
单词 paint
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕Every room in the house was painted white. 这房子里的每一个房间都刷成了白色。朗文写作活用〔BUY〕The painting was bought by a museum in New York. 这幅画被纽约一家博物馆买了。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕I'm looking for a deeper shade of purple to paint the bedroom. 我在找一种更深的紫色来粉刷卧室。朗文写作活用〔COVER〕Before you paint the walls, put some old sheets over the furniture. 刷墙之前用旧床单盖住家具。朗文写作活用〔FALSE〕The painting, believed to be by Renoir, turned out to be a very clever forgery. 这幅被认为是雷诺阿创作的绘画其实是一幅很巧妙的赝品。朗文写作活用〔FEW/NOT MANY〕Only a handful of artists in Britain can make a living from painting. 在英国,只有很少几个画家能以画画为生。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕An unnamed bidder paid $23 million for the painting. 一位没有公开姓名的出价人用2,300万美元买了这幅画。朗文写作活用〔PAINT〕I'm going to paint the bathroom tomorrow. 我打算明天粉刷浴室。朗文写作活用〔PAINT〕The decorators have left their ladders and paints all over the house -- it a real mess. 装潢工人把梯子和油漆罐在房子里放得到处都是—真是一团糟。朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕The exhibition includes a series of studies by Picasso for his painting Guernica. 展览中包括毕加索为了创作《格尔尼卡》而作的一系列试画。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕The painting consists of a series of interlocking forms. 这幅画是由互相扣住的图形组成的。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The painting showed two gates guarded by imposing military figures flourishing swords. 画上有两扇大门,由手挥宝剑的威武的军人把守。朗文写作活用〔aerosol〕A substance, such as paint, a detergent, or an insecticide, packaged under pressure with a gaseous propellant for release as a spray of fine particles.气雾剂:在压力下与气态压缩气体同装一处,以雾状细小微粒形式喷洒的物质,例如颜料、洗涤剂或杀虫剂美国传统〔amiss〕A coat of paint would not come amiss in the bedroom.给卧室刷一层漆会不错。外研社新世纪〔apply〕A new paint is easy to apply on any surface.一种新漆容易涂在任何表面上。英汉大词典〔arrange〕A number of seats have been arranged in front of the painting.在这幅油画前摆了一些座位。柯林斯高阶〔attributable〕Is this painting attributable to van Gogh? 这幅画能不能归为梵谷之作?文馨英汉〔authenticatable〕The art dealer authenticated the painting as an original.画商证实这幅画是真品。21世纪英汉〔authenticate〕Experts authenticated the painting.专家鉴定这幅画为真品。韦氏高阶〔authenticate〕He had purchased a painting in reliance upon the authentication of a well-regarded expert.他买下了一幅经知名专家鉴定过的画。柯林斯高阶〔authenticate〕The painting has been authenticated by experts.这幅画专家鉴定为真迹。朗文当代〔awful〕Who painted the house that awful color? 谁把房子漆成如此难看的颜色?韦氏高阶〔blister〕A raised bubble, as on a painted or laminated surface.浮泡:如漆面或层压的表面的气泡美国传统〔blister〕The sun blistered the paint on the wall.在阳光下墙上的油漆起气泡了。21世纪英汉〔blob〕She applied the paint blob by blob.她一点一点地抹上化妆品。麦克米伦高阶〔brown〕Paint them brown.把它们漆成棕色。外研社新世纪〔brush〕A device consisting of bristles fastened into a handle, used in scrubbing, polishing, or painting.刷子;画笔:把刚毛绑牢在一根手柄上,可作擦洗、上光或绘画之用美国传统〔brush〕Apply the paint with a fine brush.用细画笔涂颜料。牛津高阶〔but〕The work was now complete, but for a final coat of paint.除了最后一层油漆,现在活儿都干完了。麦克米伦高阶〔buy〕We can afford to buy enough paint to do the whole house.我们买得起足够的油漆漆遍整个房子。牛津搭配〔can〕There's a little paint left in the can.桶里还剩下一些油漆。麦克米伦高阶〔ceiling〕The palace is famous for its painted ceilings.这座宫殿以其彩绘天花板而闻名。牛津搭配〔chip off〕They chipped the old paint off from the door.他们将门上的旧漆铲掉。21世纪英汉〔clinical〕The walls were painted a clinical white.墙被漆成朴素的白色。朗文当代〔close〕Bidding for the painting will close on Friday.对这幅画的出价将于星期五截止。朗文当代〔consistency〕The paints vary in consistency.涂料的黏稠度有差异。韦氏高阶〔could do with〕This room could do with a fresh coat of paint.这房间需要新刷一遍漆。韦氏高阶〔counterpoint〕The painting is a pleasant counterpoint to his earlier works.这幅画与他的早期作品相映成趣。韦氏高阶〔crystallize〕Eventually the paint will start to crystallize.最后油漆会开始结晶。韦氏高阶〔decorate ... with〕They decorated the room with green paint and a gold paper.他们用绿色油漆和金色墙纸装饰房间。21世纪英汉〔depth〕The measurement or sense of distance from an observation point, such as linear perspective in painting.距离:从观察点看,对距离的测度或感觉(例如绘画中的线性透视)美国传统〔destroy〕He destroyed the painting.他破坏了那幅画。英汉大词典〔deter〕Painting the metal will deter rust.金属喷漆可以防止生锈。韦氏高阶〔distemper〕The paint used in this process.胶画颜料:在这个过程中用的颜料美国传统〔drab〕The walls were painted a drab green.墙刷成了暗绿色。朗文当代〔effort〕This painting was one of my best efforts.这幅画是我最好的作品之一。韦氏高阶〔encaustic〕The art of painting with this substance.蜡画的:用该物质作画的艺术美国传统〔enter〕He entered a landscape painting in the Exposition.他把一幅风景画送展览会展出。英汉大词典〔expensive〕Buying the wrong paint proved to be an expensive mistake.买错油漆是个代价很大的错误。外研社新世纪〔family〕This painting has been in our family for generations.这幅画是我们家的传家宝。牛津高阶〔fixedly〕She looked [stared] fixedly at the painting.她目不转睛地看著那幅画。文馨英汉〔flake〕The paint is starting to flake off.油漆开始剥落了。外研社新世纪〔former〕I like the former painting better than the latter.我喜欢前一幅画甚于后一幅。文馨英汉〔freshen〕My room needed a lick of paint to freshen it up.我的房间只要刷一点油漆就能焕然一新。柯林斯高阶〔fresh〕The walls were painted in a lovely fresh blue.墙壁被漆成可爱的亮蓝色。麦克米伦高阶〔gleam〕The house was gleaming with fresh white paint.房子刚刷过白漆,显得光洁明亮。牛津高阶〔go〕The painting goes to the highest bidder.这幅画卖给出价最高者。文馨英汉〔grisaille〕A painting or design in this style.灰色装饰画画法:用此种画法画成的画或图案美国传统〔hardener〕One that hardens, especially a substance added to varnish or paint to give it a harder surface or finish.硬化剂:一种尤指加入清漆或涂料使之形成更硬的表面的硬化物质美国传统〔hissy fit〕She threw a hissy fit because her dressing room wasn't painted blue.她发脾气是因为她的梳妆室没有漆成蓝色。牛津高阶〔hook〕He hung the painting on the hook.他把画挂在了钩子上。外研社新世纪〔job〕You've certainly made an excellent job of the kitchen(= for example, painting it).你们把厨房弄得好极了。牛津高阶〔jumble〕There were six wires jumbled up, tied together, all painted black.有6根电线混缠在一起,而且都是黑色的。柯林斯高阶〔lake〕A pigment consisting of organic coloring matter with an inorganic, usually metallic base or carrier, used in dyes, inks, and paints.色淀:一种由有机颜料物质同无机的通常是金属的底基或载体合成的色素沉淀,用于制作染料、墨水和油漆美国传统〔latex〕An emulsion of rubber or plastic globules in water, used in paints, adhesives, and various synthetic rubber products.胶乳:橡胶或塑胶溶于水而制成的乳胶,用于油漆、粘合剂和多种合成橡胶产品美国传统〔match〕It was difficult to get an exact match for the paint.很难找到和这幅画一模一样的画。麦克米伦高阶〔mixed media〕A technique involving the use of two or more artistic media, such as ink and pastel or painting and collage, that are combined in a single composition.混合效应法:使用两种或更多艺术手段的一种技术,如墨水和蜡笔或油画的总拼贴画,被混合用于同一件作品中美国传统〔modernism〕The painting was condemned as the very model of loathsome modernism.那幅画被斥为令人作呕的现代主义美术的典型。文馨英汉〔most〕The landscapes are most beautifully painted in oils.这些景色在油画中显得很美。麦克米伦高阶〔mural〕Painted on or applied to a wall.画在或者挂在墙上的美国传统〔mustard〕Thinly paint the lamb with Dijon mustard.在羊肉上刷上薄薄一层第戎产的芥子酱。柯林斯高阶〔need〕Their house badly needs a coat of paint.非常需要麦克米伦高阶〔nude〕The film mainly consists of M. Piccoli painting Mlle. Beart in the nude.这部电影的大部分内容都是皮寇利先生在为贝阿小姐画裸体像。柯林斯高阶〔off white〕The walls were painted off white.墙漆成了乳白色。剑桥高阶〔organic〕Organic chemicals are used in the manufacture of plastics, fibres, solvents and paints.有机化学物用于生产塑料、纤维、溶剂和油漆。剑桥高阶〔organization〕The organization of the painting is quite remarkable.这幅画的构图很出色。英汉大词典〔original〕Is this an original Rembrandt? (= Was it painted by him?) 这是伦勃朗的原作吗?剑桥高阶〔original〕The original painting is in a museum in Vienna.这幅画的原作收藏在维也纳的一家博物馆里。麦克米伦高阶〔ours〕The original of the painting is ours. If your car doesn't start, take ours.这幅油画的原作是属于我们的。要是你的车开动不了,就用我们的车吧美国传统〔paillette〕A small piece of metal or foil used in painting with enamel.闪光小饰物:一小块金属或金属片,用于在搪瓷上绘画美国传统〔paint up〕They have painted the city up for the celebration.他们为了庆祝会已把该市油漆一新。21世纪英汉〔painted〕Covered or decorated with paint.描绘的,着色的:用画涂盖的或装饰的美国传统〔painting〕I like painting more than sculpture.相比雕塑,我更喜欢绘画。韦氏高阶〔painting〕I'll do some painting this afternoon.今天下午我要画画。牛津搭配〔painting〕The design is based on an original painting by Matisse.这个设计以马蒂斯的一幅原作为基础。牛津搭配〔painting〕The woman in the painting is the artist's mistress.画中的那个女人是画家的情人。牛津搭配〔paint〕Apply paint to the canvas in a series of short strokes.用油彩在画布上连续而短促地涂抹几下。韦氏高阶〔paint〕Much of the original decoration was painted over.大部分原来的装饰图案被新的涂料覆盖了。朗文当代〔paint〕Old paint was chipping off the outside walls.外墙的旧油漆正在剥落。牛津搭配〔paint〕She propped the mirror against her handbag and began to paint her lips.她把镜子靠在手包上支好,开始涂口红。柯林斯高阶〔paint〕Slogans had been painted on the walls.标语涂在墙上。牛津高阶〔paint〕The classroom wall was painted with clouds and rainbows.教室的墙上涂上了云朵和彩虹的图案。韦氏高阶〔paint〕The film tries to paint an accurate picture of what life is really like for these people.电影试图准确地刻画出这些人的真实生活。麦克米伦高阶〔paint〕We painted over the dirty marks on the wall.我们把墙上的脏印子用油漆盖上了。牛津高阶〔peel〕The paint in the hall is beginning to peel.大厅里的油漆开始剥落了。麦克米伦高阶〔perhaps〕He does not paint for very long on any one painting, perhaps for two and a half hours at a time.他每幅画不会画很长时间,一次大概画两个半小时。柯林斯高阶〔picture〕Her book paints a bleak picture of the problems women now face.她的书是女性当下所面临问题的凄凉写照。柯林斯高阶〔picture〕I usually do a few very rough sketches before I start on a painting.我开始作画之前通常会画几幅草图。牛津高阶〔pietà〕A painting or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding and mourning over the dead body of Jesus.圣母怜子图:圣母玛利亚悲痛地抱着耶稣遗体的画或雕刻美国传统〔poor relation〕Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting.不知为什么, 水彩画似乎仍然比不上油画。外研社新世纪〔preferable〕The hazards of the theatre seemed preferable to joining the family paint business.经营剧院的风险似乎比加入家族涂料产业的风险要小一些。外研社新世纪〔priceless〕The painting is priceless.这幅画价值连城。韦氏高阶〔prime〕We sanded and primed the woodwork before painting.在给木制品上漆之前,我们先用砂纸打磨并涂上底色。韦氏高阶〔prime〕You must prime the wood before you paint it.你在给木头涂漆之前应先上底色。英汉大词典〔public〕The painting will be put on public display next week.这幅画将于下周公开展出。牛津高阶〔record〕The painting was sold for £665,000 — a record for the artist.这幅画卖了665,000英镑,是这个艺术家最贵的一幅了。柯林斯高阶〔red〕She had small hands with nails painted bright red.她的手很小,指甲涂成了鲜红色。柯林斯高阶〔representational〕His painting went through both representational and abstract periods.他的绘画经历了具象风格和抽象风格两个阶段。柯林斯高阶〔rosy〕He paints a rosy picture of the American economy.把某物描绘得过于美好麦克米伦高阶〔rosy〕She painted a rosy picture of their life together in Italy(= made it appear to be very good and perhaps better than it really was).她把他们在意大利的共同生活描绘得非常美好。牛津高阶〔rub〕Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting.用砂纸打磨表面,然后再上油漆。牛津高阶〔rub〕She opened the door gently so as not to rub against the wet paint.她小心翼翼地把门打开,生怕蹭上未干的油漆。21世纪英汉〔rugged〕She did a painting of the region's rugged coastline.她以该地区崎岖的海岸线为题材作了一幅画。韦氏高阶〔rust〕Before painting, remove all traces of rust with a wire brush.在刷油漆前,要用钢刷去除所有的锈迹。麦克米伦高阶〔sand〕The surface should be thoroughly sanded down before you apply any paint.在上漆之前应先用砂纸把表面彻底打光。英汉大词典〔scale〕The paint scaleed off the wall.漆从墙上剥落。英汉大词典〔sfumato〕The blurring or softening of sharp outlines in painting by subtle and gradual blending of one tone into another.渲染层次:通过细致地把一个色调调和到另一个色调而使油画中生硬的轮廓变模糊或变柔和美国传统〔shadow〕To darken in a painting or drawing; shade in.画阴影于:使油画或素描变暗;画阴影美国传统〔siccative〕A substance added to paints and some medicines to promote drying; a drier.催干剂:加入颜料及一些药物中用以促进干燥的一种物质;干燥剂美国传统〔sickie〕Broughton took a sickie on Monday to paint his fence.布劳顿周一请了一天病假来粉刷自家的栅栏。外研社新世纪〔side〕The names of ships are usually painted on their sides.船的名字通常漆在船的侧面。剑桥高阶〔sign〕The artist had signed his name in the corner of the painting.画家在画的角落上署了名。朗文当代〔silex〕Finely ground tripoli used as an inert paint filler.硅石:用作惰性颜料填充物的磨得很细的硅石土美国传统〔sketch〕The artist is making sketches for his next painting.画家正为他的下一幅作品画素描。牛津高阶〔slap〕We could slap some paint on it.我们可以在上面刷点漆。朗文当代〔slosh〕Slosh a bit of paint on.倒点油漆上去。朗文当代〔some ... or other〕They found the painting in some antique shop or other.他们在某个古玩店里发现了这幅画。剑桥高阶〔spanking〕A coat of enamel paint will give your bath a spanking new look.涂上一层瓷漆之后,你的浴缸会看上去焕然一新。英汉大词典〔spatter〕The floor was covered with spatters of paint.地板上落满了点点油漆。韦氏高阶〔speck〕He'd been painting the door and there were specks of paint all over the floor.他在给门上漆,弄得地板上到处都是油漆斑点。剑桥高阶〔spray paint〕The youths are taught how to spray paint cars and mend fences.教授年轻人如何给汽车喷漆和修理护栏。柯林斯高阶〔spray〕Someone had sprayed blue paint over his car.有人在他的汽车上喷了蓝色的油漆。朗文当代〔spray〕The paint was applied in a fine spray.这种漆是以细雾形式喷涂的。韦氏高阶〔spread〕This paint spreads easily.这种油漆容易涂开。英汉大词典〔steadily〕It takes a very steady hand and plenty of practice to paint a perfect line.只有手不发抖并多加练习才能画出完美的线条。柯林斯高阶〔sticky〕The paint was still slightly sticky.油漆还有点儿黏。牛津搭配〔still life〕Representation of inanimate objects, such as flowers or fruit, in painting or photography.静物:在绘画或照片中无生命物体的表现形式,如花或水果美国传统〔stipple〕To draw, engrave, or paint in dots or short strokes.点刻法:以点或短线条来绘画或雕刻美国传统〔stroke〕You can see the strokes of the painter's brush throughout the painting.你能看出画家在整个画面中的运笔。韦氏高阶〔studio〕She was in her studio again, painting onto a large canvas.她又回到了画室,在一张大帆布上作画。柯林斯高阶〔style〕He evolved his style of painting while working as a magazine illustrator.他在为杂志绘制插图的过程中形成了自己的画风。牛津搭配〔take〕How long does this paint take to dry? 这种油漆要多久才能干?剑桥高阶〔thing〕Hang on a second-I'll just take off my painting things (= clothes).等一会儿 - 我把刷油漆穿的衣服脱下来。牛津搭配〔too〕When I've finished painting the bathroom, I'm going to do the kitchen too.我油漆完浴室后,还要油漆厨房。牛津高阶〔touch〕Don't let your coat touch the wet paint.你的外衣别蹭着还没有干的油漆。牛津高阶〔to〕Do we have enough paint to be going on with, or should I get some more while I'm out? 继续下去我们的油漆够用吗,我是不是该外出时再买一些?剑桥高阶〔true〕The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.这幅画是名副其实的杰作。牛津高阶〔try〕I have tried painting the young shoots with weed poisoner, but this does not kill them off.我试过在小嫩芽上涂除草剂,但这并没有将它们除净。柯林斯高阶〔turquoise〕The room was painted in turquoise.房间被刷成青绿色。朗文当代〔typical〕The painting is a typical Rembrandt.这幅画具有伦勃朗的特色。外研社新世纪〔undercoat〕A coat of sealing material applied to a surface before the outer coats, as of paint, are applied.内涂层:在上漆或其它涂层之前涂于表面的密封材料美国传统〔underlying〕Cars were covered with clear-coat finish at the factory to protect the underlying paint from fading.工厂给汽车上了透明罩漆,以防底漆褪色。柯林斯高阶〔underneath〕You haven't seen what it looks like underneath all that paint.你还没看到油漆层底下是什么样子呢。英汉大词典〔view〕He's painting the house with a view to selling it.他在粉刷房子,想把它卖掉。牛津高阶〔visual art〕Art work, such as painting, photography, or sculpture, that appeals primarily to the visual sense and typically exists in permanent form.视觉艺术:主要吸引视觉的艺术作品,如绘画、摄影或雕刻,一般以永久形式存在美国传统〔vivid〕The walls had been painted with vivid flowers, dark green trees, a silver blue lake.墙上画着色彩艳丽的花朵, 深绿色树木和灰蓝色湖泊。外研社新世纪〔wall〕On the opposite wall hung a valuable old painting.对面墙上挂着一幅珍贵的古画。麦克米伦高阶〔watercolour〕I prefer painting with watercolours.我更喜欢水彩画。剑桥高阶〔wet〕Wet the brush slightly before putting it in the paint.把刷子弄湿点再去沾油漆。牛津高阶〔wonder〕The restored painting is a wonder to behold.那幅被修复的油画简直是个奇迹,很值得一看。牛津搭配〔work of art〕A product of the fine arts, especially a painting or sculpture.艺术品:精致艺术的产物,尤指画或雕塑美国传统〔worth〕How much is this painting worth? 这幅画值多少钱?牛津高阶〔yourself〕If you're not happy with the paint job, you can repaint the whole thing yourself.如果你不喜欢这个粉刷效果,你可以自己重新再刷一遍。韦氏高阶Painting the ceiling was a tough nut to crack. 油漆天花板是件难事。译典通Paints incorporate with oil. 颜料与油混合在一起。译典通After we'd finished painting the kitchen, we stood back and surveyed our work.我们漆完厨房后朝后退了几步对工作成果审视了一番。剑桥国际Be careful when you paint that fiddly bit in the corner.墙角那里难漆,要仔细。剑桥国际Before painting, fill (in) all the cracks in the plaster.在刷油漆前,先用灰泥填塞所有缝隙。剑桥国际He chipped old paint from the walls. 他将旧的油漆从墙上铲下来。译典通He uses stippling in the painting to give the effect of light shining on the water.他在绘画中用点画来表现光在水面上闪耀的效果。剑桥国际He was busily engaged in painting the furniture. 他忙于油漆家具。译典通Huw wants to paint the living room walls dark red but I'd rather a more neutral colour like cream.哈夫要把起居室的墙壁漆成暗红色的,不过我更喜欢乳白之类的中性色。剑桥国际I accidentally brushed against the wall which had just been painted.我无意中擦到了刚刚油漆过的墙壁上。剑桥国际I came upon the painting quite adventitiously.我非常偶然地看到了这幅画。剑桥国际I chose a paint that was more creamy (=the colour of cream) than white.我挑的漆偏近奶黄,而不是白色。剑桥国际I cricked my neck while I was painting the ceiling.我在漆刷天花板时扭伤了脖子。剑桥国际I got a few flecks of paint on the window when I was painting the frames.我在漆窗框时,在窗户上洒了几点油漆。剑桥国际I thought it was paint at first, but on closer examination I realised it was dried blood.开始我以为是油漆,但仔细一看才发觉是干了的血迹。剑桥国际If we take spells (with) doing the painting, it won't seem like such hard work.如果我们轮流油漆,工作也许会简单多了。剑桥国际It is only quite recently that I started painting. 我只是在最近才开始绘画的。译典通Remember to bring your painting materials when you come.来时别忘了带上画具。剑桥国际She painted her nails a bright red.她把指甲涂成大红色。剑桥国际She painted the window frames with great care so that no paint got onto the glass.她极为小心地漆窗框,不让油漆弄到玻璃上。剑桥国际She's just got a commission to paint Sir Ellis Pike's wife.她受托为埃利斯·派克爵士夫人画像。剑桥国际That is a grotesque painting with two-headed animals with wings. 那是幅风格怪异的画有带翼双头兽的作品。译典通The painting lacks proportion. 这幅画比例失调。译典通The painting was ascribed to an unknown artist. 那幅画被认定系一不出名的画家所作。译典通The house was considerably out of repair and badly in need of painting. 这房子严重失修,急需上油漆。译典通The living room could do with a lick of paint .起居室只要薄薄刷一层漆就够了。剑桥国际The paintwork was so bad that we decided to strip off all the paint and start again.漆工太糟,我们决定铲去所有的油漆重新漆过。剑桥国际The real issue at stake (= to be discussed) is not how much the painting should be sold for but whether it should be sold at all.真正紧要的问题不是这画该卖多少钱而是它到底该不该被出售。剑桥国际The wallpaper and paint match pretty well. 壁纸和油漆的颜色十分协调。译典通There used to be a department of arts containing such specialities as music and painting. 这里曾设有艺术系,含音乐与绘画之类的专业。译典通They had painted the kitchen in bold colours--crimson, purple and blue.他们用艳丽的色彩漆刷了厨房----绯红色、紫红色和蓝色。剑桥国际This painting is widely regarded as the artist's chef d'oeuvre.这幅画被广泛认为是这位艺术家的代表作。剑桥国际This is a freshly painted room. 这是间新漆的房间。译典通To me, this painting seems unrefined. 对我来说,这幅画不够精制。译典通Turner painted many seascapes.特纳画了许多海景。剑桥国际You can pay now or when you come back to pick up the paint.你可以现在付,或者回来取涂料时付。剑桥国际You shouldn't talk so frivolously about his painting -- he obviously takes it very seriously.你不该那么草率敷衍地谈论他的画----他显然是很当真的。剑桥国际

