“first stage”例句

单词 first stage
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accustom〕The first stages of weaning accustom the baby to the taste and texture of food.断奶的初期阶段要让婴儿适应食物的味道和口感。外研社新世纪〔bill〕The bill was thrown out (= did not go past the first stage of discussion and will not become law).这项议案被否决了。剑桥高阶〔botch up〕The funding was withdrawn after they botched up the first stage of the research.他们把第一阶段的研究工作弄糟之后,资金被收回了。21世纪英汉〔collection〕The first stage in research is data collection.研究工作的第一步是收集资料。牛津高阶〔confession〕Confession is the first stage of coming to terms with what you've done.坦白是你正视自己所作所为的第一步。剑桥高阶〔get past〕Your application has got past the first stage and will now be examined by the committee.你的申请已经初步通过,现在将由委员会审查。21世纪英汉〔join up〕The first stage of the operation is to join up the bones.手术的第一步是把骨头接上。21世纪英汉〔kill〕On her first stage appearance she killed the audience.她首次演出就使全场观众倾倒。英汉大词典〔level〕The first stage of construction is to level the ground and lay the foundation.建筑的第一步是进行地面平整和打地基。外研社新世纪〔light reaction〕The first stage of photosynthesis, occurring only in the presence of light, during which energy captured from light drives the production of ATP.光合作用:是光合作用的第一步,但只能在有光的情况下发生,在此过程中光能可转化成三磷酸腺苷美国传统〔nauplius〕The free-swimming first stage of the larva of certain crustaceans, having an unsegmented body with three pairs of appendages and a single median eye.无节幼体:某种甲壳类动物的幼虫的能自由游泳的第一期,有一未断节的身体,三对附肢和一只中眼美国传统〔page〕A boy who acted as a knight's attendant as the first stage of training for chivalric knighthood.男侍:担任一个骑士的侍从的男孩,以此作为培训骑士身份的第一阶段美国传统〔plan〕If everything goes according to plan (=happens in the way that was arranged) the first stage will be completed by December.如果一切按计划进行,第一期将在 12 月之前完成。朗文当代〔primary syphilis〕The first stage of syphilis, characterized by formation of a painless chancre at the point of infection and hardening and swelling of adjacent lymph nodes.初期梅毒:梅毒第一期,其特征为无痛,下疳在感染点的形成以及周围淋巴结的变硬和肿胀美国传统〔sink〕The first stage of building the fence is sinking the posts into the ground.筑栅栏的第一步是把柱子埋进地里。剑桥高阶〔stage〕We did the first stage of the trip by train.旅行的第一段我们乘的是火车。牛津高阶〔step〕Having completed the first stage, you can move on to step 2.第一阶段完成后,你就可以接着进行第二步了。牛津高阶〔thesis〕The first stage of the Hegelian dialectic process.论点:黑格尔辩证过程中第一阶段美国传统〔touch〕The first stage is to get in touch with your perceptions and accept responsibility for your relationships.首先你要搞清自己的想法,承担起你们这种关系的责任。朗文当代〔venerable〕Roman Catholic Church Used as a form of address for a person who has reached the first stage of canonization.【罗马天主教】 圣徒:用作对已达到成为圣者第一阶段的人的一种尊称美国传统〔youth〕Geology The first stage in the erosion cycle.【地质学】 侵蚀的初期:侵蚀圈的第一阶段美国传统Confession is the first stage of coming to terms with what you've done.坦白是对你所作所为悔过的第一步。剑桥国际In my first stage appearance, I almost missed my cue.在我首次登台演戏时,我差点错过了进场的提示。剑桥国际She muffed her lines/words in her first stage appearance.她第一次登台时,把台词说得一团糟。剑桥国际The first stage of building the fence is sinking the posts into the ground.建栅栏的第一步骤是将柱子埋入地里。剑桥国际The French cyclist is in the lead in the first stage of the race.这位法国自行车选手在比赛的第一阶段处于领先。剑桥国际The funding was withdrawn after they botched (up) the first stage of the research.在他们把第一阶段的研究搞糟后,研究基金就被取消了。剑桥国际They have completed the first stage of the cost-cutting process.他们已经完成了成本削减过程的第一步。牛津商务

