“civil liberties”例句

单词 civil liberties
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACLU〕American Civil Liberties Union.美国公民自由协会美国传统〔REDUCE〕Congress is whittling away at our civil liberties. 国会在逐渐削减我们的公民自由。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕The ability of this software to gather information about individuals through the Web is worrying to civil liberties groups. 这软件具有从网上收集个人资料的功能,这使公民自由权利组织感到担忧。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕The banning of public meetings was held to be a denial of civil liberties. 禁止公众集会被认为是一种剥夺公民自由权的行为。朗文写作活用〔civil liberties〕The introduction of identity cards has been opposed by the campaign for civil liberties.身份证的实行遭到了公民自由运动的反对。剑桥高阶〔civil liberty〕Opponents said the law would threaten civil liberties.反对者说这项法律将对公民自由构成威胁。韦氏高阶〔drop〕The proposal was dropped after opposition from civil liberties groups.遭到公民自由组织的反对后这一提案被放弃了。朗文当代〔graphically〕How quickly civil liberties can be eroded is graphically illustrated by our front-page story.我们的头版新闻报道生动地阐明了公民自由是多么容易受到侵害。外研社新世纪〔infringement〕His detention was an infringement of his civil liberties.将他拘禁侵害了他的公民自由。外研社新世纪〔infringe〕They said that compulsory identity cards would infringe civil liberties.他们说强制办理身分证会侵犯公民的自由。牛津高阶〔restoration〕Protesters called for the full restoration of civil liberties.抗议者要求全面恢复公民自由。牛津搭配〔safeguard〕A system like ours lacks adequate safeguards for civil liberties.我们这样的制度缺乏有效保护公民自由的条款。柯林斯高阶〔stick up for〕He has shown a great deal of courage in sticking up for democracy and civil liberties.他在捍卫民主和公民自由上表现出巨大的勇气。柯林斯高阶〔tide〕Civil liberties groups helped to turn the tide against industrial violence.公民自由团体帮助扭转劳资纠纷引发暴力的潮流。牛津搭配〔unit〕Dr Nussbaum is director of the Civil Liberties Research Unit at King's College, London.努斯鲍姆博士是伦敦国王学院公民自由研究中心的主任。剑桥高阶〔writer〕He is a prominent writer on civil liberties.他是公民自由问题的著名撰稿人。牛津搭配Dr Nussbaum is director of the Civil Liberties Research Unit at King's College, London.纳斯保姆博士是伦敦国王学院公民自由研究组的主任。剑桥国际The article was complaining about the steady erosion of civil liberties in recent times.这文章抱怨当今公民自由正逐步减少。剑桥国际The suggestion to introduce identity cards has been opposed by the campaign for civil liberties.采用身份证的建议遭到支持公民自由的运动的反对。剑桥国际Their continued imprisonment was condemned by civil liberties groups as “blatantly unjust”.他们的持续监禁被公民自由集团谴责为“悍然不公平”。剑桥国际

