
单词 encloses
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arachnoid〕Anatomy A delicate membrane that encloses the spinal cord and brain, and lies between the pia mater and dura mater.【解剖学】 蛛网膜:包围脊髓或脑的精细膜,位于软脑脊膜及硬膜之间美国传统〔atoll〕A ringlike coral island and reef that nearly or entirely encloses a lagoon.环礁:一种环形的珊瑚岛或珊瑚链,接近或完全围绕于浅泻湖美国传统〔body wall〕The portion of an animal body that consists of ectoderm and mesoderm, forms the external body surface, and encloses the body cavity.体壁:动物躯体的一部分,由外胚层和内胚层组成,形成围绕体腔的外部体表美国传统〔capsule〕A small soluble container, usually made of gelatin, that encloses a dose of an oral medicine or a vitamin.胶囊:小的可溶解的囊状物,通常用胶制成,内装一剂口服药或维生素美国传统〔cartouche〕An oval or oblong figure in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that encloses characters expressing the names or epithets of royal or divine personages.漩涡花饰牌匾:古埃及象形文字中的一种椭圆形或长方形造型,里面圈有表示皇族或神职人员名字或标号的字母美国传统〔coral reef〕An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.原始的珊瑚礁包围着这个海湾。外研社新世纪〔coral reef〕An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.未遭破坏的珊瑚礁环绕着海湾。柯林斯高阶〔cyst〕Biology A small capsulelike sac that encloses certain organisms in their dormant or larval stage.【生物学】 包囊:在他们的休眠期或幼虫期内有某些器官的囊状小气囊美国传统〔enclose〕The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.环绕着纪念碑的那个公园最近扩建了。剑桥高阶〔enclose〕The pie's flaky crust encloses a fruit filling.这个派的酥皮里包的是水果馅。韦氏高阶〔enclosure〕Something that encloses.围绕物:用来圈围的物品美国传统〔foot〕The part of a stocking or high-topped boot that encloses the foot.足部:长筒袜或长筒靴包住脚的那部分美国传统〔iron lung〕An airtight metal tank that encloses all of the body except the head and forces the lungs to inhale and exhale through regulated changes in air pressure.铁肺;人工呼吸器:一个气密的金属容器,罩住除头部外的身体其余部分,通过气压的规则变化来强迫肺呼入和呼出空气美国传统〔knee〕The region of the leg that encloses and supports this joint.膝部:包围和支持膝关节的腿的部分美国传统〔leaf fat〕Layered fat that encloses the kidneys of a hog, used in making lard.板油:围绕在公猪肾脏周围的脂肪层,用于制造板油美国传统〔mace〕An aromatic spice made from the dried, waxy, scarlet or yellowish covering that partly encloses the kernel of the nutmeg.肉豆蔻衣:一种香料,由干燥的、蜡状的、猩红或黄色的果皮制成,这层皮部分地包住了肉豆蔻核美国传统〔pericardium〕The membranous sac filled with serous fluid that encloses the heart and the roots of the aorta and other large blood vessels.心包:囊状膜层,其间充满了包围着绕心脏、大血管的根部和其它大血管的浆状液体美国传统〔perimorph〕A mineral that encloses a different mineral.包晶形态:一种矿物包含另一种矿物美国传统〔perisarc〕A horny external covering that encloses the polyp colonies of certain hydrozoans.(某些水螅体的)围膜:包在某些水螅体外的角质物美国传统〔pillow block〕A block that encloses and supports a journal or shaft; a bearing.轴台:环绕和支撑轴颈或轴的东西;轴台美国传统〔pod〕A streamlined external housing that encloses engines, machine guns, or fuel.流线形的外壳:包住发动机、机枪或燃料的流线形的外壳美国传统〔raceway〕A tube that encloses and protects electric wires.电线管:包绕并保护电线的管子美国传统〔reef〕An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.未受破坏的珊瑚礁环绕在海湾周围。柯林斯高阶〔sheath〕Biology An enveloping tubular structure, such as the base of a grass leaf that surrounds the stem or the tissue that encloses a muscle or nerve fiber.【生物学】 鞘,兜:一种包围的管状结构,例如围绕茎的草叶基部或包围肌肉或神经纤维的组织美国传统〔spathe〕A leaflike bract that encloses or subtends a flower cluster or spadix, as in the jack-in-the-pulpit and the calla.佛焰苞:一种包含或衬托花簇或花序的叶状苞,如天南星和马蹄莲上的佛焰苞美国传统〔tympanic bone〕The part of the temporal bone of the skull that partially encloses the middle ear and supports the eardrum.鼓骨:头颅的颅骨的一部分,掩盖了部分中耳道并且支撑耳膜美国传统〔vanity〕A bathroom cabinet that encloses a basin and its water lines and drain, usually furnished with shelves and drawers underneath for storage of toiletries.梳妆台:一种浴室里的壁橱,附有盆和水线以及排水装置,通常在下方装备有用来装化妆用具的搁板和抽届美国传统The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.围着那座纪念碑的公园最近被扩建了。剑桥国际

