
单词 excretion
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chlorothiazide〕A thiazide diuretic used in the treatment of hypertension, heart failure, and edema to promote the excretion of excess salt and water from the body.氯噻嗪:一种用于治疗高血压、心力衰竭及水肿噻嗪类利尿剂,能促使体内多余盐分和水的排泄美国传统〔diaper〕A folded piece of absorbent material, such as paper or cloth, that is placed between a baby's legs and fastened at the waist to contain excretions.尿布:一种折叠的吸附物(如纸或布),它放在婴儿的两腿间并系在腰上,收纳排泄物美国传统〔excretion〕Sweat is an excretion.汗是一种排泄物。英汉大词典〔excretion〕The kidneys are organs of excretion.肾脏是排泄器官。韦氏高阶〔hidrosis〕The formation and excretion of sweat.出汗:汗的形成和排出美国传统〔incontinent〕As the illness progressed, she became doubly incontinent (= unable to control the excretion both of urine and the contents of the bowels).随着病情的恶化,她大小便都失禁了。剑桥高阶〔natriuresis〕Excretion of excessive amounts of sodium in the urine.尿钠排泄增加:尿中丢失大量的钠阳离子美国传统〔penis〕The male organ of copulation in higher vertebrates, homologous with the clitoris. In mammals, it also serves as the male organ of urinary excretion.阴茎:高等脊椎动物与阴蒂相对应在雄性哺乳动物里的雄性性交器官, 也作为排尿器官美国传统〔private parts〕The external organs of sex and excretion.阴部:外生殖器,外排泄器官美国传统〔saluretic〕A drug that promotes excretion of salt in the urine.促尿食盐排泄药:有助于在尿中排泄盐的药剂美国传统〔saluretic〕Relating to or causing excretion of salt.助于排泄盐的,与排泄盐有关的美国传统〔uricosuric〕Promoting the excretion of uric acid in the urine.促尿酸尿的:尿中促进尿酸分泌的美国传统〔urinary bladder〕An elastic, muscular sac situated in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity in which urine collects before excretion.膀胱:位于盆腔前部的弹性的肌囊,尿液在排泄之前集中于这里美国传统〔urinary tract〕A continuous anatomical tract, including the kidneys, ureters, and urethra, involved in the formation and excretion of urine.尿束:与尿的形成与排泄有关的连续的结构束,包括肾,输尿管及尿道美国传统〔urinary〕Of or relating to the organs involved in the formation and excretion of urine.泌尿器官的:尿液形成及排泄器官的,与这些器官有关的美国传统〔urinary〕Of or relating to urine, its production, function, or excretion.尿的,泌尿的美国传统Excretion is one of several activities common to both plants and animals.分泌是植物和动物共同具有的几种活动之一。剑桥国际As the illness progressed, she became doubly incontinent (=unable to control the excretion both of urine and the contents of the bowels).随着病情的发展,她变得大小便失禁。剑桥国际Four-letter words refer to the taboo subjects of sex and excretion.四字母词指的是关于性和排泄物等禁忌话题用词。剑桥国际The patient's excretions have been quite regular.病人的排泄很正常。剑桥国际

