
单词 label
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADD〕Foods sold under this label are guaranteed to be free from additives and preservatives. 贴有这种标签出售的食品保证不含添加剂和防腐剂。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕They spend all day sticking paper labels on toy cars - it's soul-destroying. 他们一天到晚往玩具汽车上贴纸标签—这工作无聊透顶。朗文写作活用〔CALL/DESCRIBE AS〕He objects to the sexist label - he doesn't think he's sexist at all. 他不喜欢别人称他为性别歧视者。他认为他根本就不是那种人。朗文写作活用〔CALL/DESCRIBE AS〕When we're ready to label them as suspects, we'll release their descriptions. 我们确定疑犯后会公布他们的体貌特征。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕The label on the bottle said the wine was made in Germany. 瓶子标签上写着该酒产自德国。朗文写作活用〔COST〕Clothes with designer labels sell for ridiculous prices nowadays. 如今挂有设计师标签的服装都是天价。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕He did such a bad job of labeling these envelopes I don't think I'll ask for his help again. 他把给这些信封贴标签的工作做得很差,我想我以后再也不会叫他帮忙了。朗文写作活用〔EXCHANGE〕He was accused of switching the price labels on goods. 他被指控换掉了货品上的价格标签。朗文写作活用〔LATER〕Label the pipes you will be working on to avoid confusion later on. 把要处理的管子贴上标签,免得以后弄混淆了。朗文写作活用〔PURE〕The label said ‘100% wool’. 标签上注明“100%羊毛”。朗文写作活用〔READ〕The label had got wet and was now illegible. 标签湿了,现在已无法辨认。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕The dress had a designer label, but I couldn't tell if it was the real McCoy or a cheap imitation. 这连衣裙上有品牌商标,但我说不清它是真货还是廉价仿制品。朗文写作活用〔STICK〕She wrote the address on a sticky label and stuck it to her computer. 她把地址写在一张粘贴标签上,然后把它贴到电脑上。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Consumers can't always make heads or tails out of the way nutrition is labeled on a food package. 消费者不是总能搞得清楚食品包装上标明的营养成分。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕Don't put that dress in the washing machine - the label says it should be dry-cleaned. 别把那件连衣裙放在洗衣机里—标签上写着应干洗。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Saturate the label with vinegar and let it sit before you try to scrape it off the bottle. 用醋将标签浸透,放一会儿再将它从瓶子上刮掉。朗文写作活用〔affix〕A label must be affixed to all parcels.所有的包裹都必须贴上标签。朗文当代〔affix〕The label should be firmly affixed to the package.这张标签应该牢牢地贴在包裹上。牛津高阶〔alphabetically〕The catalog is organized alphabetically by label name.这个目录按标签名的字母顺序排列而成。柯林斯高阶〔alphabetically〕The catalogue is organized alphabetically by label name.这个目录按标签名的字母顺序排列而成。外研社新世纪〔appliance〕All major appliances such as refrigerators must have an energy guide label.所有像电冰箱这样的大家电必须有能效等级标识。牛津搭配〔attach〕She attached labels to all her bags.她把标签系(或贴)在所有袋子上。21世纪英汉〔attach〕She is a writer to whom the label ‘feminist' is often attached.她是个作家,常被人称为“女权主义者”。麦克米伦高阶〔back〕Peel this label back to see if you have won a prize.撕开这张标签看看你有没有中奖。麦克米伦高阶〔baffling〕A baffling array of wine labels would throw the customers.让人迷惑的一系列葡萄酒商标会让消费者无所适从。外研社新世纪〔bigot〕He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments.发表了一些攻击性的言论后,他被认为是个偏执狂。韦氏高阶〔bundle〕Not everyone is going to go a bundle on the name or the label.并不是每个人都喜欢这个名字或者绰号。外研社新世纪〔care〕The label on the box said ‘Handle with care'.箱子的标签上写着“小心轻放”。麦克米伦高阶〔catch-all〕All unpackaged fresh fruit and vegetables must state their country of origin. Gone is the ambiguous, catch-all 'imported' label.所有散装的水果和蔬菜必须标明其出产国。不再使用“进口”这一模糊、笼统的标签。外研社新世纪〔chaos〕We muddled up the name labels and chaos ensued (= resulted).我们弄乱了姓名标签,结果一片混乱。剑桥高阶〔check〕Check the label before you put that shirt in the wash.洗衬衣之前先查看一下洗涤说明。麦克米伦高阶〔colour code〕The files have labels that are colour-coded according to subject.这些档案按主题内容贴有色标。牛津高阶〔colouring〕It says on the label that no preservatives or artificial colourings have been added.标签上说没有添加任何防腐剂和人工色素。剑桥高阶〔come〕The label had come off, so there was no way of knowing what was on the disk.标签已脱落,所以无法知道磁盘上是什么内容。朗文当代〔confused〕People are confused about all the different labels on food these days.人们如今被那些五花八门的食物标签搞得稀里糊涂。牛津高阶〔confusion〕To avoid confusion, label each box clearly.为了避免混乱,给每一个盒子贴上清楚的标签。牛津搭配〔confusion〕Write clearly on the labels to avoid confusion.在标签上写清楚,以免搞错。韦氏高阶〔conventional〕The number sign is the conventional symbol for labeling something measured in pounds.这个数字符号是计量单位磅的常用标识。韦氏高阶〔declaration〕On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery.在报关单上,寄货人将货物列为农用机械。柯林斯高阶〔designer〕I can't afford designer labels/designer label clothes.我买不起出自名师之手的品牌服装。剑桥高阶〔designer〕People want designer labels for snob value.人们想要名牌是为了满足虚荣心。外研社新世纪〔designer〕People want to buy designer labels for snob value.人们想买名牌是为了满足虚荣心。柯林斯高阶〔design〕The new label design provides nutrition facts.新的标签设计提供营养成分表。牛津搭配〔detail〕I was just admiring the detail in the doll's house - even the tins of food have labels on them.我只是感叹娃娃屋顶制作之精致——就连食品罐头上都还贴着标签呢。剑桥高阶〔direction〕Follow label directions for best results.根据标签指示找到最好的结果。牛津搭配〔direction〕Remember to follow the directions on the label.记得按照标签上的说明去做。麦克米伦高阶〔docket〕A label or ticket affixed to a package listing the contents or directions for assembling or operating.明细表:附在包裹上的标签,记有所装物品的组装或操作指南美国传统〔docket〕To label or ticket (a parcel).给(包裹)附上标签美国传统〔drop〕She was unceremoniously dropped by her record label.她被唱片公司无情地抛弃了。牛津搭配〔environment〕The label identifies the products that are least harmful to the environment.这个标签标示出对环境危害最小的产品。牛津搭配〔guarantee〕The label on this bread says it is guaranteed free of/from preservatives (= it contains no preservatives).这种面包的标签上写着保证不含防腐剂。剑桥高阶〔gum〕A large label had been gummed to the back of the photograph.照片的背后贴了一张大标签。朗文当代〔handle〕A label on the crate read: 'Handle with care'.板条箱上的标签写着“小心轻放”。牛津搭配〔herbarium〕A collection of dried plants mounted, labeled, and systematically arranged for use in scientific study.蜡叶植物标本集:制成标本、贴有标签并有系统地排序以便于科学研究的制干的植物的集合美国传统〔indelible〕The label pinned to Helen's coat was in indelible ink.别在海伦大衣上的标签是用不褪色墨水写成的。外研社新世纪〔independent〕The band would rather sign to an independent than a major record label.这支乐队宁愿跟独立唱片公司签约,而不是跟大公司。剑桥高阶〔itch〕The label on this shirt itches me.这件衬衫上的标签刺得我发痒。朗文当代〔label〕Label the diagram clearly.把图表标示清楚。朗文当代〔label〕After working with Armani, he launched his own label.在阿玛尼时装公司工作后,他创办了自己的时装公司。麦克米伦高阶〔label〕Always read the label before taking any medicine.服用任何药物之前都要先阅读标签说明。牛津搭配〔label〕Designer labels grew by nearly 4% in 2007.2007 年设计师品牌增长了近 4%。牛津搭配〔label〕Even little kids all want to wear designer labels.连小孩子也都想穿著名设计师设计的服装。麦克米伦高阶〔label〕Fancy designer labels tend to come with fancy price tags to match.高级的名牌服饰往往都挂配高昂的价格牌。朗文当代〔label〕He labels his photographs with the date and place they were taken.他在他的照片上标注拍照的日期和地点。韦氏高阶〔label〕He said he sometimes got tired of his ‘bad guy' label.他说他有时很厌烦自己那“坏家伙”的绰号。麦克米伦高阶〔label〕He was not one of those who would accept the label of anarchist.他不是那种愿意被人称为无政府主义者的人。英汉大词典〔label〕He'll only wear clothes with a designer label.他只穿名牌服装。牛津高阶〔label〕Her favourite designer label (= maker of expensive clothes) is Armani.她最喜欢的服装品牌是阿玛尼。剑桥高阶〔label〕It doesn't have a price label on it.这上面没有价格标签。牛津搭配〔label〕It says 'Dry clean' on the label.标签上写着“干洗”。朗文当代〔label〕It was on the Virgin label.它是由维京唱片公司出品的。外研社新世纪〔label〕It was on the Virgin label.它由维京唱片公司发行。柯林斯高阶〔label〕It would be easy to label the boys as troublemakers.把这些男孩定性为捣蛋鬼倒是很容易。牛津搭配〔label〕It's his first release for a major label.这是他在大唱片公司发行的第一张唱片。牛津高阶〔label〕Men these days have to avoid attracting the 'sexist' label.如今的男人得小心避免被扣上“性别歧视”的大帽子。朗文当代〔label〕Most of his recordings were for small labels.他的大部分唱片都是为小唱片公司灌制的。英汉大词典〔label〕Once you give people labels, it's hard to see them as individuals.你一旦给人们贴上标签,就很难把他们当作个体来看待。韦氏高阶〔label〕One sometimes feels that the label 'classic' is applied to any book that is dull.人们有时候感觉任何沉闷的书都可以被冠以“古典”二字。牛津搭配〔label〕Put labels on your luggage.在你的行李上贴上标签。英汉大词典〔label〕Read the washing instructions on the label.阅读标签上的洗涤说明。麦克米伦高阶〔label〕She always wears designer label jeans.她总穿名牌牛仔裤。韦氏高阶〔label〕She buys clothes more for the label than the style.她买衣服主要是看品牌而不是看款式。英汉大词典〔label〕She landed a contract with record label EMI.她获得了一份与百代唱片公司的合约。柯林斯高阶〔label〕She stuck labels on all the jars.她在所有的罐子上都贴了标签。牛津搭配〔label〕She was falsely labelled / labeled a liar.她被错误地扣上了说谎者的帽子。牛津搭配〔label〕Some of the plants were wrongly labelled / labeled.有些植物贴错了标签。牛津搭配〔label〕Some people describe him as “selfish,” but he doesn't deserve that label.有人将他描述为“自私”,但他不该被贴上那样的标签。韦氏高阶〔label〕The label obsolete is abbreviated to obs.obsolete 这个标示语简写为obs.。英汉大词典〔label〕The band has made records for/on/with several different labels in their career.这支乐队在他们的演艺生涯中已经为/在/和几家不同的唱片公司录制过唱片。韦氏高阶〔label〕The band is hoping to sign with a major label.乐队希望与一家大唱片公司签约。牛津搭配〔label〕The care label says 'dry-clean only'.使用须知标签上写着“只可干洗”。牛津搭配〔label〕The group have just signed (= arranged to record) with a new record label.该演唱组合刚刚与一家新的唱片公司签约。剑桥高阶〔label〕The record was produced under the Virgin label.该唱片由维珍唱片公司出品。牛津搭配〔label〕The samples were all labelled / labeled with a date and place of origin.所有样品都标有日期和原产地。牛津搭配〔label〕The term stream of consciousness is already established as a literary label.“意识流”这个词已经成为一个文学术语。英汉大词典〔label〕The washing instructions are on the label.洗涤说明在标签上。牛津高阶〔label〕The word was given the label “obsolete.” 那个词被标注为“废词”。韦氏高阶〔label〕Their album was released on the Digital Experience label.他们的专辑由数码体验唱片公司发行。麦克米伦高阶〔label〕This city deserves its label as the garden of the world.这座城市配得上世界花园这个称号。英汉大词典〔label〕To attach a label to.贴标签于美国传统〔label〕We shouldn't label these boys as criminals so early in their lives.我们不该把这些男孩子早早地归为罪犯,他们的人生道路还长着呢。麦克米伦高阶〔label〕Why do we need to attach a label to these feelings? 我们为什么要给这些感情贴上标签呢?牛津搭配〔label〕You can get sticky labels printed with your address.你可以拿到印有你地址的黏性标签。麦克米伦高阶〔label〕You should read the warning label before you take any medicine.吃任何药之前都应该阅读说明书上的警告标识。韦氏高阶〔lead〕We've been led to believe that the labels on food items disclose all ingredients, but it's becoming clear that this is not the case.我们被误导认为食物上的标签标出了所有的配料,但是渐渐发现,事实并非如此。韦氏高阶〔leave〕Affix the blue airmail label and leave the rest to us.贴上蓝色的空邮标签,其余的事情交给我们。柯林斯高阶〔list〕There was a label on each case listing its contents.每个箱子上都有一个标签, 列举了里面的东西。外研社新世纪〔maker〕The maker's label has been removed.(产品上) 制造厂的标牌已被除去。英汉大词典〔maker〕The maker's label was carefully removed.制造商标签被小心地揭去了。外研社新世纪〔make〕The label on the box said "made in China".盒子上的标签写着“中国制造”。剑桥高阶〔mark〕To attach or affix identification, such as a price tag or maker's label, to.贴上标记:在…上粘贴或附加识别物,如价格标签或生产者的标志美国传统〔match〕Fancy designer labels tend to come with fancy price tags to match.高档的名牌服饰往往都挂配高昂的价格。朗文当代〔mislabel〕To label inaccurately.贴错标签美国传统〔molestation〕He'd been publicly labeled a child molester.他在大家眼中成了一个猥亵儿童犯。柯林斯高阶〔nature trail〕A trail, as through woods or by a seashore, usually with natural features labeled especially for study.自然小径:通过森林或海岸的小经,通常用自然外貌标记,尤指为研究之用美国传统〔origin〕The label tells you the country of origin.标签显示了原产国。牛津搭配〔own label〕People will trade down to own labels which are cheaper.人们会改为购买价格更低的自有品牌。柯林斯高阶〔peel〕Peel off the backing strip and press the label down firmly.撕下背垫条,将标签用力下压。剑桥高阶〔peel〕The label will peel off if you soak it in water.标签浸到水中就会脱落。牛津高阶〔phrase marker〕In generative grammar, a representation in the form of a tree diagram or labeled brackets of the constituent structure of a sentence.短语标记:在生成语法中,用树形图或标记符号来表示一个句子的结构成分的标志美国传统〔pose〕It's the sort of place where people go to pose in their designer labels.这是那种人们都穿着名牌服装招摇过市的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔postage stamp〕A small, usually adhesive label issued by a government and sold in various denominations to be affixed to items of mail as evidence of the payment of postage.邮票:由政府发行并以各种面值出售的通常带有粘性的小标签,用来贴在邮件上以表明邮资已付美国传统〔postage〕The stamps, labels, or printing placed on an item to be mailed as evidence of payment of this charge.邮资已付邮戳:贴于需邮寄物品之上作为已付邮资之证明的邮票、标签或印戳美国传统〔prevent〕Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.在你的手提箱上贴上标签以防弄混。剑桥高阶〔produce〕It says on the label ‘Produce of France’.标签上写着“法国出产”。牛津高阶〔properly〕The boxes were not properly labeled.这些箱子的标签贴错了。韦氏高阶〔provenance〕I don't need to see a label to identify the provenance of a garment that someone is wearing.我不用看商标就能认出别人穿的衣服是哪里制造的。剑桥高阶〔remains〕She tore off the remains of the paper label.她撕去纸标签的残端。英汉大词典〔say〕The label says to take one tablet before meals.标签上说要在饭前服一片。朗文当代〔scrape〕The bottle's label had been scraped away.瓶子上的标签被刮掉了。麦克米伦高阶〔seal〕She filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and pasted on labels.她把容器装满, 用软木塞封口并贴上标签。外研社新世纪〔sign〕The band signed with an independent label.这支乐队与一家独立的唱片公司签了约。韦氏高阶〔skull and crossbones〕A representation of a human skull above two long crossed bones, a symbol of death once used by pirates and now used as a warning label on poisons.骷髅画,骷髅旗:在两根相交的长骨上的人的头盖骨的表示,曾被海盗用来作为死亡的象征,如今被用作有毒物品上的警告性标签美国传统〔soak〕Place the jar in warm water to soak the label off.将罐子放进温水,泡掉标签。牛津搭配〔soak〕Put the bottle in soapy water to soak the label off.把瓶子放到肥皂水里,把商标泡掉。朗文当代〔stick on〕An adhesive for sticking on labels will be provided.我们会提供用来粘贴标签的胶水。外研社新世纪〔sticker〕One that sticks, as a gummed or adhesive label or patch.粘附物:粘着的东西,如涂有胶或粘着剂的标签或纸块美国传统〔stickiness〕The label has lost its stickiness.这个标签已经没有黏性了。外研社新世纪〔stick〕These two labels don't stick very well.这两张标签贴不牢。英汉大词典〔switch〕He was accused of switching price labels on goods in a supermarket.他被指控调换了超市里的商品价格标签。麦克米伦高阶〔tag〕The pundits were still tagging him with that age-old label, 'best of a bad bunch'.专家们仍用多年前的称呼“最好的坏人”来称呼他。外研社新世纪〔tally〕A label, ticket, or piece of metal or wood used for identification or classification, especially in gardens and greenhouses.标志牌:用来识别名称或分类的金属或木制的标签、小条或小块,尤指在花园和暖房里美国传统〔tear〕She tore the label off the suitcase.她扯掉了手提箱上的标签。牛津搭配〔thumb index〕A series of rounded indentations cut into the front edge of a book, each labeled, as with a letter, to indicate a section of the book.拇索引:在书的前部边缘挖出的一系列圆形缺刻,每个缺刻上有一个表明本书的一部分的字母美国传统〔ticket〕An identifying or descriptive tag attached to merchandise; a label.标签,票签:贴在商品上的标明性或描述性的标签;标签美国传统〔tick〕She can tick off the labels of all her clothes.她能一口气说出她所有衣服的商标。英汉大词典〔tie〕I tied a label to my suitcase with my name and address on it.我把一个写着我姓名、地址的标签系在手提箱上。外研社新世纪〔tie〕She tied a label on to the suitcase.她把签条系在衣箱上。牛津高阶〔tie〕Tie this label to your suitcase.把这个标签系在手提箱上。朗文当代〔tiresome〕Checking all the address labels was a tiresome task.核对所有的地址标签是件令人厌烦的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔trademark〕To label (a product) with proprietary identification.打上商标:用专利的标志物标明(一产品)美国传统〔turn around〕He had reached over to turn round a bottle of champagne so that the label didn't show.他伸手把香槟转了一下,这样它的商标就不会露出来。柯林斯高阶〔uninitiated〕The labels can be a bit confusing for the uninitiated.这些标签对缺乏有关知识的人来说可能会有点含混不清。麦克米伦高阶〔unreadable〕The labels were unreadable.标签字迹模糊不清。英汉大词典〔warranty〕Manufacturers void their warranties if the labels have been tampered with.若擅自涂抹标签,厂家不予保修。牛津搭配〔whitewash〕The official report into the cause of the fire was labeled a whitewash.官方对火灾原因的报告被说成是对真相的隐瞒。朗文当代〔wit〕He'd like 'happiness' to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit 'Major affective disorder, pleasant type'.他想给“幸福”一个更为科学的新称谓,准确地说即“愉悦型重度情感障碍”。柯林斯高阶〔worthy〕They thought the feminist label was too worthy.他们觉得女权主义者这个称呼太没新意了。外研社新世纪〔worthy〕They thought the feminist label was too worthy.他们觉得女权主义者这个称谓太抬举她们了。柯林斯高阶〔write〕The price is written on the label.价格写在标签上。朗文当代Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.在你的手提箱上贴上标签以防辨别不清。剑桥国际All the sale items had special labels. 所有减价品都有特殊标签。译典通Apparently, we have to change all the labels on the books during the next week.看来下个星期我们得把书上的标签全都换了。剑桥国际Bidermann sells clothes under various labels, including Yves Saint Laurent for men and Ralph Lauren for women.比得满公司出售各种品牌的服装,包括男士的依威·圣·劳伦特和女士的拉尔夫·劳伦。剑桥国际Each type of material has a colour-coded label.每种物料都贴有色标。牛津商务Foods containing the substance must carry a warning label.含有这种物质的食品必须有警告标记。牛津商务He objects to the label ‘magician’which people often give him.他反对人们称呼他为‘魔术师师’。剑桥国际He only buys famous labels.他只买名牌商品。牛津商务He only wears designer labels.他只穿有设计师标记的衣服。剑桥国际He was labeled as a turncoat. 人们称他为叛徒。译典通He was busy labelling (= putting labels on) all the bottles of wine that he'd made that year.他忙着给那年酿的所有的酒在瓶子上贴上标签。剑桥国际Her favourite designer label (= maker of expensive clothes) is Armani.她最喜欢的品牌是阿尔曼尼。剑桥国际Her new record is on (= recorded by) the Jiffy label.她的新录的唱片名为“瞬间”。剑桥国际I can't afford designer labels/designer label clothes (= clothes marked to show that they were made by a famous designer.) 我买不起有名家设计标志的衣服。剑桥国际I don't need to see a label to identify the provenance of a garment that someone is wearing.我不用看商标就能指出别人穿的衣服的来源。剑桥国际I taped a label on the box. 我用胶布把一个标签黏贴在盒子上。译典通It says on the label it's made of gabardine.标签上写着是用华达呢做的。剑桥国际It says on the label that no preservatives or artificial colourings have been added.标签上说没有添加任何防腐剂和人工色素。剑桥国际It was a new skirt and there weren't any washing instructions on the label.这是条新裙子,标签上没有任何洗涤说明。剑桥国际One of the exam questions was to label all the different parts of the digestive system.考试中有一个问题是标出消化系统的所有不同部分。剑桥国际Peel away/off the backing strip and press the label down firmly.把后面的护纸剥掉然后把标签贴牢。剑桥国际Private labels are usually slightly cheaper than brands.自有商标产品通常比品牌产品稍微便宜些。牛津商务The label on the bottle said ‘sterile until opened’.瓶上的标签写着‘开瓶前无菌’。剑桥国际The label on the bottle says not to take more than six tablets a day.瓶子标签上写着,每日服用不得多于六片。剑桥国际The label on the bottle says the dose is three of the pills with every meal.瓶子上的标签说,用量是每餐3颗药丸。剑桥国际The label on the bottle says“Twist cap to open', but I can't get it off.瓶子上的标签写着“拧开瓶盖”,但我拧不开。剑桥国际The label on the box said ‘Made in China’.盒上的标签写着“中国制造”。剑桥国际The label on this bread says it is guaranteed free of/ from preservatives (= it contains no preservatives).这个面包上的标签说保证不含防腐剂。剑桥国际The boy was labeled a troublemaker. 这男孩被人称作捣蛋鬼。译典通The parcel could not be delivered because the label became detached (= separated) from it in the post.此包裹不能递送,因为标签在邮寄过程中掉了。剑桥国际The pasta is marketed under the supermarket's own label.这种意大利面食以这家超市的商标出售。剑桥国际The plates I bought had stick-on labels on them and they were very difficult to remove.我买的盘子上有粘贴标签,它们很难除去。剑桥国际The system prints out labels for use in packing and shipping.这套系统可以打印用于包装及运输的标签。牛津商务There is a label on the inside of the box. 盒子内侧有个标签。译典通They stamped a skull and crossbones on the labels of poisonous drugs. 他们在毒药标签上打上骷髅图。译典通They tested several types of ice-cream including the store's own label.他们检验了几种冰淇淋,包括这个商店自产的。剑桥国际This coffee is a rich blend (= mixture of different types) of the best beans, it says on the label.标签上写着此咖啡是各种最好的咖啡豆的混和品。剑桥国际This piece of equipment is used to label the bottles.这台设备用于给瓶子贴标签。牛津商务We carefully label each item with the contents and date.我们小心地用标签标明每件商品的成分和日期。牛津商务We muddled up the name labels and chaos ensued.我们弄乱了姓名标签,接着是一场混乱。剑桥国际

