
单词 运行轨道
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aphelion〕The point on the orbit of a celestial body that is farthest from the sun.远日点:在天体运行轨道上距离太阳最远的点美国传统〔attach〕The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit.宇航员们将安装一个发动机,以推动卫星进入正常运行轨道柯林斯高阶〔circular〕That planet has a more circular orbit than our planet does.那颗行星的运行轨道比地球的更圆。韦氏高阶〔ecliptic〕The intersection plane of the earth's orbit with the celestial sphere, along which the sun appears to move as viewed from the earth.黄道:地球运行轨道与天球的交界面,在地球上看,太阳似乎沿着黄道运行美国传统〔gravity assist〕The use of the energy obtained from a gravitational field to change the speed or shape of a spacecraft's orbit.重力协航:利用来自于万有引力场的能量以改变宇宙飞船运行轨道的速度或形状美国传统〔orbital〕The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.新发现的这个天体运行轨道不同于任何其他行星。外研社新世纪〔orbital〕The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.新发现的这个天体具有不同于任何其他行星的运行轨道柯林斯高阶〔orbit〕Mars and Earth have orbits that change with time.火星和地球的运行轨道随时间而变化。外研社新世纪〔orbit〕Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.火星与地球的运行轨道随着时间而变化。柯林斯高阶〔orbit〕The path of a celestial body or an artificial satellite as it revolves around another body.运行轨道:天体绕另一天体或人造卫星绕一天体旋转所运行的轨道美国传统〔orbit〕The satellite was put/launched into orbit.卫星被送入运行轨道韦氏高阶〔rocket〕A “space truck” carrying two satellites rocketed flawlessly into orbit.一辆载有两颗人造卫星的“太空货车”准确无误地由火箭送入运行轨道英汉大词典〔sag〕The Cosmos 954 began to sag out of its prescribed orbit.954号宇宙飞船开始逸出规定的运行轨道英汉大词典〔tracking station〕A station for observing the path of and maintaining contact with an object in the atmosphere or in space especially by means of radar or radio.跟踪站:对大气层中或太空中的物体的运行轨道进行监测并与其进行联系的工作站,尤指通过雷达或无线电波的方式美国传统The launch vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit. 太空火箭将人造卫星送入运行轨道译典通The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite. 太空梭将把一个气象卫星送入运行轨道译典通They succeeded in rocketing a satellite into orbit. 他们成功地用火箭把一颗卫星送入运行轨道译典通

