“a flying visit”例句

单词 a flying visit
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔VISIT〕I'm afraid this is only a flying visit - we have to get to the station by three. 恐怕这次我们只能匆匆到访——我们3点之前要赶到车站。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕We're making a flying visit to Monte Carlo on our way back. 回程时我们将在蒙特卡洛短暂停留。朗文写作活用〔visit〕I'm only here for the weekend – just a flying visit this time.我在这里只是度周末 — 这次逗留时间很短。朗文当代I'm afraid this will have to be a flying visit as we've only got an hour before the train leaves.恐怕这次只能作个闪电式访问了,因为再过一个小时火车就要开了。剑桥国际

