
单词 extensive
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Adamawa Massif〕An extensive plateau of west-central Africa in north-central Cameroon and eastern Nigeria.阿达马瓦高原:非洲中西部的广阔高原,位于喀麦隆中北部及尼日利亚东部美国传统〔BETRAY〕Newly-released records show there was extensive collaboration with the occupying army. 新公布的记录显示有许多人曾和占领军勾结。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕Technicians carried out extensive tests on the equipment. 技术人员在对该设备进行全面的测试。朗文写作活用〔Dogger Bank〕An extensive sandbank of the central North Sea between Great Britain and Denmark. It is a major breeding ground for fish.多格滩:位于英国和丹麦之间的北海中部的大片沙滩,是鱼类繁殖主要场所美国传统〔HAPPEN〕In the last few years the museum has undergone extensive renovation. 在过去的数年里,这家博物馆经历了大规模的整修。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕The ancient Greeks had an extensive knowledge of the stars. 古希腊人具有丰富的星体知识。朗文写作活用〔Montagnais〕A Native American people inhabiting an extensive area in Quebec and Labrador.蒙塔格尼族:居住在魁北克和拉布拉多广大地区的印第安土著民族美国传统〔NEWS〕The AIDS conference received extensive media coverage. 媒体对这次艾滋病大会作了大量的报道。朗文写作活用〔Ring of Fire〕An extensive zone of volcanic and seismic activity that coincides roughly with the borders of the Pacific Ocean.太平洋火圈:一个火山和地震活动的广大地带,它大致与太平洋的界线相吻合美国传统〔Serengeti Plain〕An area of northern Tanzania bordering on Kenya and Lake Victoria. It is noted for its extensive wildlife preserve.塞伦盖蒂平原:坦桑尼亚北部与肯尼亚和维多利亚湖接界的地区,它以广阔的野生动物保护区而闻名美国传统〔TEST〕Extensive piloting has shown us our study book will be a useful aid to students. 广泛的试验显示我们的学习用书将对学生十分有用。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕There has been an extensive programme of restorations in Venice since the 1966 flood. 自从1966年水灾发生以后,威尼斯一直在进行大规模的修复计划。朗文写作活用〔agria〕An extensive pustular eruption.大面积脓疮破裂美国传统〔alteration〕The King's Arms pub is to undergo extensive alterations .国王纹章酒馆要大变样了。朗文当代〔arboretum〕A place where an extensive variety of woody plants are cultivated for scientific, educational, and ornamental purposes.树木园,植物园:为科学、教育及装饰目而大量种植各类木本植物的地方美国传统〔arms〕The terrorists had extensive supplies of arms.这些恐怖分子有大量军火供应。外研社新世纪〔arm〕The guerrillas had extensive supplies of arms.那些游击队有广泛的武器供应。文馨英汉〔believe〕Experts believe that the drought will be extensive.专家们认为将会发生大范围的干旱。外研社新世纪〔bile〕Meat-eaters have to produce extensive bile acids in their intestines to properly digest the meat that they eat.食肉者的肠道内必须分泌大量的胆汁酸来彻底消化所吃的肉。剑桥高阶〔body〕There was extensive damage to the truck's body.卡车车身损毁严重。韦氏高阶〔book〕His schooling provided him with extensive book knowledge/learning.学校教育为他提供了广博的书本知识。韦氏高阶〔bundle〕The profession offers a bundle of benefits, not least of which is extensive training.这个职业有很多好处, 尤其是它拥有各种各样的培训机会。外研社新世纪〔bundle〕The profession offers a bundle of benefits, not least of which is extensive training.这份职业提供了大量福利,全面训练就是其中很重要的一项。柯林斯高阶〔buy-back〕The company announced an extensive stock buy-back program.公司宣布了一个大量回购股权的方案。柯林斯高阶〔carpet-bomb〕To bomb in a systematic and extensive pattern, so as to devastate a large target area uniformly.地毯式轰炸:对…进行系统的和全面的轰炸,以对一大片目标地区进行统一标准的摧毁美国传统〔carry〕Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.已对患者进行了全面检查。牛津高阶〔charter〕They were granted charters entitling them to extensive fishing rights.他们被授予全面的捕鱼特权。外研社新世纪〔condemn〕The houses were condemned after floods caused extensive damage.那些房子遭受洪水严重损毁之后被封闭了。韦氏高阶〔continental divide〕An extensive stretch of high ground from each side of which the river systems of a continent flow in opposite directions.大陆分水岭:把属于同一大陆水域的河流系统分开并使它们流向相对两侧的一条延伸很长的高地美国传统〔cordillera〕An extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges, especially the principal mountain system of a continent.山脉,山系:范围广大的一群山脉或山区,尤指一块大陆的主要山脉系统美国传统〔coverage〕The murder has received extensive media coverage.该谋杀案已经被媒体广泛报道。麦克米伦高阶〔damage〕The earthquake caused extensive structural damage .这次地震造成大面积结构上的破坏。朗文当代〔damage〕There was extensive damage to the house.那个房子大面积受损。外研社新世纪〔dealings〕They had extensive dealings with officials in Kabul.他们与喀布尔的官员过从甚密。牛津搭配〔demesne〕An extensive piece of landed property; an estate.地产:一大片土地资产;地产美国传统〔dust storm〕A severe windstorm that sweeps clouds of dust across an extensive area, especially in an arid region.尘暴:一种能在很大范围内卷起大量尘云的严重大风暴,尤指发生于干燥地区的美国传统〔equivocal〕Despite extensive research, the evidence remains equivocal.尽管进行了广泛调查,证据还是不够确凿。麦克米伦高阶〔estate〕Gilbert was heir to an extensive landed estate.吉尔伯特是一处庞大地产的继承人。牛津搭配〔experimentation〕Extensive experimentation is needed before new drugs can be sold.药物在销售之前需进行广泛试验。剑桥高阶〔exploration〕Extensive exploration was carried out using the latest drilling technology.人们应用最新的钻井技术进行了广泛的勘探。牛津搭配〔extensively〕Mr Marr makes extensive use of exclusively Scottish words.马尔先生使用了大量苏格兰特有的词汇。柯林斯高阶〔extensively〕The blast caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows.爆炸造成了巨大的破坏,震碎了一楼的窗户。柯林斯高阶〔extensively〕The facilities available are very extensive.可使用的设施非常多。柯林斯高阶〔extensively〕The security forces have extensive powers of search and arrest.安全部队拥有搜查和逮捕的至高权力。柯林斯高阶〔extensive〕Extensive research has been done into this disease.对这种疾病已进行了广泛研究。牛津高阶〔extensive〕Extensive research is being done into the connection between the disease and poor living conditions.正在对该疾病与恶劣的生活条件之间的联系进行广泛的研究。朗文当代〔extensive〕Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph.《星期日电讯报》全面报道了南非的发展。外研社新世纪〔extensive〕Fire has caused extensive damage to the island's forests.大火给岛上的森林造成了重大损害。朗文当代〔extensive〕He recommends more extensive use of information technology.他建议更加广泛地运用信息技术。外研社新世纪〔extensive〕He suffered a broken wrist and extensive bruising.他腕关节骨折,身上大面积擦伤。麦克米伦高阶〔extensive〕His knowledge of music is extensive.他音乐知识很广博。牛津高阶〔extensive〕Scientists have conducted extensive research into the causes of cancer.科学家们已经对癌症病因作了广泛的研究。麦克米伦高阶〔extensive〕She has an extensive knowledge of art history.她的艺术史知识十分广博。麦克米伦高阶〔extensive〕The accident caused extensive damage to both cars.这次事故对两辆车都造成了严重损坏。麦克米伦高阶〔extensive〕The castle is set in extensive grounds.这座城堡建造在一片广阔的土地上。外研社新世纪〔extensive〕The earthquake caused extensive damage.地震造成了巨大的损失。外研社新世纪〔extensive〕The exhibition has received extensive coverage in the national press.这次展览会受到了全国媒体的广泛报道。朗文当代〔extensive〕The fire caused extensive damage to the factory.大火使工厂遭到巨大破坏。英汉大词典〔extensive〕The fire caused extensive damage.火灾造成了巨大的损失。牛津高阶〔extensive〕The health services make extensive use of foreign labour.卫生服务部门大量使用外国劳动力。外研社新世纪〔extensive〕The house has extensive grounds.这栋房子有宽敞的庭院。牛津高阶〔extensive〕The house stands in extensive grounds.这栋房子占地面积很大。朗文当代〔extensive〕The police made extensive inquiries after the murder.谋杀发生后, 警方进行了大规模的调查。外研社新世纪〔extensive〕The security forces have extensive powers of search and arrest.安全部队拥有搜查和逮捕的至高权力。外研社新世纪〔extensive〕The storm caused extensive damage.这场暴风雨造成了大范围破坏。韦氏高阶〔extensive〕The wedding received extensive coverage in the newspapers (= it was written about a lot).报纸对这次婚礼进行了全面报道。剑桥高阶〔extensive〕We had fairly extensive discussions.我们进行了相当广泛的讨论。外研社新世纪〔extensive〕When built, the palace and its grounds were more extensive than the city itself.建成时, 宫殿及其庭园比城市本身面积还要大。外研社新世纪〔fair〕It's a fair guess to say that the damage will be extensive.很可能会损失惨重。外研社新世纪〔fan〕The show has an extensive and loyal fan base.该节目拥有人数众多而且忠实的粉丝团。牛津搭配〔fire〕The building suffered extensive fire damage.这座大楼在火灾中遭受了大面积的损坏。牛津搭配〔fortune〕Extensive amounts of material possessions or money; wealth.庞大的财产:大量财产、金钱或财宝;财富美国传统〔gallery〕There is also an extensive gallery of photos.还有一个包含大量图片的图片库。牛津搭配〔garner〕He has garnered extensive support for his proposals.他的提议得到了广泛的支持。外研社新世纪〔garner〕He has garnered extensive support for his proposals.他的提议得到了广泛的支持。柯林斯高阶〔geosyncline〕An extensive, usually linear depression in the earth's crust.地槽:地壳中广泛的、通常是线形的沉降地美国传统〔government〕The former minister was relieved of his post in last month's extensive government reshuffle.在上个月的政府全面改组中,前任部长被解职了。牛津搭配〔ground〕The palace is set in extensive grounds.宫殿位于庞大的庭院中。牛津搭配〔heath〕An extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs; a moor.荒地:一大片未开垦的覆盖有草本植物和低矮灌木丛的开阔地;荒野美国传统〔high finance〕Financial transactions or institutions that are extensive in size or scope.巨额融资:在规模和范围上巨大的金融交易或金融机构美国传统〔hull〕The hull had suffered extensive damage to the starboard side.船体右舷遭到重创。柯林斯高阶〔icecap〕An extensive dome-shaped or platelike perennial cover of ice and snow that spreads out from a center and covers a large area, especially of land.冰冠,冰帽:一种大面积的圆丘形或盘子形的长年雪盖或冰盖,它从中心向外扩展,覆盖很大的一块区域,尤其是陆地美国传统〔impress〕He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine.他想以自己在葡萄酒方面的渊博知识让我对他刮目相看。剑桥高阶〔interest〕The company is believed to be keen to sell its extensive brewing interests.据信该公司急于出售大量酒业股份。朗文当代〔investigation〕The authorities conducted an extensive investigation into his tax affairs.当局对他的纳税情况进行了大范围的调查。牛津搭配〔irreparable〕Extensive mining will cause irreparable damage to the area.大量采矿会对当地造成无法弥补的损害。朗文当代〔lawyer〕Solicitors for the squire handled the sale of his extensive lands.这位乡绅出售大片土地的事宜由他的律师处理。美国传统〔lay in〕They began to lay in extensive stores of food supplies.他们开始储备大量食物。柯林斯高阶〔library〕The family possessed an extensive library.这个家庭有大量的藏书。牛津搭配〔library〕The library has an extensive collection of books on Chinese history.该图书馆有大量关于中国历史的藏书。牛津搭配〔literature〕There's an extensive literature on the subject.有关这门学科的文献资料很多。牛津搭配〔maim〕The bill was maimed by extensive amendments.该议案由于修正处过多而弄得残缺不全了。英汉大词典〔manhunt〕An organized, extensive search for a person, usually a fugitive criminal.搜捕:对某人,通常是潜逃犯,所进行的有组织的仔细搜索追捕美国传统〔mechanization〕However, in deciding on extensive mechanization, the concept of elite armoured forces had been lost.然而, 在决定实现全面机械化的过程中, 精锐装甲部队的观念早丢掉了。外研社新世纪〔menswear〕The store sells an extensive line of menswear.这家商店出售各种男士服装。韦氏高阶〔minor〕There was an extensive network of minor officials.有一个由低级官员组成的庞大网络。麦克米伦高阶〔mirador〕A window, balcony, or small tower affording an extensive view.眺台,凸窗:可以提供一个开阔的视野的窗户、阳台或小塔美国传统〔modification〕The original plan had undergone fairly extensive modifications.已经对原计划作了相当大的修改。牛津搭配〔museum〕The museum has an extensive collection of early photographs.这座博物馆藏有大量早期的照片。朗文当代〔observatory〕A structure overlooking an extensive view.观察台,了望台,望楼:俯瞰广阔景象的建筑美国传统〔obtain〕The longer this situation obtains, the more extensive the problems become.这种局面持续的时间越长, 问题波及的范围就越广。外研社新世纪〔obtain〕The longer this situation obtains, the more extensive the problems become.这种局面持续的时间越长,问题波及的范围就越广。柯林斯高阶〔outsize〕Unusually large, weighty, or extensive.特大的:超大型的,极重的,极广阔的美国传统〔parkland〕The resort is surrounded by extensive national and regional parklands.那个度假胜地被广阔的国家和地区绿地所环绕。柯林斯高阶〔park〕A tract of land attached to a country house, especially when including extensive gardens, woods, pastures, or a game preserve.庄园:尤指有宽大的花园、树林、草原或游戏场所的附属于乡村住房的一块土地美国传统〔plain〕An extensive, level, usually treeless area of land.平原:一片广阔的、水平的且通常无树的土地美国传统〔plain〕The grassy plain gave way to an extensive swamp.青草覆盖的平原被广阔的沼泽地所取代。朗文当代〔planting〕Extensive flooding in the country has delayed planting and many crops are still under water.这个国家大面积的水灾已延误了播种,而很多农作物还浸在水下。柯林斯高阶〔plastic surgery〕Several of the crash victims had to have extensive plastic surgery.事故的几个幸存者不得不做大面积的整形手术。剑桥高阶〔position〕The UN system will be in a position to support the extensive relief efforts needed.联合国将能满足全面救济需求。柯林斯高阶〔prairie〕An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America.大草原:多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原美国传统〔press〕The story has received extensive press coverage(=reports in newspapers).此事得到了报界的广泛报道。麦克米伦高阶〔project〕An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom lessons.研究计划:一个学生或一组学生执行以使用、阐明或补遗课堂作业的大量任务美国传统〔prospect〕The building affords an extensive prospect of the sea.从那座建筑可以看到开阔的海景。英汉大词典〔protection〕This policy gives extensive protection against loss or damage to your home caused by fire or smoke.这种保险就烟或火对您的住宅造成的损失或损害提供了广泛的承保。外研社新世纪〔province〕Ecology An area of land, less extensive than a region, having a characteristic plant and animal population.【生态学】 亚区:土地的一个区域,比地区要小,有其独特的植物和动物种群美国传统〔put〕The government put down numerous extensive amendments to the Bill.政府提交了对该法案的大量修改。麦克米伦高阶〔ranch〕An extensive farm, especially in the western United States, on which large herds of cattle, sheep, or horses are raised.大牧场:大片的农场,尤指位于美国西部,养了大群的牛、羊、马的牧场美国传统〔range〕An extensive area of open land on which livestock wander and graze.放牧区:牲畜游荡和喂食的广袤地区美国传统〔range〕To turn (livestock) onto an extensive area of open land for grazing.放牧:把(牲畜)赶到一片广袤地区以便更好地喂养美国传统〔reach〕To be extensive in influence or effect.影响深远:作用或影响广泛美国传统〔rebranding〕The £85m programme will involve an extensive rebranding of the airline.这个8,500万英镑的项目将包括全面重塑该航空公司的形象。柯林斯高阶〔rebuild〕To make extensive structural repairs on.改建:对……作大量的结构性的修改美国传统〔reconstruction〕The bombed city is now undergoing extensive reconstruction.这座曾遭到轰炸的城市现正在进行大规模的重建。牛津搭配〔refit〕The ship finished an extensive refit last year.这艘船去年进行了大修。柯林斯高阶〔renovate〕There will be extensive renovations to the hospital.这所医院将进行大规模的翻修。牛津高阶〔repertoire〕There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.为长笛演奏而谱写的曲目林林总总,丰富多彩。剑桥高阶〔rescue〕New Zealand fire and rescue services carried out several extensive searches for survivors.新西兰消防与救援中心进行过几次大规模的生还者搜索。牛津搭配〔research〕He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.他就可再生能源进行了广泛的研究。牛津搭配〔research〕He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.他已经对再生能源进行了广泛研究。牛津高阶〔restoration〕Many of the older paintings have undergone extensive restoration.许多古旧画作都进行了大规模修复。牛津搭配〔result〕It was a large explosion and the resulting damage was extensive.爆炸相当剧烈,造成的破坏范围很大。牛津高阶〔retrospective〕An extensive exhibition or performance of the work of an artist over a period of years.作品回顾展出:一个艺术家在一段时间内的作品的全面展览或展示美国传统〔rift zone〕A large area of the earth in which plates of the earth's crust are moving away from each other, forming an extensive system of fractures and faults.断裂区:地球表面的大片地区,其中地球的地壳板块相互分离,形成广泛的裂隙和断层体系美国传统〔rock salt〕Sodium chloride occurring as extensive masses or rock.岩盐,石盐:以大团或岩石的形式存在的氯化钠美国传统〔rot〕Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor.调查发现一层地下的横梁大面积腐烂。柯林斯高阶〔rot〕Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor.调查表明, 一层地板下的梁木有大范围的腐烂。外研社新世纪〔sample〕Her latest album makes extensive use of samples from a wide range of acid jazz tracks.她的最新专辑从各种类型的迷幻爵士乐中选用了大量节录乐曲。朗文当代〔search〕The police have conducted an extensive search of the area.警察对这个地区进行了一次全面的搜查。麦克米伦高阶〔search〕The police mounted an extensive search operation.警方展开了一场大范围的搜索行动。牛津搭配〔service〕The ship has been taken out of service for extensive cleaning.这条船要进行全面清洁,已暂停使用。牛津搭配〔sleeve〕The music is explained in the extensive sleeve notes.唱片套上有对乐曲的详细说明。牛津搭配〔source〕The author has done extensive work in the sources —official records, manuscripts, letters, diaries, etc.作者花了很大工夫钻研原始资料——官方档案、原稿、信函、日记等等。英汉大词典〔speak〕Her extensive library spoke of her love of reading.她藏书范围之广表明她很爱读书。麦克米伦高阶〔special〕The restaurant has an extensive menu and daily specials.这家餐馆有丰富的菜肴和每日特色菜。牛津搭配〔speculation〕The President's resignation leads to extensive speculation.总统的辞职引起了人们的广泛猜测。英汉大词典〔stack〕An extensive arrangement of bookshelves.整个的藏书架排列美国传统〔stock〕The shop stocks an extensive range of beachwear.这家商店有各种沙滩装出售。外研社新世纪〔stratocumulus〕A low-lying cloud formation occurring in extensive horizontal layers with rounded summits.层积云:带有圆形顶峰的巨大的呈水平层次分布的低空云美国传统〔street〕He suffered extensive injuries in a street attack.他在一起街头袭击事件中多处受伤。牛津搭配〔study〕The company undertook an extensive feasibility study before adopting the new system.采用新系统之前,该公司进行了广泛的可行性研究。牛津搭配〔successful〕The successful candidates will be given extensive training.胜出的候选人将接受多方面的训练。麦克米伦高阶〔supply〕Extensive mining has reduced the supplies of coal in the area.大量开采,已减少了该地区的煤炭供应量。剑桥高阶〔support〕Our conclusions are supported by extensive research.我们的结论以广泛的研究为依据。麦克米伦高阶〔surgery〕After the accident, she needed extensive plastic surgery to her face.事故后她脸部需要做大面积的整形手术。牛津搭配〔synthesize〕After extensive research, Albert Hoffman first succeeded in synthesizing the acid in 1938.经过大量研究,艾伯特·霍夫曼于 1938 年首次成功合成了该酸性物质。柯林斯高阶〔tracker dog〕The body was found after an extensive search by police with tracker dogs.警方在动用警犬进行了大规模的搜索后找到了尸体。剑桥高阶〔treatise〕A systematic, usually extensive written discourse on a subject.专题论文:关于一个主题系统的,通常是比较长的书面论文美国传统〔underpin〕The report is underpinned by extensive research.这份报告以广泛的研究为基础。牛津高阶〔unexplained〕How such extensive damage could have been sustained so quickly remains unexplained.为什么这么快就遭受了如此大的损失仍然不得而知。外研社新世纪〔unexplained〕How such extensive damage could have been sustained so quickly remains unexplained.如何这么快就造成这么大的破坏依然不得而知。柯林斯高阶〔uniformly〕All flowing water, though it appears to be uniform, is actually divided into extensive inner surfaces, or layers, moving against one another.所有流动的水看似一成不变,但实际上内部分成许多广延的面,或者说层,彼此逆向移动。柯林斯高阶〔uniform〕All flowing water, though it appears to be uniform, is actually divided into extensive inner surfaces, or layers, moving against one another.所有流动的水体虽然从表面看来都是浑然一体, 但实际上其内部分成许多广延的面, 或者说层, 彼此逆向运动。外研社新世纪〔valley〕An extensive area of land drained or irrigated by a river system.流域:由一个大河系排水或灌溉的广阔的土地区城美国传统〔wear〕The shop stocks an extensive range of beach wear.这家商店备有各式各样的沙滩服装。柯林斯高阶〔west〕Floods have caused extensive damage in the West.洪水已在美国西部造成大面积破坏。韦氏高阶〔wilderness〕An extensive area, such as a desert or an ocean, that is barren or empty; a waste.荒野:大片土地, 例如沙漠、海洋,这些地区贫脊或空旷;荒野美国传统〔wine〕The restaurant has an extensive wine list.这家餐馆酒的品种很多。牛津搭配Extensive experimentation (= testing) is needed before new drugs can be sold.新药出售前需要作广泛的试验。剑桥国际Extensive mining has reduced the supplies of coal in the area.广泛开矿导致该地区煤储量减少。剑桥国际Actually, I was trying to impress you with my extensive knowledge of wine.实际上,我想以我在酒类方面渊博的知识给你留下深刻的印象。剑桥国际Bracken is a type of fern which often grows in woods and heaths where it may cover extensive areas by means of its rhizomes.欧洲蕨是蕨类的一种,生长在树林和荒野里,在那里它可以用自己的根茎覆盖大面积地区。剑桥国际Come in and see our extensive range of luxurious deep-pile carpets.进来看看我们又大又宽、豪华的长毛地毯。剑桥国际George is on an extensive road trip for his company, covering eight cities in three states.乔治在为他的公司四处奔走兜揽生意,到了3个州内的8个城市。剑桥国际He has an extensive inside knowledge of the telecoms industry.他对电讯产业的内幕了解很深。牛津商务He has carried out extensive research into/on robotics.他对机器人科学进行了广泛研究。牛津商务Her knowledge of English grammar is very extensive.她的英语语法知识很广博。剑桥国际Her knowledge of music is extensive (= she knows a lot about music).她的音乐知识很广博。剑桥国际If we buy this house we will need to make extensive renovations.如果我们买这座房子,将不得不对它进行大修。剑桥国际Meat-eaters must produce extensive bile acids in their intestines to properly digest the meat that they eat.食肉者必须在肠内产生大量的胆汁酸来彻底消化所吃的肉。剑桥国际Several of the survivors of the crash had to have extensive plastic surgery.事故的几个幸存者不得不作大面积的整形手术。剑桥国际She is well-read, multilingual and with extensive experience of cultures other than her own.她博览群书,能说好几种语言,并有着除她自己本土文化之外的广泛文化经验。剑桥国际The extensive repairs to the motorway are causing serious traffic problems.对高速公路的大面积修理现引起严重的交通问题。剑桥国际The city of Dresden suffered from extensive bombing during the Second World War.二战中,德累斯顿城遭受到大规模轰炸。剑桥国际The company has an extensive international distribution network/system.公司有广阔的国际性发售网络/系统。剑桥国际The family's extensive lands (= area of ground that they own) account for most of their wealth.这家人的广阔田地是他们财产的大部分。剑桥国际The group has extensive interests in China.这集团在中国有广泛的权益。牛津商务The house needed extensive alterations when we moved in.我们搬进来的时候,房子需要全面改建。剑桥国际The indigenous medical traditions in the area make extensive use of plants.该地区固有的医学传统广泛利用植物。剑桥国际The most extensive damage occurred in small towns near the quake's epicenter, 80 miles south of San Francisco.规模最大的破坏发生在距旧金山以南80公里的震中附近的小镇。剑桥国际The report is underpinned by extensive research.这份报告以广泛的研究为基础。牛津商务The resort is one of the most popular Swiss destinations for skiers who demand extensive and challenging ski terrain.该度假胜地是滑雪者最喜爱的瑞士滑雪地之一,渴望广阔而富有挑战性地形的滑雪者常去那里。剑桥国际The school has extensive grounds.这所学校占地很广。剑桥国际The storm caused extensive damage. 风暴造成了巨大的损害。译典通The two TV networks have agreed to an extensive cross-promotion.两个电视网络已商定了一项广泛的交叉促销。牛津商务There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute .有很多长笛演奏曲目。剑桥国际They own extensive land by the ocean. 他们拥有海边的辽阔土地。译典通We are conducting extensive research into treatments for hypertension and heart disease.我们正在对高血压和心脏病的治疗作大量的研究。剑桥国际We carry out extensive tests to prove the functionality and reliability of the system.我们进行广泛的测试以证明系统的实用性和可靠性。牛津商务We had fairly extensive discussions. 我们进行了相当广泛的讨论。译典通

