“another person”例句

单词 another person
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acquaintance〕He heard about the job through a mutual acquaintance (=someone you and another person both know) .他是通过一个双方都认识的人知道这份工作的。朗文当代〔another〕We can fit another person in my car.我车里还可以再坐一个人。剑桥高阶〔assisted suicide〕Suicide accomplished with the aid of another person, especially a physician.自杀辅助:由他人(如医生)帮助完成的自杀美国传统〔can〕It used to be that you could drive for miles here without seeing another person, but now there are houses and people everywhere.这地方以前开车几英里都看不到一个人,但现在到处都是房子和人。韦氏高阶〔change〕To alternate with another person in performing a task.交替:与他人交替做同一份工作美国传统〔co-anchor〕To narrate or coordinate (a newscast) with another person.与另一人协调:与另一人讲述或协调(新闻广播)美国传统〔co-anchor〕To narrate or coordinate a newscast with another person.协调新闻广播:与另一人讲述或协调新闻广播美国传统〔commitment〕She isn't ready to make a lifelong commitment to another person.她还没有做好向另一人托付终身的准备。韦氏高阶〔death wish〕The desire, often unconscious, for the death of another person, such as a parent, toward whom one has unconscious hostility.死亡愿望:希望他人死亡的愿望,如家长,这种愿望常是无意识的,对所针对的人含有无意识的敌意美国传统〔ditto〕He dittoed the statement and action of another person.他重复了别人的言行。21世纪英汉〔dupe〕A person who functions as the tool of another person or power.被人当工具利用的人美国传统〔fink〕To inform against another person.告密美国传统〔flagellant〕One who seeks sexual gratification in beating or being beaten by another person.性虐待狂:为寻求性满足而打别人或被别人打的人美国传统〔follow〕To come, move, or take place after another person or thing in order or time.随着:来,移动,在某人或某事之后按顺序或时间发生美国传统〔frottage〕The act of rubbing against the body of another person, as in a crowd, to attain sexual gratification.摩擦淫:摩擦另一人身体的动作以获取性快感,如在公共场合美国传统〔high-five〕A gesture of greeting, elation, or victory in which one person slaps an upraised palm against that of another person.保持致意、欢欣或胜利的手势,即一人拍击另一人向上举起的手掌美国传统〔hired gun〕One, especially a professional killer, who is hired to kill another person.职业杀手:受雇去杀死某人的职业杀手美国传统〔homicide〕A person who kills another person.杀人者:把另一人杀死的那个人美国传统〔identification〕A person's association with the qualities, characteristics, or views of another person or group.认同,有关联:一个人与其他人或人群在品质、特征或观念等方面的联系美国传统〔infect〕It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.接吻不可能把这种病传染给他人。牛津高阶〔love〕These nouns denote feelings of warm personal attachment or strong attraction to another person.这些名词表示对另外一个人的温暖的个人依恋或强烈的吸引力。美国传统〔malice〕Murder is the killing of another person with malice aforethought.谋杀指蓄意杀人的行为。韦氏高阶〔messenger〕An envoy to another person, party, or government.使者:派遣到另一个人、团体或政府处去的使节美国传统〔next of kin〕The person or persons most closely related by blood to another person.最近的亲属:在血缘上与一个人关系最近的某个人或某些人美国传统〔outlive〕These verbs all mean to live or exist longer than another person or thing.这些动词都指比别的人或事物活得时间长。美国传统〔rape〕The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.强奸:强迫另一人进行性行为的犯罪,特别是性交美国传统〔release〕Fed up with being a movie superstar, she found (或 had a feeling of) release and fulfillment in becoming another person.超级影星当腻了,她现在成了个新人,只觉得身心舒展,并实现了自我。英汉大词典〔role model〕A person who serves as a model in a particular behavioral or social role for another person to emulate.模范,榜样:在一特定的行为或社会角色中供他人模仿或作为榜样的人美国传统〔second〕I asked the doctor for a second opinion (=when you ask another person to repeat an examination, test etc for you) .我又征求了这位医生的意见。朗文当代〔secretary〕A person employed to handle correspondence, keep files, and do clerical work for another person or an organization.秘书:被聘用来为另外一个人或机构处理信件、保管文件、负责公务员事务的人美国传统〔self-identification〕Identification of oneself with another person or thing.自我认同:将自己等同于另一人或物美国传统〔spatter〕It is a dirty deal to spatter another person.中伤他人是一种卑鄙行为。21世纪英汉〔sponsor〕One who assumes responsibility for another person or a group during a period of instruction, apprenticeship, or probation.发起者,主办者:在开始某项活动、学徒关系及试用期时,主动承担他人责任或一个团体责任的人美国传统〔squash〕Can you squash another person in to the car?你车里还能再挤一个人吗?外研社新世纪〔squash〕The room was so full you couldn't squash another person in.房间里挤得满满的,再也挤不进一个人了。剑桥高阶〔staff〕A group of assistants to a manager, an executive, or another person in authority.经理助理、执政官员或其它掌权者的工作班子美国传统〔trade-last〕A favorable remark that one has overheard about another person and offers to repeat to that person in exchange for a compliment overheard about oneself.恭维话:某人听到的有关另一人的恭维话语,重复说给那人听以换取对方有关自己的赞扬美国传统〔trash talk〕Disparaging, often insulting or vulgar speech about another person or group.垃圾语言,脏话:对其他人或团体说的轻蔑且常为侮辱性或下流的言语美国传统〔unattached〕Not committed to or dependent on another person, group, or organization.独立的:不很靠或受到于另一个人,群体或组织的美国传统The law specifies that the account cannot be held on behalf of another person.这项法律明确规定不得代表他人持有账户。牛津商务The room was so full you couldn't squash another person in.这房间如此拥挤,再也挤不进一个人了。剑桥国际We can fit another person in my car.我的车里还可以坐进一个人。剑桥国际We exchanged knowing smiles as Caroline told yet another person about her trip on the Trans-Siberian express.当卡罗琳对又一个人再次提起关于她乘横越西伯利亚的快车旅行时,我们互相会心一笑。剑桥国际

