“key point”例句

单词 key point
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAIN〕The following article explains four key points that all new investors should understand. 下面的文章对所有新投资者都应该弄懂的四个要点作了解释。朗文写作活用〔clarity〕For the sake of clarity she went back over the key points.为清晰起见,她把要点又回顾了一遍。牛津搭配〔guard〕Troops were reported to be guarding the key points there.据报告,部队正守卫着那儿的要塞。21世纪英汉〔interval〕It may be necessary to stop at intervals and go back over key points in the lesson.可能有必要不时停下来复习一下该课的重点。麦克米伦高阶〔point〕He covers the key points in his introduction.他在介绍中谈到了几个关键论点。牛津搭配〔stick to〕The speech he made stuck to the key points.他所作的演说紧扣要点,没有多余的话。21世纪英汉Paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines to capture key points on the roads into the city.伞兵们被投落到敌线后方,以占据通往城市的交通要道。剑桥国际The lecturer wrote his key points up on the board.讲师将要点写在黑板上。牛津商务The pay increase is the key point of contention. 加薪是争论的焦点。译典通

