
单词 misunderstand
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RESULT〕The argument arose from a misunderstanding. 争执起于误会。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Terry and Donald think I set them up, but it's all a big misunderstanding. 托里和唐纳德认为是我诬陷了他们,这真是天大的误会。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕What began as a misunderstanding quickly became a deliberate deception on the part of the network. 开始时的误会很快就演变成了网络上的一场故意欺骗了。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕The misunderstanding was nobody's fault and was a classic example of bad communication. 这种误解不能怪任何人,这只是一个典型的沟通不足的例子。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕There seems to have been a misunderstanding. I didn't order steak. 好像搞错了,我没有点牛排。朗文写作活用〔another〕This misunderstanding is yet another example of bad communication (=there have already been several) .这种误会是沟通不畅的又一个例子。朗文当代〔arise〕A conflict arose because of a misunderstanding.冲突的产生是因为一场误会。韦氏高阶〔beginning〕A misunderstanding was the beginning of their quarrel.误会是他们争吵的起因。英汉大词典〔breach〕The misunderstanding had caused a breach between the families.误解造成了家族间的裂痕。韦氏高阶〔card〕We must speak by the card in order to avoid misunderstanding.我们说话必须精确,以免误会。英汉大词典〔clear up〕I'm assuming that the misunderstanding will be cleared up soon.我在想误会会很快消除的。外研社新世纪〔clear〕Obviously the misunderstanding will have to be cleared up.显然这一误解必须得到澄清。麦克米伦高阶〔compliment〕Please don't misunderstand me-I meant it as a compliment.请别误解我的意思 - 我这是赞美之言。牛津搭配〔estrangement〕The misunderstanding had caused a seven-year estrangem ent between them.这场误会使得他们七年互不往来。牛津高阶〔fib〕He described my answer as a fib, but really it was more a case of misunderstanding the question.他说我的回答是个小小的谎言, 但实际上说我误解了问题才更确切。外研社新世纪〔fracture〕A serious misunderstanding fractureed their friendship.一大误会破坏了他们的友谊。英汉大词典〔ghost word〕A word that has come into a language through the perpetuation of a misreading of a manuscript, a typographical error, or a misunderstanding.错别字,误用词:由于误读稿件、印刷错误或错误理解而引入语言中的字美国传统〔hopeful〕I am hopeful this misunderstanding will be rectified very quickly.我相信这个误会将很快得到纠正。柯林斯高阶〔indirect〕Perhaps I was indirectly responsible for the misunderstanding.也许我应为这个误解承担间接责任。朗文当代〔injure〕The misunderstanding injured their friendship.误会损害了他们的友谊。英汉大词典〔malentendu〕A misunderstanding.误解美国传统〔maybe〕Maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding.也许这只是一个很大的误会。朗文当代〔misapprehend〕To apprehend incorrectly; misunderstand.误解:不正确地理解;误解美国传统〔misconceive〕To interpret incorrectly; misunderstand.误解:错误地解释,误解美国传统〔misconstruction〕An inaccurate explanation, interpretation, or report; a misunderstanding.误解:不精确的解释、阐释或报告;误解美国传统〔mishear〕To hear wrongly; misunderstand.误听;误解美国传统〔misknow〕To misunderstand.误解:错误地理解美国传统〔misperceive〕To perceive incorrectly; misunderstand.误解:不正确的理解;误解美国传统〔misunderstanding〕All contracts are translated to avoid any misunderstanding between the companies.所有的合同都经过翻译,以避免公司间发生任何误解。牛津高阶〔misunderstanding〕Her comments reflect a misunderstanding of the basic problem.她的评论反映出对这一基本问题的曲解。韦氏高阶〔misunderstanding〕His comments betrayed a complete misunderstanding of the situation.他的评说暴露出他完全误解了目前的情况。牛津搭配〔misunderstanding〕His ridiculous comments showed a complete misunderstanding of the situation.他荒谬的评论显示他完全误解了形势。剑桥高阶〔misunderstanding〕I am anxious to avoid any possible misunderstanding.我急于避免任何可能的误解。牛津搭配〔misunderstanding〕I shall speak in simple words that there may be no misunderstanding.我将用简单明白的话讲,这样就不会发生误解了。英汉大词典〔misunderstanding〕I think there was some misunderstanding on his part.我觉得他有些误会了。牛津搭配〔misunderstanding〕It was a misunderstanding.那是个误会。外研社新世纪〔misunderstanding〕Somehow a misunderstanding arose.不知怎的产生了误会。牛津搭配〔misunderstanding〕Terry had a little misunderstanding with the police last night.昨晚特里和警察有个小小的误会。朗文当代〔misunderstanding〕The criticism seems to rest on a misunderstanding.这个批评似乎是基于一种误解。外研社新世纪〔misunderstanding〕The instructions are carefully written in order to avoid/prevent misunderstanding.为避免误解,说明书写得很仔细。韦氏高阶〔misunderstanding〕The oversimplification results in the possibility of misunderstanding by the reader.过于简单化有可能使读者产生误解。牛津搭配〔misunderstanding〕There has been some misunderstanding of our publishing aims.关于我们的出版目标存在着某些误解。外研社新世纪〔misunderstanding〕There has been some misunderstanding of our publishing aims.关于我们的出版目的存在着某些误解。柯林斯高阶〔misunderstanding〕There is still a fundamental misunderstanding about the real purpose of this work.对于这项工作的真正目的,仍然存在着严重的误解。牛津高阶〔misunderstanding〕There must be some misunderstanding. I never asked for these chairs to be delivered.一定是搞错了,我从来没有请人送这些椅子。剑桥高阶〔misunderstanding〕There must have been some misunderstanding between them.他们之间肯定有过一些误会。牛津搭配〔misunderstanding〕There must have been some misunderstanding. I didn't order all these books.一定是弄错了,这些书我都没有订过。朗文当代〔misunderstanding〕There was widespread misunderstanding about the aim of the project.关于这项计划的宗旨存在普遍的误解。牛津搭配〔misunderstanding〕They had a misunderstanding, but they've become friendly again recently.他们曾有过争执,不过最近又言归于好了。英汉大词典〔misunderstanding〕This was a minor misunderstanding which could be instantly cleared up.这是立刻可以澄清的小误会。英汉大词典〔misunderstanding〕We had a little misunderstanding over the bill.我们对这个提案的看法有点分歧。牛津高阶〔misunderstanding〕We had a little misunderstanding yesterday.昨天我们发生了小小的争执。麦克米伦高阶〔misunderstanding〕Your comments indicate a serious misunderstanding of the situation.你的意见表明你非常错误地判断了形势。麦克米伦高阶〔misunderstand〕Don't misunderstand me. She's a very nice person when you get to know her.不要误解我的意思。 你了解她后就知道她是个很好的人。朗文当代〔misunderstand〕Don't misunderstand me; I'm only trying to help.别误解我的意思,我只是想帮一点忙。英汉大词典〔misunderstand〕Don't misunderstand me—I am grateful for all you've done.别误解我的意思,我对你所做的一切都很感激。牛津高阶〔misunderstand〕Don't misunderstand me—I'm not criticizing your decision.不要误解我——我没有批评你的决定。韦氏高阶〔misunderstand〕I'm not saying what he did was good, don't misunderstand me.别误会,我并不是说他所做的是好事。柯林斯高阶〔misunderstand〕I'm not saying what he did was good, don't misunderstand me.我不是说他做得对, 别误解我的意思。外研社新世纪〔misunderstand〕If you think that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads, you completely misunderstand the nature of the problem.如果你认为这些交通问题可以通过修更多的路来解决,你就完全曲解了问题的本质。剑桥高阶〔misunderstand〕She expressed herself in clear terms that no one could misunderstand.她表达得很清楚,没有人会误解。韦氏高阶〔misunderstand〕They pretended to misunderstand me.他们假装听错了我的话。21世纪英汉〔plainly〕Speak plainly and no one will misunderstand you.直截了当地说,不要让大家有什么误解。麦克米伦高阶〔pray〕I hope and pray that this is a misunderstanding.我极其希望这是个误会。朗文当代〔prelude〕That first misunderstanding now seemed like a prelude to all the angry arguments which followed.最初的那个误会现在看起来就像是后来所有愤怒争吵的前奏。外研社新世纪〔primary〕His misunderstanding of language was the primary cause of his other problems.他对语言的误解是引起其他问题的主要原因。柯林斯高阶〔relate to〕Their grudge relates back to a misunderstanding that took place years ago.他们的积怨始于多年前的一场误会。韦氏高阶〔resolve〕Any misunderstanding can resolve itselfinto a quarrel.任何误会都能演变成争吵。英汉大词典〔result〕He said the incident was the result of a misunderstanding.他说这个事件是由于误解造成的。麦克米伦高阶〔rise from〕The quarrel between them rose from a misunderstanding.他俩之间的争吵是由于误会而造成的。21世纪英汉〔rumble〕They have allowed the misunderstanding to rumble on.他们听任误解继续带来麻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔sever〕Slight misunderstanding may sever lifelong friends.小小的误会可能导致终身的朋友疏远。英汉大词典〔sorry〕I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.我为产生的误解感到抱歉。麦克米伦高阶〔sort〕I'll be glad to get this misunderstanding sorted out .我很乐意消除这个误解。朗文当代〔stem from sth〕Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.他们的分歧源自误会。剑桥高阶〔straighten〕He misunderstands certain aspects of our plan; I'd like to straighten him out on these.他误解了我们计划的某些方面,我想就这些方面给他讲讲清楚。英汉大词典〔straight〕There's been a misunderstanding and I'd like to put it straight.之前一直存在误解, 我想把它澄清了。外研社新世纪〔there〕I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.我不希望有任何误解。牛津高阶〔unknowing〕He was the unknowing cause of all the misunderstanding.他无意中引起了这一切误会。牛津高阶〔want〕I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.我不希望有任何误解。英汉大词典〔wrong〕Don't get me wrong (= don't misunderstand me) -I'm not asking for special treatment.别误会,我并不是在要求特殊照顾。牛津搭配Don't get me wrong (= Don't misunderstand me and be offended)--there's nothing wrong with your legs--but I prefer you in trousers to dresses.别误会我的意思----你的腿没什么不好----但我觉得你穿裤子比穿裙子更好。剑桥国际He put the dispute down to some misunderstanding. 他把争论归因于某种误会。译典通His anger evaporated as the misunderstanding was explained. 当误解被解释清楚之后,他的怒气消失了。译典通His ridiculous comments were obviously based on a complete misunderstanding of the situation.他那可笑的评论显然是建立在对这一情况完全误解的基础上的。剑桥国际I kissed him on the cheek, exaggeratedly far from his mouth so that no misunderstanding could ever arise.我在他脸颊上亲了一下,远离他的嘴巴,这样不至引起任何误解。剑桥国际The inventor of Esperanto hoped that his artificial language would help reduce misunderstanding between nations.世界语的发明者希望他的人造语言能帮助减少国家之间的误解。剑桥国际The judge said there had been a misunderstanding rather than a calculated deception.法官说这存在误解而非精心策划的诓骗。剑桥国际The whole trouble proceeded from a misunderstanding. 整个麻烦起于误会。译典通Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.他们的争论由误会而起。剑桥国际Their estrangement originated in a misunderstanding. 他们的隔阂是由误会而起。译典通There must be some misunderstanding. I never asked for these chairs to be delivered.这里一定存在着一些误解。我从没要人把这些椅子送走。剑桥国际There was no question of fraudulence--it was just a misunderstanding.没有什么欺诈问题,那只是个误解。剑桥国际This book is open to misunderstanding. 这本书容易引起误解。译典通To suggest that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads is to misunderstand the nature of the problem.建议通过修建更多的路来解决交通问题是对问题本质的误解。剑桥国际We were anxious that there be no misunderstanding. 我们极愿没有误解。译典通

