“humble origin”例句

单词 humble origin
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLASS〕Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford were all men of humble origins and no inherited wealth. 艾森豪威尔、尼克松和福特都出身卑微,没有财富可继承。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕Politicians love to talk about their humble origins because they think it will make them popular with voters. 政治家总爱提及他们的卑微出身,因为他们认为这样可以让他们受选民欢迎。朗文写作活用〔butt〕He is still the butt of cruel jokes about his humble origins.他仍然因出身低微而被人无情嘲笑。柯林斯高阶〔butt〕He is still the butt of cruel jokes about his humble origins.他卑微的出身仍然是伤人的笑话中被嘲弄的对象。外研社新世纪〔humble〕He had risen from humble origins to amass immense wealth.他出身卑微,后来积聚了大量的财富。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕He always makes much of his humble origins.他总是非常在意他卑微的出身。牛津高阶〔mean〕Low in social status; of humble origins.社会地位低下的;出身寒微的美国传统〔origin〕Despite his humble origins, Steen went on to become a Member of Parliament.尽管斯蒂恩出身低微,他却成为了一名下院议员。麦克米伦高阶〔origin〕He had risen from humble origins through hard work.他出身卑微,通过努力工作才出人头地。牛津搭配〔origin〕He was of humble origins.他出身卑微。牛津搭配〔origin〕She has risen from humble origins to immense wealth.她出身卑微,终成巨富。牛津高阶〔origin〕She never forgot her humble origins (=low class or social position) .她从未忘记自己卑微的出身。朗文当代〔origin〕The president's family was of humble origins (= they were poor people without a good position in society).总统家庭出身卑微。剑桥高阶〔origin〕Thomas has not forgotten his humble origins.托马斯没有忘记自己卑微的出身。柯林斯高阶〔rise〕Martha had risen from humble origins to immense wealth.玛莎从出身卑微一跃成为巨富。麦克米伦高阶〔rise〕The singer has risen from humble origins to become one of the most successful entertainers of all time.这位出身卑微的歌手成为了历史上最成功的娱乐明星。剑桥高阶〔upstart〕A person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth, power, or importance, especially one made immodest or presumptuous by the change; a parvenu.新贵,暴发户:一个出身低贱的人突然获得财富,权力或重要的位置,尤指此种变化后变得不谦虚或放纵无礼的;暴发户美国传统He flew high though he was of humble origin. 他虽出生低微,却胸怀大志。译典通The president's family was of humble origins (= They were poor people without a good position in society).总统的家庭出身卑微。剑桥国际

