
单词 floors
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BALANCE〕When we found the girl she was perched precariously on the window ledge, twelve floors up. 我们发现那个女孩时,她正蹲在12楼的窗台上,十分危险。朗文写作活用〔CLEAN〕Part of my job was to wash the dishes and scrub the floors. 我的一部分工作是洗碟子和擦洗地板。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕The house still has its original stone floors. 这房子仍保留着原先的石地板。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕Throughout the night, everyone mopped floors and washed walls in a frantic effort to clean the place up for the inspectors. 大家拖地的拖地,擦墙的擦墙,整整忙了一个晚上,把地方打扫干净,等待检查人员的到来。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕The elevator was stuck between two floors. 电梯卡在两个楼层之间不动了。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕At the beginning of term the school looked bright and clean with its freshly painted walls and polished floors. 学期刚开始,学校里的墙壁刚刚粉刷一新,地板也刚擦亮过,看上去又明亮又清洁。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕The floors gleamed, and the house smelled sweetly of soap and fresh air. 地板光滑发亮,屋子里空气新鲜,散发着肥皂的清香。朗文写作活用〔SUITABLE〕She knew she was cut out for more than scrubbing floors and doing laundry. 她知道自己不只是擦地板、洗衣服的材料。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕When we moved in, we spent a whole day washing all the floors and paintwork. 我们搬进去时,花了一整天时间清洗所有的地板和漆面。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕You have to be prepared to be a peon when you start -- sweeping floors, delivering, that kind of thing. 开始的时候你得准备好做个杂务工一扫地、送信等一类的事情都要做。朗文写作活用〔access〕A lift provides access to the upper floors.一台电梯通到上面的楼层。麦克米伦高阶〔atmosphere〕Pale wooden floors and plenty of natural light add to the relaxed atmosphere.淡色木地板和充足的自然光平添了几分轻松的氛围。柯林斯高阶〔backbreaking〕Cleaning all the floors was backbreaking work.打扫所有的地板是件累人的活儿。麦克米伦高阶〔bare〕There was a rug in the front room of the house, but the other floors were bare.房子的客厅铺有地毯,但其他房间没有。韦氏高阶〔bare〕They would have liked bare wooden floors throughout the house.他们本想在整个房间的木地板上都不铺地毯的。柯林斯高阶〔bargain basement〕A basement floor or floors in a department store where goods and apparel are sold at reduced or discounted prices.廉价商品部:货物和衣服减价或折价出售的百货商店的地下室或某层楼美国传统〔both〕This product can both clean and protect your floors.这种产品既能清洁地板,又能保护地板。韦氏高阶〔buff〕The floors are waxed and buffed every year.地板每年都打蜡抛光。韦氏高阶〔building〕The offices are on the top two floors of the building.办公室在大楼最顶端的两层。朗文当代〔carpet sweeper〕A device used to clean rugs and floors, consisting of a metal or plastic box equipped with rotating brushes and pushed by means of a long handle.扫毯器:用来清洁毛毯与地板的装置,由配置有旋转刷的塑料或金属箱所组成,以长把手推动来使用美国传统〔case〕A loophole in the planning laws means that stores can install internal mezzanine floors without planning permission. But the Planning Minister is on the case.规划法中的漏洞意味着商店可以未经许可加盖夹层。但规划大臣正在处理这个问题。外研社新世纪〔chic〕Both floors have chic decor and upstairs has a great view.两层楼都装饰精美, 上面一层还能看到绝佳的风景。外研社新世纪〔chill room〕The club has three rooms, a chill room, and two dance floors.这家俱乐部有3个房间,一间休息室,两个舞池。剑桥高阶〔clad〕The walls and floors are clad with ceramic tiles.墙壁和地板上都贴着瓷砖。外研社新世纪〔clad〕The walls and floors are clad with ceramic tiles.墙面和地板上都贴着瓷砖。柯林斯高阶〔cleaning〕Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean.铺了瓷砖的厨房地板便于保洁。柯林斯高阶〔concretely〕He merely cleared and concreted the floors.他只是把地面清理之后浇上了混凝土。柯林斯高阶〔concrete〕He merely cleared and concreted the floors.他只是把地面清理之后浇上了混凝土。外研社新世纪〔concrete〕The floors were made of concrete.这些地板是混凝土浇筑的。麦克米伦高阶〔construction〕The floors are of timber construction.这些地板是木质结构。外研社新世纪〔contemporary〕The wall hangings are thought to be roughly contemporary with the tiled floors.壁挂织物和铺地砖的地面被认为差不多出现在同一时代。朗文当代〔den〕Hill folk denned in log cabins with dirt floors and no windows.山里人住在泥地和没有窗户的木头小屋里。英汉大词典〔double-decker〕Something, such as a vehicle, structure, or sandwich, that has two decks, floors, or layers.双层结构,双层车,双层三明治:带有双层甲板、楼板或层面的东西,如双层结构、双层车或双层三明治美国传统〔duplex apartment〕An apartment having rooms on two adjoining floors connected by an inner staircase.二联式公寓:占两层楼,楼层间由内部楼梯相联的公寓美国传统〔fall〕Children jumped from upper floors as the building fell down around them.大楼倒塌时,孩子们从上面几层楼上跳了下来。柯林斯高阶〔false〕Modern office buildings have false floors, under which computer and phone wires can be laid.现代办公楼都设有假地板,下面铺设计算机和电话线路。剑桥高阶〔flooring〕Material, such as lumber or tile, used in making floors.地面材料:如木料或瓷砖等铺地板用的材料美国传统〔floor〕The house has polished wooden floors.这幢房子有抛光的木地板。麦克米伦高阶〔floor〕The library has four floors.那座图书馆有4层。英汉大词典〔floor〕There is a lift to all floors.有电梯通往各层楼。牛津高阶〔floor〕They occupied the first two floors of the tower.他们占用了塔楼的头两层。柯林斯高阶〔floor〕This building has five floors.这栋大楼有5层。剑桥高阶〔gorgeously〕The floors were all gorgeously finished parquet.地面都铺着极为精美的拼花木地板。外研社新世纪〔ground level〕The hotel is set on three floors. There's a bar and cafe at ground level.旅馆占三个楼层, 地面一层有个酒吧咖啡厅。外研社新世纪〔ground level〕The hotel is set on three floors. There's a bar and cafe at ground level.这家饭店有3层,在一楼有间咖啡吧。柯林斯高阶〔gunge〕He had painted the floors with some kind of black gunge.他用一些黑色的黏性物质漆地板。外研社新世纪〔gunge〕He had painted the floors with some kind of black gunge.他用某种黑色的黏糊糊的东西粉刷地板。柯林斯高阶〔harmoniously〕The architecture is harmonious and no building is over five or six floors high.这里的建筑风格和谐统一,没有哪座楼房高于五六层。柯林斯高阶〔joist〕The upper floors were joisted.上层楼面架了搁栅。外研社新世纪〔level〕The floors in the old house were not completely level.老房子的地面不是完全水平的。朗文当代〔lift〕The lift serves the top four floors of the building.这部电梯为大楼最上面的 4 个楼层服务。牛津搭配〔maisonette〕An apartment occupying two or more floors of a larger building and often having its own entrance from outside.复式住宅:大型建筑物中包含两个或多个楼层的公寓,且常有单独入口美国传统〔marble〕The hotel is traditionally furnished, with cool marble floors.这家旅馆陈设风格传统,地面铺着清爽的大理石。牛津搭配〔matting〕A coarsely woven fabric used for covering floors and similar purposes.席子:粗纤维织成的用于铺地或有类似用途的席子美国传统〔menial〕It's fairly menial work, such as washing dishes and cleaning floors.都是些很枯燥乏味的工作,如洗碗和擦地。剑桥高阶〔mop down〕It takes two men half the morning to mop down the hospital floors.需要两个男人用半个上午才能把医院的地板拖擦干净。21世纪英汉〔mop〕A household implement made of absorbent material attached to a typically long handle and used for washing, dusting, or drying floors.拖把:一种用于清洗、除去或擦干地板的家庭用具,将吸水性材料固定于典型的长柄的顶端美国传统〔mop〕I've spent all morning mopping the floors.我整个上午都在拖地。外研社新世纪〔mummify〕There were apples laid out on newspaper on the attic floors, gently mummifying.阁楼的地板上铺着报纸, 上面摆着的苹果正在逐渐变干。外研社新世纪〔nonresidential〕The bottom floor of the building is for nonresidential use and the top two floors have apartments.这个楼房的底层不用于居住,最上面两层有公寓。韦氏高阶〔oriental〕There were Oriental carpets on the floors.地上铺的是来自东方的地毯。柯林斯高阶〔overflow〕The overflow patients lay on floors and corridors.容纳不下的病人躺在地板上和走廊里。英汉大词典〔palm〕The salesman palmed off pine wood floors as oak.推销员把松木地板冒充栎木地板出售。英汉大词典〔parquetry〕Inlay of wood, often of different colors, that is worked into a geometric pattern or mosaic and is used especially for floors.镶木细工:木工镶嵌,通常用不同的颜色镶成几何图案或拼花图样,常用于地板装修美国传统〔patent〕Come and see my patent device for washing floors.来看看我那台新颖别致的地板擦洗器。英汉大词典〔penthouse〕A residence, often with a terrace, on the top floor or floors of a building.高级住房:常在建筑物顶层或最高几层的带有阳台的住宅美国传统〔pockmark〕Heeled shoes have a habit of pockmarking newly polished floors.高跟鞋容易在新抛光的地板上留下斑斑痕迹。外研社新世纪〔protection〕Fire-protection equipment must be available on all floors.各楼层都必须有防火设备。牛津搭配〔pug〕The floors had been pugged.地板早已填塞好了。外研社新世纪〔radial〕The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass.白色的大理石地板镶嵌在铜质的放射形图案中。柯林斯高阶〔refinish〕She made her living repairing and refinishing wood floors.她以修理和重饰木地板为生。韦氏高阶〔refit〕They're refitting the building with hardwood floors.他们正在为这幢楼房改装硬木地板。韦氏高阶〔reveal〕Pulling up the carpeting revealed the home's beautiful hardwood floors.掀起地毯就看见这房子里漂亮的硬木地板。韦氏高阶〔rug〕A Persian rug covered the hardwood floors.硬木地板上铺着一张波斯地毯。外研社新世纪〔rug〕A Persian rug covered the hardwood floors.硬木地板上铺着一张波斯地毯。柯林斯高阶〔run〕The floors ran with water.地板上流著水。文馨英汉〔scrubber〕One who cleans floors, for example, by scrubbing.洗刷地板的人:清洁地板的人,例如通过擦拭美国传统〔scrub〕They scrubbed the floors and walls.他们擦洗了地板和墙壁。外研社新世纪〔seal〕The floors had been stripped and sealed with varnish.地板上东西挪空,涂上了清漆。牛津高阶〔section〕Here's the outside view, and here are the floors in section.这是外观图,这是各楼层的剖面图。朗文当代〔shelve〕His first job was mopping floors and shelving goods in a grocery store.他的第一份工作是在一家杂货店拖地、上货。外研社新世纪〔slant〕At the back of the house, the floors have a noticeable slant.房屋后部的地面有很明显的倾斜。外研社新世纪〔slant〕Battered pine floors slanted down to a Georgian window.破旧的松木地板歪歪斜斜地铺到一个乔治王时代风格的窗户跟前。柯林斯高阶〔slant〕The floors have a noticeable slant.几层楼面明显地有些倾斜。英汉大词典〔slippery〕Bathroom floors can become slippery when wet.浴室地板打湿后会很滑。牛津搭配〔sluice〕The walls and floors were sluiced down every day.墙和地板每天都进行冲洗。麦克米伦高阶〔span〕Architects tell their clients that floors can span 100 metres without any visible means of support.建筑师告诉他们的客户,在没有任何有形支撑物的情况下,楼板可以延伸 100 米。柯林斯高阶〔splash〕Wallcoverings and floors should be able to withstand steam and splashes.墙面材料和地板都应该能耐热汽且防水。柯林斯高阶〔stain〕They stained the floors dark brown.他们把地板涂成了深棕色。牛津高阶〔stencil〕David stencils walls and floors.戴维用模版在墙壁和地板上印图案。外研社新世纪〔stick〕A lift stuck between two floors at the weekend.周末有一部电梯卡在了两层楼之间。外研社新世纪〔stone〕The floors are made of stone.地面是石头做的。朗文当代〔strew〕He strewed fresh hay on the floors of the stable. = He strewed the floors of the stable with fresh hay.他把新鲜干草撒在马厩里。韦氏高阶〔stripper〕A chemical product for removing a surface covering, such as paint or varnish, from furniture or floors.剥皮剂:把如粉层或油漆外表层从家具或地板上除去的化学产品美国传统〔strip〕They have stripped the floors back to the natural wood.他们把地板上的漆刮了恢复其原木色。外研社新世纪〔swab〕A mop used for cleaning floors or decks.拖把:用于清洗地面或甲板的拖布美国传统〔sweep〕I cleaned the windows and I swept the floors.我擦了窗户, 还扫了地。外研社新世纪〔throughout〕The house has wood floors throughout.房子铺的全部是木地板。韦氏高阶〔tile〕A thin, flat or convex slab of hard material such as baked clay or plastic, laid in rows to cover walls, floors, and roofs.瓦片,瓷砖:用烤过的粘土或塑料等硬质材料制成的薄而扁平或凸起的块板,成排摆放来覆盖墙面、地板和房顶美国传统〔tile〕The cabins had linoleum tile floors.船舱地上铺着油毡。柯林斯高阶〔tile〕The cabins had linoleum tile floors.那些小木屋地板铺着油地毡。外研社新世纪〔triple-decker〕Something, such as a structure or sandwich, that has three decks, floors, or layers.三层:有三层的东西,如建筑或三明治美国传统〔uppermost〕The building's uppermost floors were engulfed with flames.办公大楼的最上面几层陷入一片火海之中。剑桥高阶〔upper〕The office building's upper floors were being repainted.办公楼的上面几层在重新油漆。剑桥高阶〔up〕He lives three floors up.他住在再往上三层。英汉大词典〔varnish〕The floors have been varnished.地板已经上过清漆了。外研社新世纪〔varnish〕The floors have been varnished.地板已经上过清漆了。柯林斯高阶〔wax〕A preparation containing wax used for polishing floors and other surfaces.地板蜡:含蜡的制剂用于打光地板和其它表面美国传统〔weave〕The floors are covered with woven straw mats.地板上铺着编织的草垫。柯林斯高阶〔welding〕They will also be used on factory floors to weld things together.它们也可用于工厂车间,用来焊接物体。柯林斯高阶〔well〕An open space extending vertically through the floors of a building, as for stairs or ventilation.楼梯井,通风井:垂直地通过建筑物各层的开阔空间,如为了建楼梯或通风美国传统〔wood〕The house had dark wood floors.这间房子用的是黑木地板。牛津搭配Floors, stairs and passages must be kept in good repair.地板、楼梯和走廊必须保持完好。牛津商务In my last job I did menial work like washing dishes and cleaning floors.我的前一份工作是做一些像洗碟子、擦地板之类的低贱的工作。剑桥国际In today's pig factories, the floors are either metal slats or concrete.在现在的猪肉加工厂,地板或者是金属板条或者是水泥的。剑桥国际In very old houses the floors and windows are often on / at a slant (= are not straight).在很旧的房子里,地板和窗户经常是倾斜的。剑桥国际Most office buildings are now designed with false floors, under which computer and telephone wires can be laid.大多办公楼现在都设计了一层附加的地板,下面安放计算机和电话的电线。剑桥国际Now that the renovations are complete, visitors have the opportunity to admire the resplendence of the hall, with its marble floors and gilded ceilings.由于整修已经结束了,游客们就有机会欣赏到华丽的厅,里面的大理石地板和镀金天花板。剑桥国际Presently her footfalls died out as she descended to the lower floors. 当她下到下一层楼时,她的脚步声不久就消失了。译典通She lives two floors up. 她住在再往上两层。译典通She was a general factotum at the restaurant--washing dishes, cleaning the floors and polishing the furniture.她是餐馆的普通勤杂工,洗碟子、擦地板、擦家具,样样都干。剑桥国际The floors and walls were marble, the carpeting (=carpets) plush and the furniture richly upholstered.地板和墙是大理石的,地毯华丽,家具装潢精美。剑桥国际The apartment is on two floors and has a spiral staircase (= stairs curved around a central point) linking both levels.这公寓套房有两层,中间有个螺旋形楼梯连接。剑桥国际The maid is responsible for scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom floors. 这个女佣负责擦洗厨房与浴室的地板。译典通The office block's upper floors were engulfed with flames.办公楼的上面几层被火焰吞没了。剑桥国际The office block's uppermost floors (= those in the highest position) were engulfed with flames.办公楼的最上面几层陷入了火海中。剑桥国际They moved into a pristine new office which had brand new furniture and polished floors.他们搬进了崭新的、带有全新家具和磨光地板的办公室。剑桥国际

