
单词 artisan
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ptah〕The Egyptian creator god and patron deity of artisans.卜塔:埃及的创造神和工匠的守护神美国传统〔Sudra〕The fourth of the four Hindu classes, comprising artisans, laborers, and menials.第四种姓:古代印度四个社会种姓中的第四个种姓,包括工匠、劳工和奴仆美国传统〔Vaisya〕The third of the four Hindu classes, comprising farmers, herders, artisans, merchants, and businessmen.吠舍:印度四个种姓等级中的第三等级,由农夫、畜牧者、手工艺者、商人和生意人组成美国传统〔artisan〕The first tour will visit a handful of artisan food producers in action.第一个游览项目是拜访一些传统食品制作师, 观看他们现场制作食品。外研社新世纪〔artisan〕They sell rugs made by local artisans.他们出售当地手艺人制作的地毯。韦氏高阶〔bastardize〕Spanish craft has been bastardized by generations of artisans who each added their own elaborations.西班牙的手工艺由于几代匠人各自任意发挥,变得纷杂而低劣。英汉大词典〔borrow〕She borrowed the technique from local artisans.她从当地工匠那里引入了这一技术。韦氏高阶〔cabinetmaker〕An artisan specializing in making fine articles of wooden furniture.细木工匠,家具木工:专门从事制作精致的木质家具的工匠美国传统〔craftspeople〕Artisans considered as a group.一群手艺人美国传统〔goldsmith〕An artisan who fashions objects of gold.金匠:做金制品的手艺人美国传统〔guild〕A similar association, as of merchants or artisans, in medieval times.行会:中世纪时商人或工匠组成的类似协会美国传统〔mystery〕Archaic A guild, as of merchants or artisans.【古语】 行会:行会,如商人或工匠的行会美国传统〔trade〕The experienced artisan would pass on the tricks of the trade to the apprentice.这位经验丰富的工匠会将这一行的诀窍传授给徒弟。牛津搭配〔workmanlike〕Befitting a skilled artisan or craftsperson; skillfully done.手工精巧的:适合有技术的技工或工匠的;手工精巧的美国传统〔workmanship〕The skill of a craftsperson or an artisan.手艺:工匠或技工的手艺美国传统〔workman〕A craftsman or an artisan.工匠,技工美国传统In pre-1750 Europe, most artisans were involved in producing basic goods --cloth, shoes, bread, flour, building materials, and so on--although some did make luxury items.在1750年以前的欧洲,绝大多数手艺人都是从事生活基本用品的生产----如布匹、鞋子、面包、面粉、建筑材料等----虽然确也有些人是制作奢侈品的。剑桥国际

