
单词 monopolies
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Trojan horse〕These investment arrangements could be Trojan horses for anti-competitive monopolies.这些投资方案对于反对竞争的垄断企业来说可能是特洛伊木马,后患无穷。朗文当代〔buy〕The food monopolies bought up the small farmers' harvests at depressed prices.食品垄断商以低价大量收购小农场主的农产品。英汉大词典〔divestiture〕Divestitures are used to break up monopolies.强制过户是用来打破垄断的。韦氏高阶〔fight〕Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for.为争取地方垄断权发生了激烈的争斗。牛津搭配〔hidebound〕The economy was hidebound by public spending and private monopolies.经济由于公共开支和私有垄断而变得僵化。柯林斯高阶〔monopoly〕Electricity, gas a nd water were considered to be natural monopolies.电、煤气和水垄断经营过去被认为是理所当然的。牛津高阶〔monopoly〕Electricity, gas, and water were considered to be natural monopolies.电、燃气和水被认为是天然垄断商品。外研社新世纪〔monopoly〕It is the government's intention to break up all monopolies.是政府打算拆分所有的垄断公司。麦克米伦高阶〔monopoly〕It was one of the first new-media companies to take on Latin America's media monopolies.那是首先向拉丁美洲媒体垄断巨头发起挑战的新媒体公司之一。牛津搭配〔monopoly〕Plans were made for monopolies on matches and tobacco.火柴和烟叶的专卖计划制订出来了。英汉大词典〔monopoly〕The government passed laws intended to break up monopolies.政府通过了旨在打破垄断的法律。韦氏高阶〔suppress〕State monopolies had suppressed all forms of economic competition.国家垄断压制了各种形式的经济竞争。麦克米伦高阶Any merger proposal is bound to be investigated by the Monopolies Commission.任何一个合并提案都必须由垄断委员会审查。剑桥国际Electricity, gas and water were considered to be natural monopolies.电力、燃气和供水过去被认为是自然垄断行业。牛津商务No one could compete with these steel monopolies. 没有人能和这些钢铁垄断企业竞争。译典通

