人的称号美国传统〔epithet〕The singer's 104-kilo frame earned him the epithet of "Man Mountain" in the press.这位歌剧演员身躯魁梧,体重104公斤,新闻报道中他的名前因此而被冠以“巨人”的称号剑桥高阶〔freeman〕Paul McCartney was made a freeman of the City of Liverpool.保罗‧麦卡特尼被授予利物浦市荣誉市民的称号剑桥高阶〔freeman〕Peter was made a Freeman of the City of London.彼得获授伦敦市荣誉市民的称号柯林斯高阶〔grand duchess〕Used as the title for such a noblewoman.用作这类贵妇的称号美国传统〔grand duke〕Used as the title for such a nobleman.用作这类贵族的称号美国传统〔ironside〕He won for himself the appellation of Ironsides.他为自己赢得了“铮铮硬汉”的称号英汉大词典〔juggernaut〕Juggernaut Used as a title for the Hindu deity Krishna. Juggernaut 世界主宰:用作印度神克利须那的称号美国传统〔label〕Her treatment of her husband earned her the label of the most hated woman in America.她对待丈夫的行径使她赢得了“全美最可恶的女人”的称号柯林斯高阶〔maharishi〕Used as a title for such a person.用作这样的一个人的称号美国传统〔mantle〕The city has taken on the mantle of European City of Culture.这个城市承袭了“欧洲文化名城”的称号外研社新世纪〔marchese〕Used as the title for such a nobleman.用于称呼这种贵族的称号美国传统〔marchioness〕Used as a title for such a noblewoman.用于称呼这种女贵族的称号美国传统〔match〕McClaire's goal earned him the title of man of the match (=the person in a team who plays best) .麦克莱尔的进球为他赢得了“本场最佳球员”的称号朗文当代〔patrician〕Used as a title for members of a class of honorary nobility appointed by the Byzantine emperors.贵族称号:用作拜占庭皇帝授予贵族阶层成员的称号美国传统〔peacemaker〕The ex-president has been honoured as a peacemaker.前任总统荣膺战争调停者的称号麦克米伦高阶〔punk〕He is fast getting a reputation as a young punk.他很快得了个小阿飞的称号柯林斯高阶〔tag〕His speed earned him the tag of 'the runner'.他的速度使他赢得了“飞人”的称号朗文当代〔temperamentally〕He is a quitter who is temperamentally unsuited to remaining a champion.他是个遇难而退的人,照他的性格,不可能长期保住冠军的称号柯林斯高阶〔title〕Bessie Smith earned the title 'Empress of the Blues'.贝西・史密斯赢得了“蓝调女皇”的称号牛津搭配〔title〕He was given the title of 'wise man'.他获授“智者”的称号牛津搭配〔title〕This earned for him the title of “father of the psychological novel”.这使他得到了“心理小说之父”的称号英汉大词典〔title〕Tyson won the WBA title in 1987.泰森于 1987 年赢得了世界拳击协会冠军的称号朗文当代Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria, was given the title Prince Consort.阿尔伯特,维多利亚女王的丈夫,被授予亲王的称号剑桥国际In tonight's quiz our contestants have come from all over the country to fight for the title of‘Superbrain’.来自全国各地的参赛者将在今晚的智力竞赛中争夺“超级头脑”的称号剑桥国际Moorhouse defends his 100-metres breaststroke title tonight.今晚穆郝斯保住了他百米蛙泳冠军的称号剑桥国际Princess Royal is a title sometimes bestowed on the eldest or only daughter of a sovereign.长公主有时候是授予国王的长女或唯一的女儿的称号剑桥国际The 60-year-old writer has been made a dame in the New Year's Honours list.这位60岁的作家被授予夫人的称号,列在新年授勋名册中。剑桥国际The Pope has taken the first step in conferring sainthood on the cardinal.教皇迈出了第一步,把圣徒的称号授予红衣主教。剑桥国际

