
单词 luridly
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔luridly〕His cousin was soon cursing luridly.他的表哥立刻破口大骂, 让人听了瞠目结舌。外研社新世纪〔luridly〕His cousin was soon cursing luridly.他的表弟立刻用极其难听的脏话大骂起来。柯林斯高阶〔luridly〕It had a high ceiling and a luridly coloured square of carpet on the floor.房间天花板很高,地上铺着一块颜色俗丽的方毯。柯林斯高阶〔luridly〕The press luridly reported his wild parties and feuds with other celebrities.报纸把他的狂欢派对以及他与其他名人之间的不和写得骇人听闻。外研社新世纪〔luridly〕There was a luridly coloured square of carpet on the floor.地板上铺着一块颜色俗丽的方毯。外研社新世纪

